Help please--need a greysheet St Gaudens quote!

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Help please--need a greysheet St Gaudens quote!

Postby pennypicker » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:36 pm

I'm not a dealor or gold collector, just a silver stacker, but since gold is in a dip I was considering purchasing either a "generic" NGC 63 or 64 St. Gaudens $20 gold piece. I see they are bringing an average of $1800 on ebay with little difference in price between the two grades.

I was wondering if someone could be so nice as to give me a recent greysheet "bid" and "ask" price for a 63 and 64. I would really appreciate it as it will zero me in on what my local coin shop will probably be asking. Plus this information will also give the me buy/sell spread which years ago used to be only $50 and I'm sure is much higher now. Much appreciated, Don :)
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Re: Help please--need a greysheet St Gaudens quote!

Postby christostock » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:23 pm

St G.MS63 - 1640/1700
MS64 - 1670/1730
As of april 19th greysheet with gold spot at $1386.80
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Re: Help please--need a greysheet St Gaudens quote!

Postby pennypicker » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:30 pm

Christostock, thanks a bunch sir. I somewhat surprised the buy/sell spread is just $60. I figured it would be at least $100. But that's good to know as it means gold needs only to go back up $60 for me to absorb the premium.

Thanks again, Don.
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Re: Help please--need a greysheet St Gaudens quote!

Postby christostock » Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:16 am

Keep in mind that grey sheet is not always the real market for these.
Just a reference point.
Heritage fax sheets tell a different story based on spot and demand for product.
Last week one of my local guys had MS64's selling fo $1780 with gold at the quoted price.
That number did not change when gold changed
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Re: Help please--need a greysheet St Gaudens quote!

Postby highroller4321 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:14 am

Greysheet is not very accurate on "common" date St. Gaudens in the "lower" grades.
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