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Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:13 pm
by Copper Catcher
I posted this comment in another thread and it was politely ignored. So let me try this again.

Here are two videos that explain why there is no real shortage of silver available in the world today.

There Is No Silver Shortage

US Mint Sells Out Of Eagles!
The mint running out of Eagles isn't relevant

My question for the group: Do you agree or disagree on this assessment of the situation or not? Please explain why in your answer? THANKS!

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:52 pm
by 68Camaro
Nope, no shortage of sliver...

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:59 pm
by 68Camaro
I haven't yet read the articles but there's no true shortage of silver either, yet. But the silver market is so relatively small that it wouldn't take much more of a demand increase to overwhelm the remaining supply. IMHO.

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:12 pm
by SilverDragon72
68Camaro wrote:Nope, no shortage of sliver...

Nope! Plenty of sliver to be had! :lol: Just find a piece of splintered wood!

I don't know if there is a shortage or not. Some people would speculate that the US Mint or other makers of bullion products are holding out on production, in order to make a greater profit.

I'm not so sure about that, though. I'm sure that we will see a major shortage of SILVER one day....stack it while you still can. :thumbup:

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:18 pm
by Market Harmony
The information isn't really "new" The guy is attacking the work of some market "experts" and then also claims that those who are trying to sell silver are all singing the same song of scarcity and resource depletion.

Is the world going to run out of silver? I don't know or really care. Are there going to be times of supply shortage? Absolutely. The only thing that is going to drive pricing one way or the other is whether supply can meet demand for that particular silver... whether it is paper or physical. If there is perceived to be too much, or too little, of something, then price will adjust. Or, if there is a shift in the demand, whether more or less, price will adjust.

I think too many people get all excited about the wrong things. They add reasons and speculate on trying to answer the "why" of their observations, when they should focus on the present opportunities to capitalize on those observations. One way, you are right or wrong big in the long term, the other you are right and wrong, but not for long, and never for big... the longer and more frequently you do something, the better you get at it.

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:16 pm
by reddirtcoins
Demand and they will get the supply as they see fit.

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 12:07 am
by slickeast
I don't know if there is a shortage but I do have a sliver of silver tucked away.

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 6:21 am
by silverflake
Compared with the number of Federal Reserve Notes floating around, there's a massive shortage of silver. But if you measure silver in mass and the compare it too the number of buyers, well, I don't know if there's a shortage or not. I just know that each time I get my paycheck, 3 ounces disappear from available supply.

And as mentioned in some of the above posts, if just a small percentage of the blind public catch on, then, my friends, you will see the demand outstrip the supply.

Anecdote - I subscribe to a newsletter published by Stansberry and Associates. In their daily blurb they shoot out to subscribers, they include readers letters. There was a guy who wrote in that he has bough 30,000 ounces of silver from a coin/bullion dealer and was told there's a 2-3 month wait. ..." The coin guy asked his wholesale if he was the only guy in that boat. Wholesaler said he had 15 more guys in the same position."

I just don't know. I will continue to stack regardless.

Re: Is there a REAL shortage of SLIVER or not?

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 6:56 am
by beauanderos
silverflake wrote:Compared with the number of Federal Reserve Notes floating around, there's a massive shortage of silver. But if you measure silver in mass and the compare it too the number of buyers, well, I don't know if there's a shortage or not. I just know that each time I get my paycheck, 3 ounces disappear from available supply.

And as mentioned in some of the above posts, if just a small percentage of the blind public catch on, then, my friends, you will see the demand outstrip the supply.

Anecdote - I subscribe to a newsletter published by Stansberry and Associates. In their daily blurb they shoot out to subscribers, they include readers letters. There was a guy who wrote in that he has bough 30,000 ounces of silver from a coin/bullion dealer and was told there's a 2-3 month wait. ..." The coin guy asked his wholesale if he was the only guy in that boat. Wholesaler said he had 15 more guys in the same position."

I just don't know. I will continue to stack regardless.

The only trouble with anecdotes is just that... how do you confirm that report? While I do read Stansberry from time to time, he has a tendency to paint the worst possible picture to sell newsletters, and if it's to his advantage to stir the public to action with tales like these I wouldn't put it past him. Not saying he is embellishing the demand... but who is to know if he is? If indeed, silver depletion is misdirection, then the unlimited availability of money creation by those in favor of suppression will continue as long as they want it to. That is VERY bad for those who favor paper plays to leverage silver gains, but good for stackers.