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PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 8:50 am
by beauanderos
The Antichrist has shown himself. Within the last three months an obscure figure has made his presence known upon Youtube with his proclamations, blasphemous to the ears of the precious metals flock, that silver is not becoming extinct as many have been led to believe. Brother John, for one, repudiates his claims, rallying to cries that this person is an imposter.

While his divisive Youtube views may not have quite the impact upon the silver and gold communities as the assertion propounded by Charles Darwin's revolutionary Theory of Evolution did upon Creationists at that time, his opinions threaten the bedrock of belief that for many supplies a partial foundation for investing in silver.

If silver supply is NOT in jeopardy, as he avers, stating that only 1.56 million tons have been mined throughout history, while as much as a ten thousand times that much remain within the Earth's crust, then one of the orisons that we have offered to the Heaven's has been upon bended knees before false god's.

Many have prayed that eventual above ground silver depletion would spell an end to manipulative price suppression schemes, seemingly in perpetuity, by demonic entities such as JPMorgan and HSBC, backed no doubt in large measure by the will if not the deeds of such satanic forces as The Fed and Central Banks worldwide.

It is here that perception must enter the fray. If precious metals devotees have been laboring under a misconception, it is by many degrees lesser than the delusion of those who still have faith in the dollar. If, and this has yet to be definitively proven, there is no shortage of silver that the Earth can yield, then what at least is true is that there is the perception, and proof of such, that shortages do exist and are manifest about us.

Witness the recent runup in premiums placed upon most forms of silver that accompanied the downdraft in ostensible silver and gold prices, those both having been falsely derived from COMEX machinations. There is a different price for physical metals than there is for paper metals, and shortage or not, this divergence will continue every time demand outstrips supply, disrupting just-in-time inventories, or poorly planned government Mint's ordering of sufficient numbers of planchets.

There IS a shortage of silver, and that shortage is evident in that demand IS outstripping supply. The shortage is due to an insufficient pipeline, the fact that a high percentage of silver is mined as a byproduct to base metals zinc, lead, and copper, and the fact that, even should large deposits of silver someday be discovered, those new mining troves can take as much as a decade to become reliable producing sources.

Continue to stack silver, shortages or not. Continue to stack gold, price manipulations or not. These price crushing disruptions can kill optimism as well as conviction, but they present long-awaited opportunities thought lost to those who are willing to steadfastly dollar cost average into markets that represent lasting value, real money, silver and gold.

Re: Perception

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 9:15 am
by 68Camaro
There is also no "shortage" of energy; within the earth's crust lies an essentially infinite supply, relative to our needs. And only 93,000,000 miles away is a trillion trillions tims that much energy. And yet... the price of energy continues to increase. Why? (That's a rhetorical question - the answer should be obvious, and if it's not then I don't think I can help anyone that can't intutively "get" that.)

Whoever is dumping that crap on the public is either an idiot or a deliberate deceiver. Discernment... discernment, that is the key. This period of low price and misinformation was expected. How long it will go on is the unknown, but this is clearly an even better time to convert FRNs to PM than last year. Are we to complain about that? Really? Are we to worry that next year might be an even better time versus now so we can continue to complain, or should we focus on the opportunity in front of us? That's for each of us to decide, based on our convictions.

Re: Perception

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2013 3:26 pm
by Lemon Thrower
well said camaro.

as for silver, most of the producers have a production price pretty close or above the current spot price. so they lose money by paying to dig it out of the ground. ditto gold although at 1400+ there is a little more of a profit margin.

Re: Perception

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 3:28 am
by scyther
So... who is this anti Christ?

Re: Perception

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 5:08 am
by Lemon Thrower
its only when the u.s. mint can keep up with demand and premium on u.s. mint are equal to generic that this will even be plausible.

Re: Perception

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 7:34 am
by beauanderos
scyther wrote:So... who is this anti Christ?

Re: Perception

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 5:38 pm
by scyther
beauanderos wrote:
scyther wrote:So... who is this anti Christ?

Ok, so basically Ted Butler is a lier and silver is not going to be extinct. That was always kind of obvious to me. Isn't he the one who claims silver will find parity with gold and both will be $5,000 and ounce? Lol no. I'm more hoping to see it go to $50, $60, maybe even $100 for a short while as industrial use increases and mine output decreases. Unfortunately the video kind of destroys that idea too. I had no idea there was so much silver, not just in the ground, but even above ground. Over a million tons? That's... a lot. It shows that, in the long run, silver will have to lose it's value. But I don't know how long that will take. I assume (hope, anyway) that the vast majority of that 45 quintillion ounces is spread very thin or deep and thus not mineable.

I think that rather than looking at the total amount that exists (after all, if we look at the entire universe, it's surely almost infinite... greater than the mass of the sun at least... right?), we should look at annual production and "consumption". Of course I understand that no silver is actually consumed, since it is indeed an element, but supposedly a lot is effectively consumed, so that it is not economically recoverable. So basically subtract consumption from production to see where world supply is going. According to Wikipedia, world silver production is 23,800 tons per year. Anyone know what "consumption" is? That will tell us where supply is going. Of course as the price increases (if it ever does :? ) more will be recoverable, and thus less will be "consumed". So that kind of puts a ceiling on price.

But still, I think the cost of production will prevent it from dropping too dramatically. I hope.

Re: Perception

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:48 pm
by reddirtcoins
Silver and any other metal for that matter is everywhere. Which means, more for MEeeeee! :mrgreen:

Really though, everyone needs real tangible assets and silver, gold, copper fits all of this. The only question is when will you start and will you realize this is not something you sit and watch grow, that is other than the stack. It is really some safety you are building for not only yourself but, for your family. Real wealth is the flexibility to leverage your position and that of your family. It is a responsibility to mentor family and reflect upon them your vision of prosperity for the family tree.

So gather it up. Pay no attention to the price shock but how best you can flow into it for the lowest cost at the time and over time that one coin, few bars, recent flip will grow and grow until you too will have something that will amaze you. Then, do something real and mentor someone.

M2c... :D