Hey all:
I am finally getting serious about getting 90% silver coins. I have been buying here & there for a few years. Usually just in dribs & drabs, $5 FV here, $10 FV there.
Like a junkie, I need larger & larger quantities to get the same effect. $10 FV just ain't going to cut it.
I've been buying from local coins shops. A surprising amount have poor interpersonal skills and prices that are too HIGH! I don't have any problem paying a premium, but $5 over melt? on 90% silver? AIN'T GONNA DO IT.
There are several local coins shops that do have good prices, but one gave me the "stink eye" when I bought $74 face of halves.
The other dealers are clear across town, so I call before I go. They've got silver but only $3 or $5 of face...not worth the trip.
I see these "We buy Gold & Silver" places all over town. I mean HUNDREDS of them. So I was thinking of doing up a single page saying I buy 90% silver coins. I will come a running, and will pay more than the refiners do. I pay cash.
Anybody have any luck with this? I presume they send their coins to a refiner...
I've been contemplating buying a "bag" of coins from Apmex or one of the other big wholesalers...but I think their prices are just a bit high, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I don't want to send somebody $20k and then be waiting for my product for a week or two. I want to "cash & carry".
Any body have any experience or thoughts on this?