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Google hangout?

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:16 pm
by CtrlAltBernanke
So usually after a few beers and half a bottle of Jack Daniels I usually come up with the worst ideas ever which leads me to this post. I have heard seen people on this forum in the past ask about creating a facebook page and the idea has been shot down every time. While I completely agree that there should never be a facebook page, what about doing a google hang out with a handful of us to shoot the [shucks] about issues that come up on this forum. If doesn't even necessarily need to be sanctioned by this website. A few people on here could just participate. Youtube has privacy setting so if you wanted to you can make the link private so nobody could see the video unless a link was posted on here. What is a google hangout? I have an example of the link below. As you will see people are on camera but you definitly don't have to be on camera unless you want to. I do subscribe to a lot of gun channels on youtube and a couple times a week the do a google hangout. ... 904AA1A719

Re: Google hangout?

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:24 pm
by BamaJoe
Not sure I understand that google hangout. Is that live or a video? Anyway, some place for live chat would be interesting when we have some free time to blow.

Re: Google hangout?

PostPosted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:56 pm
by CtrlAltBernanke
BamaJoe wrote:Not sure I understand that google hangout. Is that live or a video? Anyway, some place for live chat would be interesting when we have some free time to blow.

It starts out live but once its concluded then it remains as a video on the youtube channel. I thought it would be interesting to have a new and decades old stacker along with somebody that has a brick and mortar or online retail store, and a couple other people in the mix to make it interesting. Somebody or I could put together an agenda to make things go smoother. There is also a chat box so people can ask questions during the google hangout.