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POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 9:00 am
by Market Harmony
feel free to add comments
EDIT: I added the feature that previous poll submissions can be changed. If you would like to re-vote, to update your sentiment, then please do so. Tell us why, if you'd like.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 9:03 am
by Thogey
I think most RC silver bugs are in denial.
I personally went straight to hope and relief.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 9:49 am
by shinnosuke
Is "we" America or realcenters? The world in general?
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 10:13 am
by rsk1963
Thogey wrote:I personally went straight to hope and relief.
LOL glad to see i'm in the same kinda boat.
i go from denial to hope, almost every week.
lower prices mean of course better scores for cheaper (when they can be had), and that gives me hope. As the saying goes, just stack more.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 10:24 am
by nabzy28
My personal roller coaster cart busted a wheel. I'm permanently stuck on 'optimism' with a side of euphoria as prices of real money, in terms of garbage, become cheaper.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 10:27 am
by AGgressive Metal
When silver broke down from the high people had anxiety. When silver went below $30 people were in denial. Below $24 and people are fearful. I don't see desperation or despondency yet - most silver bugs I know are riding it out and not selling. Maybe those emotions will affect the paper markets more than the stackers and we'll be able to capitalize.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 12:29 pm
by Hawkeye
AGgressive Metal wrote:When silver broke down from the high people had anxiety. When silver went below $30 people were in denial. Below $24 and people are fearful. I don't see desperation or despondency yet - most silver bugs I know are riding it out and not selling. Maybe those emotions will affect the paper markets more than the stackers and we'll be able to capitalize.
Interesting poll. I always enjoy the insight people have here.
I don't know about other people, but, to borrow shinnosuke's line, "I am the black hole of PMs." They come in and they don't go out. I look at PMs as "generational wealth." I have no idea what silver will be worth tomorrow or 10 years from now or 100 years from now in terms of dollars/euros/yen/rubles or beef/wheat/oil. But I do know that it will be worth something. I know that, if I pass my PMs on to the next generation 40-50 years from now, they will have value. There are very few other things about which I can say that. The paper players and people looking to flip their silver are probably a little nervous/fearful now (or maybe looking at this as an opportunity; I have no idea).
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 1:46 pm
by InfleXion
Ever since 2011 my emotion toward the market has not changed, since I realized it is not a real market. I'm just happy I can buy on the cheap, and I consider $50/oz cheap. The fundamentals will eventually win. Thankfully I have another 30 years before I retire so I can wait it out. Fiat currency rarely lasts more than 40 years and we are already beyond that, so chances of it going another 30 seem pretty slim. Right now we are just witnessing the last ditch efforts of a failed endeavor to extend its longevity. I won't be shaken out. So you could put my vote down for "steeled".
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 2:21 pm
by johnbrickner
When you said "we" I thought you ment humanity as a whole. In denial, or so our governments are acting like. None dare tell us where we are really at as it would start the process they are trying to prevent. And for the record, I'm right there with shinnosuke and Hawkeye. It, so far, is only going one way cuz we ain't seen nothin' yet.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 2:42 pm
by shinnosuke
I thought about it and chose denial due to the existence of such strong normalcy bias. That label applies to the US/World in general. No thinking person could look at the conditions that currently exist and say "all is well" or getting better. The chart shows fairly equal spacing between labels "denial" to "hope." If we move past our current stage, the timeframes could be rapidly collapsed until conditions start to improve, which could take longer, but then that probably depends on who is large and in charge.
The chart's purpose is to point out the maximum financial opportunities/risks. Precious metals are not there yet in either extreme.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu May 16, 2013 6:35 pm
by SilverDragon72
I chose Denial, simply because most Americans believe that the stock market will just continue to go higher and higher without any repercussions.
Denial of the status of what our country really trouble!
Sadly, most people will not wake up.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Fri May 17, 2013 8:53 pm
by Country
When SILVER broke $24, I have to say I was in a state of fear. In the last few days, I have moved past capitulation (which I will not do) to DESPONDENCY. Sadness, and the possibility that my years of accumulation are about to see another long dry spell for PMs, while equities reach well beyond their cyclical bear of 2001-2012. If that is to be, I will be truly sad as I may not be here on earth, subject to God's will and plans as always, at that time to see PMs triumphant finally.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Fri May 17, 2013 11:30 pm
by shinnosuke
Country wrote:When SILVER broke $24, I have to say I was in a state of fear. In the last few days, I have moved past capitulation (which I will not do) to DESPONDENCY. Sadness, and the possibility that my years of accumulation are about to see another long dry spell for PMs, while equities reach well beyond their cyclical bear of 2001-2012. If that is to be, I will be truly sad as I may not be here on earth, subject to God's will and plans as always, at that time to see PMs triumphant finally.
Country, you have always been a good member here and a great example to us all. It hurts to see you sad about current conditions. Things will work out, you can bet on it. We are still alive, and as long as we are alive, there is hope. We have, besides our lives, knowledge of things as they really are. We are not the idiotic subjects of Youtube videos screaming about how good life is because we got an Obamaphone.
Frank Marshall Davis
Bill Ayers
Trillions in bank bailouts
Fast & Furious
Drones in America
National Defense Authorization Act of 2012
Associated Press phone records
IRS bullying
EPA nonsense
HHS bullying
DHS buying all the bullets in the universe
Acorn voters going into 47 polling places
Lies about political opponents
Jeremiah Wright
Van Jones
Communist parents and grandparents
And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiments as a way to explain their frustrations" - Barack Obama
See? We have brains and the power of discernment to not be fooled, to not be lulled into becoming gentle sheep just chomping away at the grass. Knowledge is power.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Sat May 18, 2013 12:52 am
by Rosco
Optimism is not on the choice list
I am here at this point and we will continue to prepare
a young 75 We will Pass it on to our three Sons
Country Keep the Faith
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Sat May 18, 2013 5:22 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
All you have to do is read the posts here at RealCent and you see all the emotions within the chart.
I will not even try to pretend to understand what is going on with the price of PM's. I am going to stick with PM's and land. I see "BUY" signs in every chart. It's when the "street" has given up hope you find the best opportunity to buy.
I wish land would drop like PM's did. Good Agricultural land has actually out-performed PM's in the last decade as a means of retaining wealth.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Mon May 20, 2013 10:34 pm
by rainsonme
I'm with Rosco: optimism. This is a long term plan, not a 1 or 2 year plan. Gold and silver are PROBABLY going lower; I will buy more. I am still buying when I can find it. I am still very optimistic about the value of PM's in 5 to 7 years. In the near term, the dollar will be the strongest currency around, and that is bad for gold and silver priced in dollars. I am no less optimistic today than I was a year ago.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:40 pm
by Market Harmony
Not too bad of a voting turnout... Are there any more votes/voters?
I like the comments, and I like the different viewpoints. Some people think about their emotions first and then find them on the chart, while others look at a price chart first and compare that to the market emotion chart... 2 different approaches. Some people are thinking long term, and some on the short term. There is something to be learned from all perspectives. Thanks!
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:56 am
by tedandcam
I must be in denial because I have no idea where we are this chart
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:14 pm
by Country
Anybody despondent yet, besides me ?
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:16 pm
by rsk1963
Country wrote:Anybody despondent yet, besides me ?
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:20 pm
by Thogey
Country wrote:Anybody despondent yet, besides me ?
I'm excited.
It's fun to buy silver again.
Shake them trees!
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:04 pm
by Computer Jones
I chose "Fear" because I may not be walking the earth to see the fruits of my stacking.
I would rather have had the choice of "Optimistic", because I'm sure my progeny will.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:36 pm
by adagirl
rainsonme wrote:I'm with Rosco: optimism. This is a long term plan, not a 1 or 2 year plan. Gold and silver are PROBABLY going lower; I will buy more. I am still buying when I can find it. I am still very optimistic about the value of PM's in 5 to 7 years. In the near term, the dollar will be the strongest currency around, and that is bad for gold and silver priced in dollars. I am no less optimistic today than I was a year ago.
OPTIMISTIC. In the short term, prices may dip significantly lower (or not) but it doesn't matter. The manipulators are trying to scare people out of their physical holdings. Only sell if you absolutely must to meet an immediate need. If prices dip further, I will just buy more. The fundamentals for PMs remain intact.
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:29 am
by Market Harmony
Gold under $1300 and Silver under $20 today. Things look bad. PRICES CAN DROP PRECIPITOUSLY FROM HERE. We are making FRESH, NEW lows... that's NOT good. People WILL panic. People WILL be squeezed from positions. What is coming is a final shakeout and it WILL be ugly. Mentally prepare yourself for this. Envision it. You WILL feel sick at that time... in fact, despondent, depressed, and you will think that you want to end the pain and capitulate your holdings. You will ask yourself, "how could I have been so wrong?" THAT IS WHEN... THAT IS WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAN FOR... do not consider what is happening right now, nor what happened yesterday, or the days before... instead, envision the particular future time and PREDETERMINE YOUR ACTIONS... How will you take advantage of your "point of maximum financial opportunity?" Will you flouder? flip-flop? hesitate? Or, will you stand firm and say to yourself, "this is my plan, and I planned to succeed, and I am going to execute the plan"
The time to plan is NOW. Do it. Just do it. Figure out what you will buy, how much will you buy, how you will buy it, how will you manage the position after you have it...
Re: POLL: Where are we on this chart?
Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:51 am
by shinnosuke
Thanks, MH, for that awesome post. Gives me strength. I'm looking forward to owning more real money.