Thogey wrote:Can someone explain this:
The demand for PMs as wealth preservation is global. Japan has pretty much announced their plan to reflate the yen.
There are what? 300 million Japanese, Wouldn't you think more than a few of them are interested in buying a little gold for a hedge against inflation.
Why would that demand not trump the dollar rally against the yen as far as gold and silver prices go?
There are 128 million Japanese. They are told to, and for the most part do, believe what their leaders tell them. Let's see...I can make a play on words like the English sheeple.
hito = person
hitsuji = sheep
hitsujito = sheeple in Japanese. All rights reserved. Copyright 2013.
Case in point, the last time my wife went home to visit her parents, I sent her with a roll of Franklin halves. Her parents received them with amused puzzlement. What is our crazy American son-in-law thinking about now? When I spoke to them on the phone during my wife's visit, they offered the obligatory "thanks" at which the Japanese excel so much. I said, "Hang on to them in case something happens," hoping that they'd say, "Something happens? Like what?" which I could use a springboard to get them to think about converting some of their cash into metals. They didn't bite. So they will suffer when the yen rockets into hyper-inflation and I have told my wife that I am prepared for her parents to come live with us...when the time comes.
Look at this zerohedge page that they copied from the Japanese Ministry of Finance's website. ... disciplineThat's some good insight into the mentality.
Gold is very expensive now in Japan because of the recent debasement of the yen. That makes it harder for the average Taro & Akiko to wade into the market.