Syria will NOT end well.

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Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:47 am

NOW...this is all getting VERY worrisome...i'm going to post an article, and two youtube reports....this is very troubling, so much so, we could be talking about ww3

Reports: Russian fighter jets headed to Syria, which asks for more ... ?hpt=hp_c2

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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby Hawkeye » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:18 am

I don't watch the news, so maybe I'm missing something. But why are we even involved in Syria? To the best of my understanding, on one side, you have a fairly mild, secular dictator and on the other side, you have militant Muslims. I don't see how picking a side (either side) is really going to help us in any way. What am I missing?
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:10 am

Hawkeye wrote:I don't watch the news, so maybe I'm missing something. But why are we even involved in Syria? To the best of my understanding, on one side, you have a fairly mild, secular dictator and on the other side, you have militant Muslims. I don't see how picking a side (either side) is really going to help us in any way. What am I missing?

to distill it all down, and i'm going to attempt to....because I agree with you, finding the "truth". or who is who, and what is what...and the "WHY" a nightmare, its like peeling layers away from an endless onion, layer after layer you go....and your NO closer to the truth, but let me attempt.

at the heart of this, is the US Dollars status as "world reserve currency" in relationship to the trade of crude oil. The minute the dollar is NOT world reserve currency in relation to global energy trade, its OVER for us.

which also explains the why, as to the slamming of the PM futures markets....ANYTHING, that threatens the PRIMACY of the dollar?....gets crushed.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby blackrabbit » Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:00 am

Why hasn't John Mccain been arrested for supporting Jihadi terrorists on memorial day? He should have been hit by a drone or Gitmo's by now!
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby SilverDragon72 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:51 pm

blackrabbit wrote:Why hasn't John Mccain been arrested for supporting Jihadi terrorists on memorial day? He should have been hit by a drone or Gitmo's by now!

I know! What is up with that?
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:50 pm

blackrabbit wrote:Why hasn't John Mccain been arrested for supporting Jihadi terrorists on memorial day? He should have been hit by a drone or Gitmo's by now!

that's a "tell" RIGHT THERE how truly corrupt, and crazed with greed, the WHOLE "SYSTEM" has become, whether they be the 535 in the Congress....the Legislature is BOUGHT by the 30,000 lobbyists wandering DC....that's criminal behavior......the Courts have proven how crazed THEY"VE become, the Executive has and is TOTALLY out of hand, but the REAL POWER backing the Executive...NO MATTER the "political party".....(the whole "Republican versus Democrat" is just a big SHOW) the POWER backing the Executive, is a loosely tight "ring" of power/influence centers, chiefly Defense and Intel 'tribes', Financial institutions, the "too large to fail" variety, and a wide array of "Bigs"....Big Oil.....Big Pharma...Big Food....they're all NYSE listed, but they're global, which means, no longer do they view themselves "American"...and that means their only focus is the global bottom line. Hey, I love bottom lines, business IS to profit, but hwats going to happen is this, remember how you read about the people of some dirt poor 3rd Third country getting kicked around by some dictator, usually a general?.....and you'd think , "Whew, Thank God I live in America, there's opportunity here, we have the Constitution, we're a land of Law, and Justice, and Freedom...NO man is above the Law...We're America, we're different!...We're Free!", we and/or our kids are going to learn whats it like to be those 3rd worlder's.

McCain's a HUGE "tell"......look at the terrible things he said about Rand Paul, after the filibuster Rand orchestrated, which was calling these men out:
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby SoFa » Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:04 pm

So if you really believe WWIII has begun you're probably making plans already.
Are you gonna turn in your nickel and copper when they call for it? What if they need some silver for those missiles?
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby ZenOps » Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:12 pm

I wonder how many would turn in their metals if the government needed them for war.

It was just assumed back in WWI-II that every american would be willing to live with things like subpar airconditioners (because of copper needed for munitions) made with inferior metals.

If your government asked you nicely to give them your silver, nickel and copper would you give it willingly? If giving up your gold meant that Los Angeles would not be nuked, would you do it?
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:28 pm

If you watched the above exchange, MCCain is not some "monster", but he DID unzip himself....he said he is a "Reagan Republican-Peace Thru Strength".

you see?....."Peace Thru Strength"....code language, "Dollar stays as world reserve currency...or else".

little word of caution here, if you see or hear guys on the internet, blogsphere, making calls for "armed revolution", they are either fools, and/or provocateurs.....stay away from them, we're at the "ganhdi" stage now, meaning people got to chain themselves to buildings, get their azzes kicked. jailed, maybe killed....if only to show the great mass of Americans ...HOW BAD things have got.

WE, regular Americans are not rabble rousers....our idea of life, is a good job, nice family, nice house, mow our lawns, laugh with our friends, be good people, vote, hold doors open for women, the sight of some guys "taking on" the 82nd Airborne wont play good with what Nixon called "The Silent Majority"...I guarantee 90% of the guys in the 82nd are SERIOUS about their obligation to Defend the Constitution, and their OATH to that idea.....however, in a "democratic society" an "order" IS lawful, the words, "democratic society" IS the glue that holds that together, so far as troopers from say, the 82nd, viewing ANY order as "lawful" is like a reflex action, YOU DO IT, otherwise you are INSUBORDINATE....and that word, "insubordinate" is something NO military professional will countenance, BUT...........

if soldiers suddenly realize that the society is NO LONGER "democratic"...the ball is in their court, which is why the "Gandhi" phase must happen....these brave souls are the LIVING ILLUSTATIONS of how a tyranny "does business"....once a critical mass is achieved, and the true face of tyranny is unmasked.

i'm not doing a "Gandhi"....not becoz i'm a p@ssy, but because we're "not there" yet...the sad truth is, we gotta get absolutely crushed as a people, before the great mass of our countrymen wake up. Lets be honest, we're still too fat to play long as we dither and muck about with "Black Fridays", tearing at each other for electric toys made by poor 3rd worlders...forget it....just stack, lay low.....these whole thing is a decades long mystery...or it might be months...who knows?

history moves along, where it goes, and you realize how small we all are as individuals........and then one day , a spark...then history goes...there....or it goes here.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:33 pm

SoFa wrote:So if you really believe WWIII has begun you're probably making plans already.
Are you gonna turn in your nickel and copper when they call for it? What if they need some silver for those missiles?

I believe that Jesus is Messiah, crucified, risen on the Third Day, and now sits at the Right Hand of God. He is my Rock, the Refuge that I hide IN. I am IN this world, I am not OF this world, therefore any worldly "belief's" hold no currency with me personally now....and as far as any "metals", I don't have any, they're gone.

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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:36 pm

ZenOps wrote:I wonder how many would turn in their metals if the government needed them for war.

It was just assumed back in WWI-II that every american would be willing to live with things like subpar airconditioners (because of copper needed for munitions) made with inferior metals.

If your government asked you nicely to give them your silver, nickel and copper would you give it willingly? If giving up your gold meant that Los Angeles would not be nuked, would you do it?

allow me to ask you a question; do you trust any institution?.......AT ALL?

i'm sure you recognize trust has fled the land.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby Engineer » Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:33 pm

ZenOps wrote:If your government asked you nicely to give them your silver, nickel and copper would you give it willingly? If giving up your gold meant that Los Angeles would not be nuked, would you do it?

A good nuking would improve Los Angeles.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby scyther » Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:47 pm

Of course you should never trust the government or assume the best of it, but I don't think they'll necessarily come after copper and nickel coins. They'll take what the banks have by force, probably, but I don't think hoarding base metal coins is common enough for them to worth messing with it.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby mbailey1234 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:02 am

Syria scares the hell out of me. I don't believe there were much in the line of WMD's when we invaded Iraq but if there was and we didn't find them where do you think they ended up? A big "what if" but even at 5% odds you've got a MAJOR problem if some of those weapons landed in the wrong hands.

As far as them blowing each other up, I guess we can't stop that so let nature run it's course. It's really sad to watch but we don't need another Afghanistan war on our hands. How could we possibly go in there and resolve anything at this point? A worthwhile humanitarian mission would be great but we are only interested in political agenda's. We will have to face our own music soon enough so let's just be thankful the battle isn't on our doorsteps (yet).
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:06 am

mbailey1234 wrote: you've got a MAJOR problem if some of those weapons landed in the wrong hands.

We've been putting weapons into the hands of Al Queda for some time. Those shoulder fired heat seekers in Benghazi are a good example.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby TheJonasCollegeFund » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:24 am

#1.........wrong place for this.
#2.........Politics as usual. The EU ended their arms embargo for the rebels in a meeting many miles from the action. The US needed to 1-up them by sending someone in person instead of piece of paper or news release.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby JJM » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:24 pm

TheJonasCollegeFund wrote:#1.........wrong place for this.

Amen to this. If I want to freak out to the news, there are any number of sites I can go visit. I'd rather threads such as this one, the Boston Marathon thread, etc. were not allowed in the PM section(s). There are more appropriate sections of this site for that type of commentary.

I think Luke 21: 25-28 sums it up pretty well Neil. I won't type it all out, if anyone wants to read it they can find it pretty easily. This line, from there, is a real ZINGER though.... "Men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the power of the heavens will be shaken." Good news follows however!
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby Thogey » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:41 pm

It's always the freakin end of the world.

If the end of the world didn't end after WWII why do you think it's over now?

Desert storm was the end of the world. New Years 2000 was the end of the world.

Trust the book, you won't see the end coming.

I like JJM's post.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby Thogey » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:53 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
blackrabbit wrote:Why hasn't John Mccain been arrested for supporting Jihadi terrorists on memorial day? He should have been hit by a drone or Gitmo's by now!

that's a "tell" RIGHT THERE how truly corrupt, and crazed with greed, the WHOLE "SYSTEM" has become, whether they be the 535 in the Congress....the Legislature is BOUGHT by the 30,000 lobbyists wandering DC....that's criminal behavior......the Courts have proven how crazed THEY"VE become, the Executive has and is TOTALLY out of hand, but the REAL POWER backing the Executive...NO MATTER the "political party".....(the whole "Republican versus Democrat" is just a big SHOW) the POWER backing the Executive, is a loosely tight "ring" of power/influence centers, chiefly Defense and Intel 'tribes', Financial institutions, the "too large to fail" variety, and a wide array of "Bigs"....Big Oil.....Big Pharma...Big Food....they're all NYSE listed, but they're global, which means, no longer do they view themselves "American"...and that means their only focus is the global bottom line. Hey, I love bottom lines, business IS to profit, but hwats going to happen is this, remember how you read about the people of some dirt poor 3rd Third country getting kicked around by some dictator, usually a general?.....and you'd think , "Whew, Thank God I live in America, there's opportunity here, we have the Constitution, we're a land of Law, and Justice, and Freedom...NO man is above the Law...We're America, we're different!...We're Free!", we and/or our kids are going to learn whats it like to be those 3rd worlder's.

McCain's a HUGE "tell"......look at the terrible things he said about Rand Paul, after the filibuster Rand orchestrated, which was calling these men out:

McCain is such a twitchy career politician.

As an Arizonian I apologize. I will vote for whoever runs against him.
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby Thogey » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:53 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
blackrabbit wrote:Why hasn't John Mccain been arrested for supporting Jihadi terrorists on memorial day? He should have been hit by a drone or Gitmo's by now!

that's a "tell" RIGHT THERE how truly corrupt, and crazed with greed, the WHOLE "SYSTEM" has become, whether they be the 535 in the Congress....the Legislature is BOUGHT by the 30,000 lobbyists wandering DC....that's criminal behavior......the Courts have proven how crazed THEY"VE become, the Executive has and is TOTALLY out of hand, but the REAL POWER backing the Executive...NO MATTER the "political party".....(the whole "Republican versus Democrat" is just a big SHOW) the POWER backing the Executive, is a loosely tight "ring" of power/influence centers, chiefly Defense and Intel 'tribes', Financial institutions, the "too large to fail" variety, and a wide array of "Bigs"....Big Oil.....Big Pharma...Big Food....they're all NYSE listed, but they're global, which means, no longer do they view themselves "American"...and that means their only focus is the global bottom line. Hey, I love bottom lines, business IS to profit, but hwats going to happen is this, remember how you read about the people of some dirt poor 3rd Third country getting kicked around by some dictator, usually a general?.....and you'd think , "Whew, Thank God I live in America, there's opportunity here, we have the Constitution, we're a land of Law, and Justice, and Freedom...NO man is above the Law...We're America, we're different!...We're Free!", we and/or our kids are going to learn whats it like to be those 3rd worlder's.

McCain's a HUGE "tell"......look at the terrible things he said about Rand Paul, after the filibuster Rand orchestrated, which was calling these men out:

McCain is such a twitchy career politician.

As an Arizonian I apologize. I will vote for whoever runs against him.
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby beauanderos » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:13 pm

I'm thinking that our perception is a product of our environment, meaning in this instance the amount of media and social input we are exposed to, whether it be positive or negative. For young stackers, all they seem to focus on is glitter and possibly fantasizing about eventual wealth, because they had enough foresight to predict the failure of fiat and take protective measures. How many teenagers and twenties spend much time dwelling on world events and their potential implications?

Late twenties and early thirties are busy raising families and are imbued by the hopes and dreams they have for their children. Their time, energies, and most likely most of their disposable income is consumed by their growing families, so they for the most part are not naive or in denial... they are merely not focused upon world events.

Forties? Early Fifties? Paying bills, getting college tuitions under control, salting away for "retirement" (hah :sick: :roll:). These folks are being squeezed out of the middle class and doing all they can just to keep their heads above water.

I think it's only if you find yourself in mid-fifties or above, with your saving/investing well in hand... that you have the time or emotional energy to spend it upon endless musing of "what if's" etcetera. Lack of positive influences in your life (isolation, distance from families, fractured relationships) limits the amount of hope and joy thus present and can cause your attention to focus nearly exclusively upon doom and gloom scenarios... and that can build upon itself until it becomes nearly all-consuming. Does age (wisdom?) lead to cynicism? I think it can if you find yourself cut off from wellsprings of optimism.

My vote is for these threads to be included within a new category heading of World Events under Business and Economic news (Bad News, The End of The World as we Know it, The Mayans Were Right, etc). Then, at least you wouldn't get sideswiped when you're just wanting to talk coins and metals values. And if you did want to gnash your teeth and wail, you'd know just the right place to head to. :shifty:
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:17 pm

beauanderos wrote:.

My vote is for these threads to be included within a new category heading of World Events under Business and Economic news (Bad News, The End of The World as we Know it, The Mayans Were Right, etc). Then, at least you wouldn't get sideswiped when you're just wanting to talk coins and metals values. And if you did want to gnash your teeth and wail, you'd know just the right place to head to. :shifty:

Ray...i'm sorry OB.....I usually hang out in "Silver", and the way I see it, everything that happens, globally, will impact PM prices, and/or trade.

and most of the guys, hang out in Silver too....I didn't think it would be out of line, if I put this in here...but IF IT IS....yeh, lets do a new category. I know there's a "poli-sci" cat down below, but I hardly ever read it myself. when I come here, I just usually head to "silver".

Ray, the OP?....the guy that did those youtubes?.....out of ALL the alt-media we have now, I like HIS voice the BEST...his mind...this person is a LEADER...or part of a braintrust.

But those types of "bright shining lights"?....I worry for them.....and frankly I worry IMMENSELY about the course we're on. If I had ANY 'kick" left to me, I would want to organize a Constitutional Convention....obviously one of the planks/areas of policy discussion would be "national currency". another would be handing out indictments, largely symbolic, to those who have subverted and perverted the Constitution. The starting point for a Constitutional "Complaint" would have to start with American participation in the "united nations", and the National Security Act of 1947.

there would be "Trojan horses" thrown in, talking violent foolishness and mayhem, and THIS would be the basis for which the whole thing would result in arrests or worse for the organizers.

one suggestion I like to forward is that all coinage, AT LEAST go back to 45% silver...which would include a One Dollar, Five Dollar and Ten Dollar Coin.

so that would mean a dime would be .035 toz, a quarter would be .09 toz, a Halve .18 toz......the $1, 5, 10...I don't know.

of course this would never happen....the die has been cast.......AT BEST? .....hard times await...AT WORST?.....nuclear immolation.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby InfleXion » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:54 pm

Life is what you make it.
Silver: the Rodney Dangerfield of precious metals.

If it's printed on a piece of paper it's worth the paper it's printed on.
If it's a digital asset it's worth the electrons in cyberspace.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby ZenOps » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:49 pm

Bernanke said it best, Gold is useful for protecting against really bad outcomes, or "tail risk".

Everyone knows that means war. You can't have a serious discussion about gold without talking about war sooner or later.

Silver is nicer in that respect, noone really goes to war over silver (at least not in the last millenia) Oil and gas is in many ways more important.
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Re: Syria will NOT end well.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:52 am

ZenOps wrote:Bernanke said it best, Gold is useful for protecting against really bad outcomes, or "tail risk".

Everyone knows that means war. You can't have a serious discussion about gold without talking about war sooner or later.

Silver is nicer in that respect, noone really goes to war over silver (at least not in the last millenia) Oil and gas is in many ways more important.

I like that....."Silver is nicer in that respect, noone really goes to war over silver"....its TRUE, come to think of it.....good point.

well heck, i'm hunkered down in this hobbit hole, Bag Sting next to middle Alfred E. Neuman so eloquently stated, "what me, worry?"

in fact, if you want to see what my neck of the woods looks, here's a clip from a film that was shot not too far down the road.....I love this Land.....and I too have drove my mower down many a dirt road yonder.....God protect you all.

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