68Camaro wrote:Not exactly sure what you're suggesting.
BTW - I'm not falling on my sword on the above prediction of Dow high, because yes they could prop it to16 or 17k etc. if nothing else crashes first.
However, lets give some thought to what "unlimited" really means. While I've been guilty of hyperbole in use of that word myself, I don't literally mean it, and they do have limits. There powers are incredibly larger than that of an individual or even a single corporation, but far from unlimited. They can try to stop a run and/or influence direction, and manipulate perception, but if they miscalculated or a larger event out of their control shows up (a world war, for example) theydo not have enough resources to recorrect. Even if they could print enough money to seem to deal with that immediate issue their very act of doing that would create a different major issue.
To me, what unlimited truly means is:
- As long as the citizenry is willing to choose debt based money over sound money
- As long as the physical market is not squeezed sufficiently to either default the exchanges or else necessitate high enough prices in metals to end dollar dominance.
- As long as China is willing to own our Treasury bonds
- As long as China is willing to allow us to retain world reserve currency status and not undermine us with their already existant bilateral agreements
- As long as China is not seeking a gold based currency
- As long as the debt saturation level of the Fed's money printing does not go beyond the event horizon (this may have already happened being on a time delay)