Re: Payback

Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:50 pm
by John_doe
wonder if he picked through them first? that is a whole lot of fun he is missing out on.
big time payback.

Re: Payback

Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:17 am
by JobIII
This story is so depressing and if it weren't for the death involved in the accident i'd say the retired doctor is being an A** whole.
This is an awful story and probably one of the worst things a parent with children fears could happen when their children get into another parent's car.
I thought the money had to go back to the insurance company, so I was like awesome job sticking it to those pencil pushing blood sucking stiffs. But it's not, and to do this to friends seems wrong. The Mother that was driving was NOT at fault for this accident, and everyone in that car has a right to some of that insurance money. So why be such a jerk to your friends, who probably were also suffering from this tragedy.