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Is the Silver Bull Over?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:47 am
by beauanderos

Re: Is the Silver Bull Over?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:57 am
by neilgin1

interesting....a year from now, we'll regard this 'calm' period as the last chance to get on board the Stacker Train...mark my words.

I know words are cheap, but when we look back, and remember a day, when we could take ..say, $200 and buy $10 face of 90% silver US coinage, we will scratch our heads, and think, "WHY? ...didn't I buy EVERYHTING I could lay my hands on?"

Keeping YOUR mantra of "strong hands/weak hands" prominent in my thinking...yes, I could borrow to buy, but that would make me a "weak hand", tenuously clinging to my stack. Instead, during this period of RELATIVE calm (before the storm) I MUST pay down debt, with this fiat, so that I CAN be a strong hand holder...insulated as best as I can, from the buffets and storms of mad men, these psychopaths, we call "leaders" .

You lads all have a GREAT weekend...may your coals glow hot, and your malted beverages stay cold, neil

Re: Is the Silver Bull Over?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:26 pm
by johnbrickner
Watch and wait for the trend (short and long-term). Keep some FRNs in reserve for buying dips, good deals and emergencies. Sort and stack other metals/coins when the time isn't right and make it a regular hobby/habit. Keep in touch with the like-minded individuals to get their take on any given important situation and stay aware.

In way better times my father would say "plan for the best, but make allowances for the worst to happen". I've turned it around and say "plan for the worst but make allowances for the best to happen". All in? To me, that's for those who play Texas Hold'em. I'll take the risk to bet a few cattle maybe a half the herd, but won't bet the farm.

It's a jungle out there,

(edited for grammar and spelling mistake)