68Camaro wrote:Maybe I'm drawing too fine a line (because I have done and will continue to do the second of these things I'm about to present) but there are: 1) people that push this to the point of offensive (I hope I'm never that), and there are 2) people that will sometimes test the waters for items that they really aren't dying to buy at the offered price (even at a good price) but would be willing to take at a lesser price. Sometimes if an item hasn't sold quickly and for me it falls into the second group, I might make an offer at a price that works for me.
And I do that too... but I'll tell the seller right up front that they should wait for a better offer... because they would REALLY have to tempt me to get me to spend money, for instance, on gold when I'd rather be buying silver. There's two different classes of sellers as well. 1) people like Chris who go out and dig up deals (doing all of us a favor) at current pricing levels and then marking those lots up minimally to exact a quick turnover and small profit. That's his business model, and if you try to dicker (unless he's inviting offers on larger amounts) then you take all the incentive out of the deal for him. Chris should be called Walmartostock, because he's out there securing the absolute lowest rockbottom pricing he can find, and then passing along those bargains to other members.
2) Buyers who have bought and held for a long time, and who may have a sizable profit in the item they're wishing to sell. Those individuals might be more willing to accept offers that met them halfway. If they counteroffer, you know they fit in that second category.