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Sprott on gold collusion between Central & Comm'l Banks

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:31 pm
by 68Camaro
Recent article by Sprott documents his thesis that Central Banks are low on physical gold, and colluded with commercial banks to drive down the price of paper gold in an attempt to cover overall economic failures. ... sprott.pdf

Re: Sprott on gold collusion between Central & Comm'l Banks

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:05 pm
by shinnosuke
Just sort more...

Re: Sprott on gold collusion between Central & Comm'l Banks

PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:23 pm
by schockergd
I've said this from day #1

Re: Sprott on gold collusion between Central & Comm'l Banks

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:03 am
by neilgin1
68Camaro wrote:Recent article by Sprott documents his thesis that Central Banks are low on physical gold, and colluded with commercial banks to drive down the price of paper gold in an attempt to cover overall economic failures. ... sprott.pdf


the sad thing is, there is not ONE institution, I grew up trusting, that I trust anymore.

trust is a currency this is so hard to garner, and so easy to lose....and I keep asking myself...WHY?

This country has been blessed with so much, in all ways, and how can we arrive at this day? this?

and its not only the "fault" of tptb, the body politic itself, the average, us, them....its like everybodies gone to sleep, though the population of this forum does seem to be awake, as to the day we are at.

the questions I pose, are unanswerable, I guess.....its just history in all its sad repetition.

Re: Sprott on gold collusion between Central & Comm'l Banks

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:01 pm
by InfleXion
You can ignore reality, but you can't always ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

One of the best things about metals is that you don't have to trust them (notwithstanding fakes) since the trust is built in to their intrinsic properties; fungible, divisible, durable, portable, element=irreproducible. They are self regulating and self policing because the boundaries are built into their nature.

The establishment has been fighting nature for a long time, and won a decisive battle in 1971, but the longer it takes the pendulum to swing back toward equilibrium the more it will overcorrect. That's why it needs to be a longhaul play to win, but as Sprott has pointed out there are not many options left to keep free market forces at bay, and we are starting to see some signs of that giving way.