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Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:35 pm
by J_Dodge
Been looking for these for a while, finally got to the right person at one of the area banks,
who was willing to order some for me, but minimum order was two bags. Ok......will ponder

The lady then went on to tell me they had a $500 bag in the vault at one of the branch offices -
thought about it overnight - called this morning - I'll take it.

Got to the bank at noon - my worse fears were met - would have like to have seen a
sealed bag - instead I got one of cloth, and not even tied/sealed,etc. Looked inside, looks
to be be all '70s and later clad copper Kennedy's. I dug around in it once I got to the car,
pulled out several handfuls - 20-30 coins at a time, all of which were clad.

Not overly optimistic at this point....



Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:16 pm
by 68Camaro
It appears to me to be very locally specific. You'll see several people here with extreme "luck" at frequent finds -for whatever reason their area circulates their coin differently, and their local people aren't yet wise to the potential. For me in my area, the area has been hit hard by prior searchers well before I ever got started. Out of 10+ boxes in several attempts at several different banks, I have yet to find a box that hasn't already been searched. The sealed-from-the-armored-company boxes have rolls that have already been slit and the coins topped off with clad. Every one of them. The few halves I've gotten have been from customer returned coins where the tellers (true more often than not, from my experience) didn't realize that 65-70 were 40%.

But your area might be different. Give it a bit of time. Good luck.

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:45 am
by Bigsarge
I have pretty much given up on halves. 68Camaro pretty much nailed it, as for the reasons. It was on and off for me for awhile, some boxes were like a treasure and some were all clad with red, blue and green X's and edges of every color. It was when I went about 20 boxes and I came away with nothing more than 2 %40, that I said enough.

To be honest though, I did just order 2 boxes from my bank for Monday. First one's in about 5 months. Guess you really never get rid of the bug...

Anyways, good luck in your endeavors

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:35 am
by Computer Jones
If you don't look for 'em, you never find 'em.

I'm on a 40+ skunk streak and have not seen any silver in Boxes OR Bags (so far) this year.

I keep asking, especially when I go to a new area.
Yesterday, I found 2 '64's and 6 40%'s in $260 worth of customer rolls.
I would have bought any boxes or bags they had, just to be sure.

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:42 am
by gubni
I had a bad that looked bad. The first half of the bag was all clad and when I got to the bottom I found several silvers.

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:40 pm
by Computer Jones
I just got done $310 of Factory sealed String Wrapped coins.
Nada, Skunkaroni City:(

But at least I know there wasn't a 1918 Walker hiding in there.

I'm gonna keep on looking, bags boxes, whatever!

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:32 pm
by J_Dodge
My fears were well founded. Went thru the bag last night - oldest was 1971, newest 2002 - all Kennedy's. Not
a silver of any flavor among them. :( :(

Hit 2 of my area banks this morning, dumped a $150 worth of them. Will dump more at my credit union (my normal dump)
in the morning.

Customer rolls aren't a option. None of the banks/credit unions, etc in this part of the country (Midwest) will take
them (I've asked) - everything must go thru a counter.

I will have to broach the 2 box minimum w/ SWMBO - see what her thoughts are. If we strike out then, I suspect I'll just
focus on pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Happy Hunting


Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:10 pm
by everything
Gotta do it weekly, I did two boxes weekly for two years and wound up with about 35 oz. found. I had quit doing it once or twice during those two year but started back up again because .. the last boxes always had a little extra something to get me back into it. My 2nd to the last box had 10 oz. of 40%, and the last box had 1 lonely walker in it, just the walker itself would have been on average, ordinarily .. a great find. Kind of an unbelievable story, but true, I had my best day searching .. the day I quit. I would pickup on Friday, and dump on Saturday, all you need is an extra $2,000 sitting around doing nothing. Neat part was finding oodles of marked coins.

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:25 pm
by Computer Jones
J_Dodge wrote:My fears were well founded. Went thru the bag last night - oldest was 1971, newest 2002 - all Kennedy's. Not
a silver of any flavor among them. :( :(

Hit 2 of my area banks this morning, dumped a $150 worth of them. Will dump more at my credit union (my normal dump)
in the morning.

Customer rolls aren't a option. None of the banks/credit unions, etc in this part of the country (Midwest) will take
them (I've asked) - everything must go thru a counter.

I will have to broach the 2 box minimum w/ SWMBO - see what her thoughts are. If we strike out then, I suspect I'll just
focus on pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Happy Hunting


Keep on Looking!
(HMMM, that phrase reminds me of an R. Crumb poster from the '60's)

I'm able to pacify SWMBO by showing her my dump pile and loudly proclaiming, "I'm going to deposit this $1.5 THOUSAND in the bank, is that OK?"
Of course I'll take 1K out tomorrow to keep playing, but I do like to reinforce I'm putting (funny) money back in the bank.

It is always nice to display the finds and announce how much capital has been gained gained for such a small investment.
Also, I like to purchase AG trinkets (earnings, chains and bracelets) to let SWMBO display them (that looks so nice on you!!) and remind her this is the stuff these trinkets are made from (that I find for such a small cost).

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:53 pm
by J_Dodge
Was at my employers credit union this afternoon - was dumping some of the half dollars and dimes.

The counter locked about 1/3rd thru the count (I had dumped in $50 of the Kennedys) - a bag was full. One of
the tellers comes out to change it. What I saw was very interesting.....

The full bag was half dollars. Someone(s) else is searching them as well, which makes more sense as to the
condition of the bag I got from the bank.


Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:26 am
by dirty fingers
Halves can be tricky. I just got $131 from a partial filled bag, with the promise that I would not bring them back :) Found a 64 and 2 65's. Got a 68 last week, from another branch, that a teller pulled from the part filled bag. I know 2 branches that have told me they have half searchers dumping (customer counters in lobby), so I also dump there, but do not buy bags from there. I have found smaller banks are usually much better at getting silver. The largest seem to be sucked dry. Boxes certainly are a crap shoot. Many will get you a couple 40% if lucky, many will also be pure bust. It is that one 'true' silver mine box that everyone is hunting for. Just wish one of those boxes would fall into my lap 8-)


Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:01 am
by J_Dodge
Added insult to injury.....

I've been slowly dumping the clad. Last night, I got thru the last of them - I've been stacking them in stacks of $10 ($5.00), which I then bag in quanities of $50-75 for my dump bank. The bag was 4 halves short....<sigh>


Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:32 am
by fasteddy
yeah man all these things will happen while bag prepared to lose some halves due to miscount, plenty of searchers out there no doubt you have seen some of the different marks, I have logged over 140 different searcher marks. Wait till you hit a bag that is loaded with tokens and you really lose some money. Keep searching the silver will come or maybe won't know for a while.

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:18 pm
by baggerman
J_Dodge wrote:Added insult to injury.....

I've been slowly dumping the clad. Last night, I got thru the last of them - I've been stacking them in stacks of $10 ($5.00), which I then bag in quanities of $50-75 for my dump bank. The bag was 4 halves short....<sigh>


This was why I stopped sorting halves. Seemed like a regular occurrence that I got shorted.

Re: Bag of half dollars

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:59 am
by 300Braveheart
The big banks are sure dry. My wife was a teller at Wells Fargo for a year and only ever found one silver coin, a cull Barber quarter.