Manipulation Here to Stay?
Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:27 am
by beauanderos have to say I agree with this guy... however, there is no better alternative to a dying dollar so I'll keep converting ALL my discretionary income into metals.
Re: Manipulation Here to Stay?
Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:37 am
by 68Camaro
It's here to stay until the futures markets crash. Stack on, that might not be that far away.
Re: Manipulation Here to Stay?
Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:30 pm
by Morsecode
Doesn't really require a pretty chart, now does it...
"The popularity of gold and silver, at their core, are reactions among some investors to the mind-boggling levels of debt being created by the federal government. In effect, silver and gold investors are simply betting that government’s status-quo deficit spending will at some point result in disaster.
A vote “for” precious metals is a vote “against” the competence of our government and the currency our government mandates we use."