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If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:41 am
by beauanderos I think maybe I found out what JFF's been up to? :o :lol:

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 11:29 am
by InfleXion
The first sentence was enough to get my goat. Still calling gold a bubble, part of the lie that gold and silver are commodities and nothing more that the shills love to parrot. Nevermind that they were first irreproduceable elements unlike other non-metal commodities, and that they were money long before markets came and usurped their definition further.

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:08 pm
by TwoPenniesEarned
Most of what he's saying is true. Gold is in a bear market, it doesn't provide cashflow, it has indeed dropped a whole hell of a lot from its $1,900 high, etc.

It is obvious from his article, saying you need to pay to store it, etc. that he is not a gold bug and is treating it like a "trade". It has indeed been a bad trade.

One of these days, with the whole world attempting to day trade their way to prosperity by riding various momentum trades, the whole market will come off the rails. I think it will be caused by the fact that everyone now relies on algorithms that will attempt to sell at pre-prescribed "stop loss" points, combined with HFT.

If you don't have faith in electronic day trading and are wary of HFT, and worry about the counterparty risk inherent in the whole system, then gold is a great insurance policy. Right now that insurance policy is on sale.

One of these days this moron and a whole bunch of other day traders will begin flooding into the gold trade, and none of them will receive anything but an IOU written by a bankrupt shell.

Let's stop complaining about the bleating of the sheep. It's in their nature.

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:23 pm
by beauanderos
TwoPenniesEarned wrote:Most of what he's saying is true. Gold is in a bear market, it doesn't provide cashflow, it has indeed dropped a whole hell of a lot from its $1,900 high, etc.

It is obvious from his article, saying you need to pay to store it, etc. that he is not a gold bug and is treating it like a "trade". It has indeed been a bad trade.

One of these days, with the whole world attempting to day trade their way to prosperity by riding various momentum trades, the whole market will come off the rails. I think it will be caused by the fact that everyone now relies on algorithms that will attempt to sell at pre-prescribed "stop loss" points, combined with HFT.

If you don't have faith in electronic day trading and are wary of HFT, and worry about the counterparty risk inherent in the whole system, then gold is a great insurance policy. Right now that insurance policy is on sale.

One of these days this moron and a whole bunch of other day traders will begin flooding into the gold trade, and none of them will receive anything but an IOU written by a bankrupt shell.

Let's stop complaining about the bleating of the sheep. It's in their nature.

I'm not complaining... I was just offering this up as an example of how "they" use propaganda to brainwash a gullible public. Quasi-accurate data interpreted with their spin, no wonder sentiment is low. In order to retain stalwart strong hands in this climate, you need a doughty attitude to fend off the incessant bleating. :sick:

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:32 pm
by Rodebaugh
False: Gold does not provide cash flow.
True: Gold does provide cash flow. Lease, anyone?

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:23 pm
by Morsecode
Rodebaugh wrote:False: Gold does not provide cash flow.
True: Gold does provide cash flow. Lease, anyone?

Yes, that. Plus...what's all this 'storage fee' nonsense? In any commentary decrying PM's as an investment, the writer always mentions storage as a negative.

How difficult is it really to hide a roll or two of gold eagles in your sock drawer :?

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:22 pm
by scyther
Morsecode wrote:
Rodebaugh wrote:False: Gold does not provide cash flow.
True: Gold does provide cash flow. Lease, anyone?

Yes, that. Plus...what's all this 'storage fee' nonsense? In any commentary decrying PM's as an investment, the writer always mentions storage as a negative.

How difficult is it really to hide a roll or two of gold eagles in your sock drawer :?

Seriously... I can see why a lot of people would want to store it somewhere more "secure" (whether it actually is more secure or not) but they always assume everyone will...

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:53 pm
by Frank t
mines is mines and your gonna have to take it. :lol:

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 5:13 pm
by InfleXion
Nothing is 100% secure. Keep em guessing. Don't put your trust where it hasn't been earned.

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:04 pm
by Treetop
I like the part where he lists what he believes is driving the price, one of them GREED> LOL. Like ANY tradable item, there are speculators, no doubt there. I wonder if the price has been driven by the greed of those who want metals for whatever reason or a global society that inflates its way to prosperity by living beyond its means. To the point we need constant growth for the economy to be "healthy". Now a decent chunk of the entire economy is supported by this false unsustainable paradigm. All from a society that thinks it deserves more then it can actually afford. Wait what was the topic? metals owners are greedy? :roll:

Re: If this doesn't piss you off...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:40 am
by DoctorMetal
I think the writer of the article bashing gold has a vested interest in promoting gold-oriented short ETFs. There are about 17 gold ETFs traded in the USA (see: ... /gold-etf/), and the "traders" in this world tend to be volatility traders looking for a quick buck. There are similar people in the stacker community, called "flippers" and one would think this article and the trader community might look upon them favorably, but instead they continue to denigrate a straw man stereotype they call "gold bugs" who are presumably driven by greed and euphoria. Reading this article and the landscape also reveals our stacker enemies seem to be driven by an antipathy against TV commercials promoting gold and silver physical holdings. For example, witness (on any liberal or progressive blog) the vile hatred spilled out toward William Devane (the spokesman for Rosland Gold). I don't remember having much more than a momentary questionable episode of puzzlement when I first encountered the (comic book) picture of Scrooge McDuck swimming in his pool of gold coins. But nowadays, there are all sorts of made-up evil stereotypes about silver bugs and gold bugs; e.g., Charles Montgomery Burns on the Simpsons. There is a certain prejudice against hoarding (of any kind) in almost every culture, but the extent of evil demonization toward stackers is perhaps only beginning.