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My first 90%!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:21 pm
by Common Cents
Hi folks. Had to share my latest find with the realcent community!

I've been searching through every coin that's passed through my hands over the last six years or so, and never found a single 90% coin. The best I've manged has been a handful of 40% halves that I've gotten from the relatively few amount of halves that I occasionally pick up at banks. I usually put most of my efforts into penny sorting, so the halves are more of a rarity for me. Anyways, today I went to my local bank to pick up some pennies, and on a whim I decided to inquire about halves. The teller says she has plenty and proceeds to pull out 10 CWR rolls. I only had enough $ to buy two of them. So I get home and open the rolls, and am quite pleased to find one 40% half in each roll. Being quite stoked, I grabbed another 80 bucks and headed back to the bank for the remaining rolls. Ten more 40% halves and one beautiful, shiny 1964 half were the result!

I think I'm going to make a concerted effort to start asking for halves more regularly after this bonanza. :D

From today's melt prices:
12 X 40% = 52.32
1 X 90$ = 10.67
Total- 62.99

Not too shabby!

Good luck to everyone in their searches.

Re: My first 90%!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:33 pm
by Country
Congrats! :D

May the SILVER QUEEN pay you another visit soon! :mrgreen:

Re: My first 90%!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:55 pm
by tbram88
Great day, I'm still waiting to find even 1 40% although I haven't sorted halves for very long This post motivates me do do more.

Congrats on a outstanding find.


Re: My first 90%!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:59 pm
by silverguy0001
Grats. I haven't found any yet :( I did get a 1964 dime in my change at a Starbucks last month. I was happy. They paid me that day :)

Re: My first 90%!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:54 pm
by Pennysaved
Congrats. It is definitely addicting once you found your 1st 90%; you may be going to every local bank asking for halves now :-)

Re: My first 90%!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:01 pm
by geewhzz
nice find! my only time finding 90% was when I was at the mall walking around and decided to checkout Tilt Arcade after reading a post here saying "if you're bored on a Saturday plug the change machine with bills" so I did that. After putting in $9 I found a 90% silver quarter. I was ecstatic about it for the next week and kept it on me as my "lucky quarter"