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1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:38 pm
by mtldealer
I found this kennedy half the other night... I thought it was Silver but it didn't sound right. I tested it with XRF and it shows up as 10% Silver. Has anyone seen anything like this?

1974 Half Front.jpg
1974 Half Front.jpg (20.13 KiB) Viewed 702 times

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:39 pm
by bman
is it plated?

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:09 pm
by Engineer
It's probably silver that rubbed off other coins.

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:42 pm
by hirbonzig
Maybe the Philadelphia Mint was striking 10% silver coins for another country in 1974 that were half dollar sized and a mix-up happened.

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:55 pm
by OtusLotus
I don't really know how that machine works, but did you try testing different parts of the coin? The other side? washing the coin with a little soap and water?

Test it again on another 1974 half? weigh the coin to see if it weighs 11.5 grams...

If yes, yes, yes, yes, and no.. then I would send it to be graded!

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:30 pm
by hobo finds
This site has a 10% silver plated one mentioned. The guy Hobo is not me not sure if this is what you have.... ... ar.164678/

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:57 pm
by mtldealer
I added a picture of the weight... I guess someone could have silver plated it?

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 4:54 pm
by LooseChange
So I'm getting that it weighs less than a clad half at minting, so I can say the weight reduction could be accounted for with circulation wear, got it.
I can about 50% believe the plating story as that is a good bit of Silver to cover the surface, so that might come out to 10%.

**But what is the kicker for me, is how a clad coin can go from almost 92% Copper and 8% Nickel to 68% and 20% respectively. Was Nickel added, was Copper removed? This seems strange to me.

Lets say the clad composition stayed the same, minor wear, and there was no Silver on the XRF. (68/88)*11.26= 8.7 grams Copper and that would leave 2.56 grams Nickel. This from a coin that started off with 10.3 grams of Copper, and less than a gram of Nickel? Huh? If it is the same size as a half dollar, use your calipers, then there is really some explaining to do. Most of the Nickel was on the surface, why is there more now than what we started with? 20.5% of 11.26 grams is 2.3 grams, funky stuff.

My short answer: It's fake :o

My farfetched long answer: Copper was removed from the center and then replaced with Nickel from the surface. The surface Nickel that was removed and put into the center of the coin was replaced by the new surface Silver/Nickel alloy giving the outward appearance similar to that of a 40% half and it accounts for the increase in Nickel composition. :thumbup: :clap:
I really like the first theory though of another country coin being minted and this getting mixed in by "accident".

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:12 pm
by creshka46
The reader is probably only picking up the signature from the top of the coin. The clad coins are 91.6 copper and 8.3 nickel, but they are made by sandwiching 2/3 parts pure copper between 1/6 part CuNi (75:25 same as nickels) on either side. So the surface of the coin should read 75% copper, 25% nickel. Given the 10% allocated to silver, the percentages should be 67.5% and 22.5%.

This actually makes sense the more I think about it. If the reader is picking up only the surface of the coin, that explains the copper and nickel percentages as well as the extremely high silver percentage. So the silver only makes up 10% of the very top layer of the coin which is only a small fraction of the total coin weight.

So I'd say you have a silver plated coin there with probably less than 0.1g of silver.

Just MHO :)

Re: 1974 Half Dollar 10% Silver ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:24 pm
by LooseChange
Changed my mind.....I think creshka's answer makes much more sense than mine, especially since it answers the copper/nickel conundrum I had.

I'll up my "thinking its plated" to 90.3% sure (as that is the composition of the coin that is NOT silver) ;)