Bill Holters China Theory
Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:50 am
by 68Camaro
I dont have time to post the link now or extract but maybe Ray or another that read the Miles Franklin newsletter can do that here before tonight. But Holter has a truly striking and seemingly very plausible explanation for the past 10 years of action, involving China dumping a billion oz of silver reserves to convert them into gold - taking the bulk of the western gold while manipulating the price of both. He thinks that game must be about at end with China at checkmate to the west.
Re: Bill Holters China Theory
Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:18 pm
by silverstacker
Great read. This portion intrigues me:
I believe that the “call” will come on 2 separate fronts for silver. One with the 10 yr. leases expiring and China calling those which will coincide with massive contracts standing for delivery on the COMEX for a double whammy. Will they get all of their silver back? No, but they have stockpiled gold in much more numerous “dollar” figures than their silver could have ever been worth. Enter Russia and the Saudis who for sure will (Russia) and probably will (the Saudis) begin to price oil in currencies other than dollars. This will cut the legs of demand out from under the dollar…simultaneously with a call on silver …at a time where gold reserves have been depleted. Can you say “re set?”