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Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:56 pm
by Copper Catcher
Now here is a topic that should get some interest...
The chatter on the net seems to be increasing that outright bullion confiscation might be the end game right before we slip into a one world currency as outlined on the graph on page four of this IMF document: say you? How will you protect your purchasing power if the dollar continues to decline?
If you have not looked at the latest video from the National Inflation Association you should!
Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:04 pm
by TXBullion
where is this chatter coming from? Also is there a reference to bullion confiscation in the document or just a rumor somewhere else. Please clarify and let me know if Im missing it. I see the part on the chart you reference of a global currency
Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:34 pm
by cesariojpn
All I see is alot of tinfoil hat conspiracies.
Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:19 pm
by silverguy0001
Copy an paste what you are specifically referring to.
The Nazis confiscated bullion; it was illegal to own gold in the US prior to the failure of Brenton-Wood, so it really isn't a surprise. History doesn't lie; It's been done before.
Whether you submit, and turn in your bullion is another discussion. Only YOU can decide if you're going to comply. If you keep your bullion in a bank then..... well that's your fault. If it comes to this, find a good place only you will remember, and bury it.
Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:59 pm
by AGgressive Metal
I didn't see anything in the IMF paper about bullion confiscation, but I stopped reading and started skimming for key words after about page 10.
I don't think its at all likely in the US - the bullion is too spread out and owned by too few. It would not be worth the effort. Imagine the talk radio rants a gold confiscation order would produce! Lol
Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:48 pm
by winchester333
I think people should refrain from posting things like this that have no facts to back it up. All you're doing is drawing UNWANTED ATTENTION to yourself by fanning non-existant flames.
Oh, I almost forgot...thanks for wasting my time with the IMF link that says nothing about PM confiscation.
Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:53 pm
by Thogey
winchester333 wrote:I think people should refrain from posting things like this that have no facts to back it up. All you're doing is drawing UNWANTED ATTENTION to yourself by fanning non-existant flames.
Oh, I almost forgot...thanks for wasting my time with the IMF link that says nothing about PM confiscation.
Why should he refrain? The original document is posted, it's sourced.
We are smart enough to draw our own opinions. I couldn't see anything about confiscation either, are there some code words or political lingo in there that point to that?
Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:10 pm
by Copper Catcher
The IMF Document did not state there would be gold confiscation...sorry if everyone thought I implyed that howerver it does clearly state the end result of a one world currency
I would suggest going to Google and typing in Bullion or Gold Confiscation and reading the various views... I was asking for peoples opinions and how will you protect your purchasing power if the dollar continues to decline?
I'm sure in 1933 everyone would have said you were crazy that the government might make it illegal to hoard gold coins....
Executive Order 6102 is an Executive Order signed on April 5, 1933, by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates" by U.S. citizens. 31, 1974, with Executive Order 11825, President Gerald Ford repealed the Executive Order that Roosevelt used to call in gold in 1933.
Last passed
National Emergencies Act Emergency Economic Powers Act ... Powers_ActAgain, I am surprised at the aggression over the question: BULLION CONFISCATION?
Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:27 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Copper Catcher wrote:The IMF Document did not state there would be gold confiscation...sorry if everyone thought I implyed that howerver it does clearly state the end result of a one world currency
I would suggest going to Google and typing in Bullion or Gold Confiscation and reading the various views... I was asking for peoples opinions and how will you protect your purchasing power if the dollar continues to decline?
I'm sure in 1933 everyone would have said you were crazy that the government might make it illegal to hoard gold coins....
Executive Order 6102 is an Executive Order signed on April 5, 1933, by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates" by U.S. citizens. 31, 1974, with Executive Order 11825, President Gerald Ford repealed the Executive Order that Roosevelt used to call in gold in 1933.
Last passed
National Emergencies Act Emergency Economic Powers Act ... Powers_ActAgain, I am surprised at the aggression over the question: BULLION CONFISCATION?
As I have read about it... FDR actually made a campaign promise not to confiscate gold coins in 1932. Less than a year later... WHAM!!!
Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:29 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
winchester333 wrote:I think people should refrain from posting things like this that have no facts to back it up. All you're doing is drawing UNWANTED ATTENTION to yourself by fanning non-existant flames.
Oh, I almost forgot...thanks for wasting my time with the IMF link that says nothing about PM confiscation.
What a catty thing to say.
Oh, I almost forgot... you are being a jerk!
Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:24 am
by PennyPauper
Taking what OUR government has gotten away with in the last few years,and the executive odors(ya they stink)signed into law the past 12 years I'd say anything could happen at any time.The folks in power are desperate to hold things together with all the collapses happening.They justified giving over 2 trillion dollars they didn't have to banks,at least one which days before wasn't classified as a bank,bailed out insurance companys and automakers,and even foreign banks.And thats what we know of.Where is the rest of it? And with that the Fed buys treasury bonds through GS further ripping off the people,buying assets with numbers created out of thin air.
Now even Greenspan is spewing talk of going back to some kind of gold backed/based currency.
Ron Paul is again ready to audit the fed and expose the lies.Let's pray Ron will finally bring some common sense to the runaway ripoff artists and the baffoons that empower them.I'm sure something will be done to take the heat off of our central bankers when it gets too hot.
My best guess when they will try to take privately held PM's will be when they finally try to take the middle class IRAs and retirement accounts and place them in a government backed fund,for your our safety,its been in the works for sometime now.Think Social Security for your 401k.Studies have been done and paid for,all they have to do is pass it when the next crisis hits.Any PM's held in IRAs will be gone and the next steps will be easy.When the next big economic scare happens the government controlled media won't be on your side.Most have and will continue to beleive the lies like "too big to fail","it has to be done to avoid disaster",and other nonsense.There is nothing free about our markets today.Seems its easy to gather wool to pull over everyones eyes with so many sheep around.
Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:25 pm
by AGgressive Metal
Why steal bullion when you can just print new money? If they confiscate anything, it will be the concentrated stockpiles at the COMEX, the ETFs, and other big institutions. Or maybe the mines themselves. But going door to door for a tube of ASEs? I don't see that happening.
Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:26 pm
by PennyPauper
Printing more money at some point will no longer work,think weimar,or zimbabwie(sp?) The government is up against a wall,they can't have the system fail.The pressure is mounting from china and our other creditors,the republicans won't raise the debt ceiling,Paul is going to audit the fed,and were over our head already in debt,14 trillion+.The gov't won't ask the banks to pay their fair share-they just bailed them out! The big boys will likely get some industrial excemption since thats what it is for,not spectulation as it is mostly today.So how are they going to raise more money? Same as they always do-the middle class.Yes the plan is in place to have a government backed retirement scheme.
They didn't go door to door in FDR's day since most willingly turned in the coins.They made the point that it was the right thing to do for the country,so most good law abiding citizens complied.I realise its a different scenerio,but look at social security slush fund and where those funds are now,gone,stolen,used for other purposes.They need a new slush fund and they have their eyes on your pensions and ira's. They won't overtly come to your door but they are working covertly to take our wealth. I hope I'm wrong but thats how I see it happening.
Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:10 am
by theo
winchester333 wrote:I think people should refrain from posting things like this that have no facts to back it up. All you're doing is drawing UNWANTED ATTENTION to yourself by fanning non-existant flames.
Oh, I almost forgot...thanks for wasting my time with the IMF link that says nothing about PM confiscation.
Just the fact that its been done before makes it worth discussing. Also I think its a little niave to think any official document would use the word "confiscation" or any similar term. As far "attracting unwanted attention' is concerned, I think most of us have already done that.
AGgressive Metal wrote:Why steal bullion when you can just print new money? If they confiscate anything, it will be the concentrated stockpiles at the COMEX, the ETFs, and other big institutions. Or maybe the mines themselves. But going door to door for a tube of ASEs? I don't see that happening.
I agree. Keep in mind that in 1933 the Government did not use any force to back up the Executive Order. Also, I believe every household was allowed to own up to 5 ounces in gold. However, one advantage FDR did have was the faith that most Americans had in their Government. As a result a large percentage of bullion holders complied; dutifully turning in their coins and bars into the nearest Federal Reserve bank. These days people (especially those of us that hold bullion) are far more informed and less trusting of the Government than our great-grand parents were. Even a confiscation scheme involving PM miners and ETFs could only be pulled off once talk radio is eliminated and the internet is under Federal control.
Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:40 am
by Corsair
I'd love to know more about how FDR pulled it all off. If someone has the time, could they please explain exactly what happened? Why did he say that the American people should turn in their gold? Were they compensated? Was there a threat of force? Were police involved, did they go door to door? Did any other countries do this around that time?
Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:41 am
by PennyPauper
Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:06 pm
by AGgressive Metal
Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:24 pm
by aloneibreak
i cant imagine seeing that notice posted in 1933
like theo said though, the general public was so much more trusting of the government
just an executive order like that wouldnt work today...
Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:05 am
by IdahoCopper
"all persons" - What was the lawful and legal definition of that term, for this edict?
It most certainly was not "flesh & blood" persons, because that presidential Order could not have been constitutional if it included that type of "person".
The gold confiscation was a scam and a lie, that the sheeple meekly obeyed mostly without question.
Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:33 am
by theo
Corsair wrote:I'd love to know more about how FDR pulled it all off. If someone has the time, could they please explain exactly what happened? Why did he say that the American people should turn in their gold? Were they compensated? Was there a threat of force? Were police involved, did they go door to door? Did any other countries do this around that time?
I believe the citizens who turned in their gold recieved $20.67 per ounce. This was part of the Government's plan to end the gold standard and eliminate the gold-backing of currency. FDR later set the gold price at $35 per ounce, effectively devaluing the dollar by nearly 70%. This allowed FDR to fund his New Deal stimulus spending. The prohibition against private citizens owning substantial amounts gold was not repealed until the 1970s.
Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:19 am
by AGgressive Metal
Corsair wrote:Did any other countries do this around that time?
The short answer is yes, lots of other countries were leaving or had left the gold standard at about this time. Some European countries had already left it due to the inflationary cost of fighting World War One, while others were not forced into that position until the Great Depression. Also, China was the last country to leave the silver standard in 1935.
Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:47 pm
by .02FYI
Corsair wrote:I'd love to know more about how FDR pulled it all off. If someone has the time, could they please explain exactly what happened? Why did he say that the American people should turn in their gold? Were they compensated? Was there a threat of force? Were police involved, did they go door to door? Did any other countries do this around that time?
When going to bank to open you lock box you had to meet with and IRS agent who took you gold adn gave you paper. This was not the first curency to fail in Us . The Continental.The Confederate Currency. Then the adjustment from 20 -35 per oz .58 reduction in value of dollars held. What a rip off. Same thing happend with the rest of world and the Brenton Woods Accord as the bankers promised only other Cental bankers gold for their dollars. Yeah sure. They kept getting mad at the french for taking delivery of their gold. The british picked so much up when nixon was president that is when the gold window was closed as half the gold left the country while the british traded peices of paper for real money. Definite worth understanding the situation. Why was Kenedy killed. What law got passed adn thrown out when new president came into office after his dath. The National Baniing act. More later if interest.
Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:59 am
by Devil Soundwave
I can't see this happening tbh. A country full of pissed off people with the right to bear arms is not the country to annoy!
Someone mentioned federal control of teh internet.
The US attempting to take control of the internet IS technically possible given that a lot of the current infrastructure is based in the USA (I believe there was talk a wee while back about some ludicrous "kill switch" plan), but frankly, the internet is NOT the property of the USA rather the property of humanity as a whole, so I don't see them ever being able to take this step without every other country on the planet kicking off big stylee.
Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:34 pm
by Pennybug
I dunno Soundwave... look at Egypt. The 1st thing they did there when TSHTF is shut down the internet. As for the Fed's looking to control it... there on their way already... Here's just one small example of what's happened in the last year. ... ity-rules/In light of the recent Arizona nut job... be ready for a FAR WIDER/LONGER reach on their powers to monitor the internet... and to act on their "suspicions" FAR MORE READILY/FORCIBLY.
Bullion confiscation?... Absolutely! It's happened before here as has been pointed out!... and those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it... and I don't get the feeling the Fed's learned anything from this past experience. Only next time I don't think you'll have many adhere to it.
Devil Soundwave wrote:I can't see this happening tbh. A country full of pissed off people with the right to bear arms is not the country to annoy!
Well said in the true spirit of our founding fathers!... I just prayerfully hope those people won't get too annoyed and have a high tolerance for crap! With bozos like Loughner running around... you can't exactly fault the Fed's or anyone for wanting to put tougher restrictions on gun control!... sorry... getting off topic now.
Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:49 pm
by AGCoinHunter
With bozos like Loughner running around... you can't exactly fault the Fed's or anyone for wanting to put tougher restrictions on gun control!...
For every Loughner running around out there, there are hundreds of thousands of responsible gun owners whos rights shouldnt be trampled on.
Tighter restrictions/abolishment of guns leads to and unchecked government accountable to no one.
From the Declaration of the US... "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form,"Do you think a government is going to roll over and play dead when it becomes destructive? Is it destructive now? Do we as the "people" have a right to abolish it and start over if it in fact has become destructive? The founders knew that governement would be accountable to those who are firearm owners. That is why they want to continue to errode our rights.
As far as bullion confiscation, I feel it could happen again. But not after as some have already said... The pillaging of your retirement accounts and pensions. This is real and its coming. They are just trying to figure out a way to convince the sheeple its the best thing for the country...the right thing to do. The fermenting of the next world war is happening right before our eyes in the middle east. Ultimately the US will be involved and this will be a easy sell to seize and take everything you have worked hard to save and produced.