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It's Still Out There - Ask Your Toll Workers

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:47 pm
by Dr. Cadmium
A toll worker on one of my routes occasionally shows me his finds from cracked rolls or collected from the traveling public.

It's amazing what's still out there. Earlier this year he showed me a mercury from the 40s with minimal wear, and a small herd of buffalo.

Re: It's Still Out There - Ask Your Toll Workers

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:03 pm
by cooyon
Dr. Cadmium wrote:A toll worker on one of my routes occasionally shows me his finds from cracked rolls or collected from the traveling public.

It's amazing what's still out there. Earlier this year he showed me a mercury from the 40s with minimal wear, and a small herd of buffalo.

I got a 1943-P war nickel in change the other day at the Golden Corral restaurant ( on top of my senior early bird discount)...this stuff really is still out there, just have to be lucky.

Re: It's Still Out There - Ask Your Toll Workers

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:59 am
by amalekidad
Y'all are STILL 'out there' :P

Re: It's Still Out There - Ask Your Toll Workers

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:58 am
by xippi
Very cool.
I don't have a fastpass EZ pass or whatever they call it in your state and don't plan on getting one. Like I want another tracking device :roll: . We do have the Massachusetts Turnpike that goes east to west across the the state. It was suppose to be Free once it was paid for , 30 years ago, but that's another story.
For the limited amount of driving i do on the toll roads. I always ask for nickels for change. if they say something I usually just say its for the parking meters. I think I might just say I'm collecting the metal and do you have any silver for sale. :P 8-)

Re: It's Still Out There - Ask Your Toll Workers

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:19 am
by creshka46
Last week I went to the bank to make a withdrawal (not coins) and while I was there I saw some ikes sitting in her tray. So O asked if I could withdraw those as well. She said sure and grabbed the stack. Lo and behold! There was a 1921 Morgan in there! Totally made my day :)

Re: It's Still Out There - Ask Your Toll Workers

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:14 am
by Zincanator
Saw an OUT OF ORDER sign on the Coinstar at the grocery store the other day, but still walked by to see what was in the return bin. To my surprise, somebody left a silver Canadian quarter behind. Bonus!