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Foreign Silver Bulk Buy

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:32 pm
by JobIII
So I had the chance to buy 560 grams of foreign silver (ranging from 10% - 92.5% silver). I was a bit overwhelmed at the time to assess if this was a deal or not. Just curious what others do. There were only 2 10% Un Pesos.

Does anyone else have a method for buying this type of mixed bag? I didn't want to have to look each coin up and spend about 3 hours in there.


Re: Foreign Silver Bulk Buy

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:47 pm
by wagsthadog
Hi there!

I like foreign AG but yah, it is a pain. JMO, but if youre really familiar with the purities of most of the common types of foreign silver, you can do an offhand estimation by just looking through it quickly and summarizing- if there are a lot of ca-ca coins like 10% pesos and 50% pure Commonwealth coins, I would probably keep it closer to 50-60% of melt. If there are a lot of Canadian coins, esp dollars, I'd go higher.

Foreign silver is's always neat when someone dumps a huge bag of it in front of you, but pretty much all but Canadian dollars (or halves) are a huge hassle to get rid of at a profit. :P

JMO, wags

Re: Foreign Silver Bulk Buy

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:00 pm
by Thogey

As long as there are not too many .100 pesos involved you are usually safe with an estimate of 50%

Keep an eye out for young queens. In good shape they can be pretty valuable.