Great scores last 2 days!!
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:32 pm
I've had some pretty good luck the last 2 days!! I got bummed out after yesterdays $973 skunk on halves. Went to a dump bank and scored a '96 Canadian dime in the reject tray!! YAY for .999 Ni!! Headed out to a bank I don't visit very often today. I wasn't real encouraged, as they only had $100 in halves left. SCORE!!! 10 rolls of halves yielded MY FIRST 3 FRANKLINS!! They were '50D, '51, and '59D. The '50 and the '59 still have partial bell lines visible!! Also scored a '67 40%er. Not too shabby when 40% (4 of 10) of your half rolls contain silver!! I have a 50% silver success rate @ this bank. I've gotten halves from them 4 times, scoring silver 2 out of the 4 times. Head teller is a very nice lady as well. I ordered a $500 box that is supposed to be in on Feb. 8th. I've also found 9 silver Roosies searching 6 $250 boxes of dimes over the last two days. Scored another .999 Ni Canadian dime today (an '89). Banks are open tomorrow until 1 pm, so I'm gonna dump the clad, and try to get 3 more boxes of dimes. At least 2 (and possibly 3) of my dime boxes had 2 silver Roosies in 'em!! Total score for the 2 days is 13 silver coins, 2 .999 Ni Canadian coins, and one Swiss 1/2 Franc. Now to see what the $25 Brinks box of cents brings me....maybe lots of wheaties, or another indian....fingers crossed....