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When Will It All Run Out?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:02 pm
by camtender

Re: When Will It All Run Out?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:32 pm
by johnbrickner
One only need Google "Peak Everything". Running out explains why the resource wars have started, why we trade the blood of our sons and daughters for . . . (you fill in the blank) . . . oil and why China is everywhere else in the world cementing good will, good relationships, good business and access to the rest of the world's resources.

Re: When Will It All Run Out?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:45 pm
by Treetop ... _you_know/

With all due respect, all of this stuff is the delusions of short sighted people. I can envision several paths we could follow that we have the resources to keep a high tech society indefinitely with already proven things we can do now. Let alone things we might be able to do effectively in the future, such as harvest materials from the ocean floor (we havent come remotely close to harvesting all the resources on this planet) or asteroids etc. or even going through old dumps to harvest the metals or other potentially recoverable items.

It is a self fulfilling prophesy at this point.

Re: When Will It All Run Out?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:21 pm
by Engineer
I'd be interested to know who buys old dumps.

Re: When Will It All Run Out?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:15 pm
by LooseChange
Engineer wrote:I'd be interested to know who buys old dumps.

+1, they will be re-branded to "Resource Recovery Facilities"
Problem is most of the good stuff is on the bottom :thumbdown:

Re: When Will It All Run Out?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:13 am
by johnbrickner
Treetop wrote:

With all due respect, all of this stuff is the delusions of short sighted people. I can envision several paths we could follow that we have the resources to keep a high tech society indefinitely with already proven things we can do now. Let alone things we might be able to do effectively in the future, such as harvest materials from the ocean floor (we havent come remotely close to harvesting all the resources on this planet) or asteroids etc. or even going through old dumps to harvest the metals or other potentially recoverable items.

It is a self fulfilling prophesy at this point.


I like it, the way you think and the willingness to present opposing views. Several paths? Humm, now you've got me thinking again. Certainly, the path we are on now is not working?

It would seem to me that all must include a significant change in our current behavior as an organism on the planet, to include but not exclusive of: The number of us on the planet (is there an optimal number of humans who can behave on the planet in a manner that does not destroy or significantly alter the evolution of the planet's organisms?) how we use/cycle the resources available to us, and recognition of a resource and proper use of it (e.g. human bodily waste).

So in my limited view, it becomes a behavioral and intelligent use problem to solve if it is not a finite amount available to use. Is it easier for the entire human race to change it's behavior so the alternative paths are available or to kill it self off to the point where abundance surrounds again?

And while I do not disagree it is a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point, I would love to better see what the prophecy that leads us down a more proper path looks like so I might better decide where to place my abilities and resources towards it's fulfillment.