by ScrapMetal » Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:50 am
My father used to have me go into his bank to ask for rolls of the State quarters. They would only give them to members, which I was not. So I go in and ask for 2 rolls of the current quarter, and the teller (which just happened to be the head teller) asks me, "Are you a member here?". Thinking if I just answer "yes", I will get the rolls and be on my way. Wrong. She then says, "I have never seen you here before". Now I realize I have been caught. So to answer her, I say, "Oh I usually do my banking at your other branch". To which she asks, "Which branch is that?". I now have now idea where their other branches are at, so at a loss what to answer. I say something dumb, like, "Well, where are your other branches?". She now knows I am not a member and have lied to all the answers. I guess she figures she has embarrassed me enough, and gives me the 2 rolls. I never went back to that bank. The funny part was my father never wanted the rolls for himself, he was turning them around to a coin shop for a very small profit.