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Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:55 pm
by beauanderos
Ok, so getting old sucks. Walking halfway across the room and forgetting why you started. :oops: Not senile yet (Thogey will argue this point :lol: ) but the memory is slipping
more than I care to acknowledge. With every day there are new aches and pains, it's no wonder the wrinkled feebs all want to talk about their latest operations :roll:

So... I'm cleaning out a cabinet of a bunch of old plastic containers that I'll never use (haven't even opened that cabinet in a few years) and what do I find? I reach to
the top shelf and one small container seems a bit too heavy... and something is jingling faintly. I pull it down and peer within... and what greets my sore eyes but the sight of
gleaming gold, stuff I had forgotten I even had.

Certainly not as serendipitous as those folks who found the buried treasure in the mountains, but heck... I'll take BU gold any day of the week :)

Score? Two $10 Liberty Head pieces, three $20 Liberty Heads, and two of the 50 peso 1.2 oz Mexican gold rounds :mrgreen:

Apparently, there is an upside to losing your mind :lol: Now, if I could just find that roll of BU 20 Marks :roll:

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:10 pm
by Morsecode
Call me when you want a hand cleaning the basement.

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:20 pm
by Rodebaugh

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:52 pm
by John Reich

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:02 pm
by beauanderos
John Reich wrote:2401

yeah, right... when gold is at $375 an ounce :? :sick:

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:31 pm
by NDFarmer
One of the advantages of getting old. You can hide your own Easter eggs!!! :lol:

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:10 pm
by Recyclersteve
Ray: I think you might have forgotten that you agreed to sell me the whole lot for $975.00 shipped. :)

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:26 pm
by Morsecode
Recyclersteve wrote:Ray: I think you might have forgotten that you agreed to sell me the whole lot for $975.00 shipped. :)

(Damn! I wish I thought of that first)

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:56 pm
by aloneibreak
nice :thumbup:

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:17 am
by 93_Confirmed
Sounds like a KSA posting!

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:29 am
by fansubs_ca
beauanderos wrote:Ok, so getting old sucks. Walking halfway across the room and forgetting why you started. :oops: Not senile yet (Thogey will argue this point :lol: ) but the memory is slipping more than I care to acknowledge.

I've never had a good memory so I'm used to working around it, yes I sometimes do the
go to annother room, then forget why until I've left that room thing. Though since I
know I forget stuff I generally develop systems of making stuff too obvious to not notice.

-Leave empty milk jug by the door to remind myself to get more milk.
-Leave dishwasher locked until I unload it so I know by the position of the lock
whether the dishes are clean or dirty.
-If the toilet plugs when I don't have time to unplug it (running to work, catch
a bus etc.) leave seat up because I know that will signal to me it needs unplugging
the next time I'm in the room before I use it.

Basically object placement in my house is my "external memory", it works pretty well.
Technically I don't really "forget" stuff, just don't always retrieve the information
immediately, then it comes back to me at some random time later. Basically I do
things on the assumption that I won't remember. (It's kinda hard convincing someone
who is starting to lose their memory to do this stuff though because they never believe
they will forget and don't see need to take action to work around it.)

beauanderos wrote:So... I'm cleaning out a cabinet of a bunch of old plastic containers that I'll never use (haven't even opened that cabinet in a few years) and what do I find? I reach to
the top shelf and one small container seems a bit too heavy... and something is jingling faintly. I pull it down and peer within... and what greets my sore eyes but the sight of
gleaming gold, stuff I had forgotten I even had.

OK, I can remember how much gold I have and where it all is and where I originally
acquired each piece...of course that might be because I have so little of it. ^_-
Silver I could probably estimate to within a few ounces. (Acquired in more places
in varying quantities over time so I don't remember every last silver dime and
quarter. ^_-)

Recyclersteve wrote:Ray: I think you might have forgotten that you agreed to sell me the whole lot for $975.00 shipped. :)

There is a difference between forgetful (needing memory jogged) and having outright
blackouts of time where you can't detect if people are BSing you or not. ^_-

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:21 am
by Recyclersteve
We say a lot of things in jest on this site, but my heart does go out to anyone whose mental capacity isn't what it once was. It reminds me of the quote (not sure who to attribute it to) which goes "There but for the grace of God go I." Sorry- don't mean to get too preachy on this site. Not my style.

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:09 am
by silverstacker
The best movie quote has to go to Burt Reynolds in some bank robber movie in which he tells a younger robber in the bathroom as he is kneeling down

" boy I'm telling ya, the knees are the second thing to go". (Boy says) "well what's the first thing to go"? (Burt says) " I don't remember" :lol:


I love that interaction it says a lot.

Re: Lost and Found

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:45 am
by tedandcam
Recyclersteve wrote:We say a lot of things in jest on this site, but my heart does go out to anyone whose mental capacity isn't what it once was. It reminds me of the quote (not sure who to attribute it to) which goes "There but for the grace of God go I." Sorry- don't mean to get too preachy on this site. Not my style.

16th century English Church leader and martyr, John Bradford...closely related to Paul's writing in 1 Corinthians 15:10