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Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:15 pm
by silverflake
I use Youtube to find alternate newscasts or podcasts on precious metals that people upload. So this past December I am searching youtube using some kind of phrasing using "silver news" in my description and the usual results come up: stuff from David Morgan or Rick Rule etc. Good stuff, yes. But mixed in the youtube recommendations I see a title of "My Silver Stack". So, I clicked on it. In it, this man videos his whole silver stack and comments on everything he has, how much he paid, why he did it etc. Sure enough, when I was finished, youtube shows other videos "that might interest me" and they are all of people filming their silver (and gold) coins, bars etc. I must admit it was compelling to watch and a little mouth watering too to see all these precious metals products. Some folks have some absolutely huge stacks too. It almost felt pornographic watching it. BUT, after watching a bunch of these I asked myself: "are these guys crazy?" They put their whole hedge on film for all to see. Granted, no one says "Hey this is Joe Smith and I live at 100 Main St. in Springfield and here's my massive precious metal stash". I just don't know. I do like looking but I would NEVER film my stuff for all to see.


Keep stacking (off screen)

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:20 pm
by brian0918
I'd film my stack too, but I don't have a camera that's waterproof to 500 feet. ;)

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:45 pm
by Morsecode
Probably harmless, but yeah...why leave any trail. The goal is to ultimately fly under the radar. Putting your stack on video is just offering to pay taxes on it.

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:02 am
by Recyclersteve
I saw one video a while back where a guy said he was filming his "friend's" stack. I figured it was really his.

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:19 am
by fansubs_ca
brian0918 wrote:I'd film my stack too, but I don't have a camera that's waterproof to 500 feet. ;)

I'd film it for you but I'm not sure the duct tape on my submarine will hold at that depth,
it's second hand and the duct tape gave out on the last owner when they tried going too
deep. ;)

But incase I get around to putting a second or third layer of duct tape on what lake was
that in again? ;)

...or maybe I don't have a submarine and the graphic I use is a pun. :D

Recyclersteve wrote:I saw one video a while back where a guy said he was filming his "friend's" stack. I figured it was really his.

Ah yes, nothing more suspicious than the unnamed "friend". Which is why I won't shop
for certain items for my friends lest the people I'm buying them from not believe said
friend exists. ;)

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:30 pm
by silverstacker
There were a few other posts on this topic on another site that showed YouTube videos that I just couldn't believe. Not because of the impressive stack ( real or fake) but because in this day and age with IP addresses and all kinds of data flying through the air someone would put themselves in such a risky situation.

In fact, in one video you could actually see a tattoo on one guys hand.

Some people

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:23 pm
by Cu Penny Hoarder
People who do this are narcissists and have insecurities about themselves. The same goes for people who make videos of their weapons, cars, cash, etc.

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:02 pm
by silverflake
So I continue to watch these stacking videos (is it greed or just facination with shiny objects?) and I am amazed at the number of these videos. BUT, I will say that the filming of the various countries silver coins and various bars is great for me to look at these products up close and personal. I was so enamored by a video with a guy who had the new Canadian 10 oz. serial numbered bars that I bought a couple. Nice looking bars. See, these videos do serve a purpose. Don't plan on me posting a video of my new bars though.

Keep stacking (on film or not)

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:24 pm
by neilgin1
silverflake wrote:

Keep stacking (off screen)

Hiya S-Flake,
I got a lot of thoughts on this. I've watched the gentleman you speak of, and he, in my estimation is an innocent who still lives in the "old days".

I believe our world can be divided between before sep 2001, and AFTER that date, and the reality is, not only in silver, but in everything in our lives, its best to "submerge", everything low profile.

i'm not talking about swirling in a world of paranoia, but adopting a new mindset, a new view of life. This Republic might NOT be dead, but its on life support. Every national institution we grew up to TRUST IN, has proved not deserving of ANY trust, they are all liars, they act like cornered gamblers, and its evident any right thinking American should regard the "old days" as over. To survive, consider these days and act accordingly.

That said, its NOT time to go "red dawn", and anybody that preaches such foolishness is either a cementhead OR a provocateur, because anywhere from 95% to 98% of the our fellow citizens are clueless to the approaching storm. In their hearts and minds they know "something" is wrong, but feel hopeless and cornered, so they pick up their Seven and Seven, grab the TV clicker, and just ignore the fell wind that's blowing, thinking it will somehow "be alright".

It wont, the world is on fire. We even had a taste of that, when the Swiss National Bank unpegged from defending the Euro at 1.20....did ya'll see how the Swiss Franc zipped from 98 to 1.22 in the blink of an eye?....and a whole scad of these filthy FX trading houses are done, in one day FXCM lost 90% of its minutes, that's how quick it will all happen...financially.

in the world?...if you asked me, what the most dangerous situation is, I would say Ukraine.

I would love to talk Ag, but I don't own any.

be blessed, stay strong, n

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:12 pm
by silverflake
Neil - good to hear from you. Well put as usual. All I can say is don't plan on seeing any film of any kind of metal from silverflake.

Keep stacking.

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:04 pm
by NotABigDeal
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:People who do this are narcissists and have insecurities about themselves. The same goes for people who make videos of their weapons, cars, cash, etc.

I take great offense to this statement. I post pictures of some of my guns here. I don't do this for any reason than to share pictures with other like minded people. I am not narcissistic, nor am I insecure. People ask me to post some so I do. What's that make me? Oh yeah, not afraid of Internet bandits....



Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:37 pm
by silverflake
NotABigDeal - my posts here about filming stacks was not meant in any way to offend. Frankly, as mentioned, I enjoy watching them. Metal envy? A little bit I suppose. My only caveat was that based on my slight sense of paranoia, it could, maybe, possibly lead to trouble in the world we live in. Filming or posting pix of my stuff is not something I would personally do on youtube. Although a pic here on realcent of an item my be something I would consider. But by all means, post anything you want anywhere you want. Sounds like guns are your thing. That's your choice. And most likely, nothing bad will come of it. I could probably learn a thing or two from you.

Bottom line...peace.

And keep stacking. Stack silver, gold, copper, lead, guns. On screen or off! :thumbup:

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:46 am
by Rustynail
I don't film my stuff, if I do take pics for listing it for sale online I make sure I turn the gps on my phone off.

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:01 pm
by rexmerdinus
Good point on the GPS function on your fart smone. I have digital photos of all my PM's that I have taken for insurance purposes, but no, unless I have a particular piece for sale or it is of conversational interest, I would not post it online. Guns are a different matter, since I'm a gun dealer.

Re: Filming Your Stack?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:47 am
by fansubs_ca
Rustynail wrote:I don't film my stuff, if I do take pics for listing it for sale online I make sure I turn the gps on my phone off.

A handy link if you want to check an image file for any metadata:

The pictures from camera phone come up pretty generic...of course that's to be
expected as it's from before they started putting GPS in phones. My cell phone
I use regularily is even older and doesn't even have a camera. (It's a little better
as a _phone_ than the camera phone is, I also have more "spare" stuff for it.)