There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

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There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:10 am

about two weeks ago, I noticed an Ebayer, "barber" (store is called "the Barber Shop, 22k plus trans with a 99.9% pos rating) offering 1950 to 1963 circ rolls of Franklins at a buy it now price between 149 to 169, so I take notice.

I didn't buy anything, just because i'm canting more towards the .9999's.

just now I noticed he's offering BU dimes in the 50's era, at fair buy it now's. He's a coin dealer and wrote that he bought a nice hoard of 90's, so I thought i'd give ya'll a heads up:

his shop: ... c&_ipg=192

he's got 247 items as of this writing.....and NO, i'm not his
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby beauanderos » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:37 am

they aren't bad prices, Neil, but still higher than what we can buy from christostock when he occasionally offers some. Of course, you don't
have a choice of particular dates as this Barber guy offers.

when a good deal comes along... you takes what you gets! :thumbup:
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby AGgressive Metal » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:50 am

5 1oz Engelhards for $125 seem a little steep, granted he has to pay shipping and Ebay/Paypal fees on that so its perfectly reasonable. I'd hold out and get them on RC or BS for $100. :)
And he that hath lyberte ought to kepe hit wel
For nothyng is better than lyberte
For lyberte shold not be wel sold for alle the gold and syluer of all the world
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:21 am

beauanderos wrote:

they aren't bad prices, Neil, but still higher than what we can buy from christostock when he occasionally offers some. Of course, you don't
have a choice of particular dates as this Barber guy offers.

when a good deal comes along... you takes what you gets! :thumbup:

OB, I just wanted to give a heads up on the 90%'ers he was offering BIN. As I said, for myself, i'm good with my 90's and concentrating on .9999 Maples from the RCM....and NOT fractionalized either. One toz coins in 25 count rolls, because holding PM's is great, but when the dust settles, and "banks" re-open,with a "reset" of 1 "new" dollar for every 100 "old" dollars or we see underground PM kiosks setting up, offering to buy metal in exchange for God knows what kind of fiat, i'm going for small sawmills, wooded acreage, small herds of beef, containerized bio-diesel distilleries, small likker distilleries...using the stack to buy assets that PRODUCE things that people need in a three county well as cement ties with "associates", who will profit as well.

think i'm crazy?....we are 2 to 4 steps away from WW3 and/or "extreme national dislocation/collapse".....and not only "national", but global.

WW3?.....'wouldn't that mean the UNTHINKABLE?"....after 10-20 hits on "control and command" centers, maybe urban centers (God forbid) the snake will have cut its own head off, the world recoils in horror, and the rest us will carry on, albeit in a vastly changed world.

my regret is that I wont be able to witness the "Davos crowd" being roasted on a spit, after they vainly tried to flee on their Gulfstream V's, that they just boasted about at that latest, they're too effing greedy, they'll hesitate, in their arrogance before they pull the pin, and the 99 will catch and eat 'em. The Upper East of NY will be like one big B-B-Q..

and I take NO pleasure in writing that, I take NO pleasure in ANY person's demise, but they've trashed this beautiful Republic, made a sick sad mockery of the genius of capitalistic mercantilism, just to feed their sordid lust for wealth and power at the expense of this unique Republic, and the wisdom of our Constitution, and all the good people, we call our fellow Americans.

Brace, brothers, brace.
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby neilgin1 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:14 am

AGgressive Metal wrote:5 1oz Engelhards for $125 seem a little steep, granted he has to pay shipping and Ebay/Paypal fees on that so its perfectly reasonable. I'd hold out and get them on RC or BS for $100. :)

I understand.......I posted his store for the rolls of 90%'ers he was offering at a fair premium "buy it now".

in my youth, I learned in the pits, when you want to buy (or sell) you just start hitting offers (or bids if you're selling) slash and burn, and if you gotta push three guys out of your way to get that offer, knock 'em down like bowling pins, they would do the same. in trading, you have no friends, no quarter given, none asked, but as of July 2, 2015, the last open outcry pit will close. Now its just the hft's, algo's, and that crush to gain just ONE millisecond.....and God forbid you have a "fat finger".

Gone are the days when a "Gordon Gecko", looks for guys, who are "poor hungry and smart", because as he said, "most of these MBA's don't amount to dogsh#t".

If I wasn't "good" with my 90's stack, I wouldn't have made that post, I just would have picked off as many rolls as I could swing, and said nothing, because in trading, that's the way I was raised, you have no friends. I said that again, because that's the reason I don't buy here....i'm very fond of you all,and enjoy this cyber-fellowship with like minded guys. Please don't take my post as a slam or personal, its just business. I have immense respect for all here..

but in the following clip, this is how business works:

much respect Aggressive, n
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Shazbot57 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:57 am

neilgin1 wrote:
beauanderos wrote:
my regret is that I wont be able to witness the "Davos crowd" being roasted on a spit, after they vainly tried to flee on their Gulfstream V's, that they just boasted about at that latest, they're too effing greedy, they'll hesitate, in their arrogance before they pull the pin, and the 99 will catch and eat 'em. The Upper East of NY will be like one big B-B-Q..

and I take NO pleasure in writing that, I take NO pleasure in ANY person's demise, but they've trashed this beautiful Republic, made a sick sad mockery of the genius of capitalistic mercantilism, just to feed their sordid lust for wealth and power at the expense of this unique Republic, and the wisdom of our Constitution, and all the good people, we call our fellow Americans.

Brace, brothers, brace.

My sentiments also! I can't count the times I've told people the Sheeple, progressives, libs, liars, thieves, corrupt-eds, etc will all be the first to go. And they'll be so surprised when it happens! Some of them will even turn on their own kind...

I don't want to see it happen either but it would be fitting for them to get their just desserts. Call it Karma or whatever...
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Treetop » Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:00 pm

neilgin1 wrote: but they've trashed this beautiful Republic,

Have to disagree. Power ALWAYS concentrates itself. Thats what it does. Its a given, probably built right into the physics of the universe.

Weve all heard "a republic if you can keep it" . he went on to talk about how we needed revolution every 20 years or so to keep things clean and honest. Basically we need to keep our elected reps on their toes. We never did this, and its absolutely the MOST important check and balance built into our system. It doesnt matter if those in power had the best of intentions or the worst, power will concentrate and seek its own survival. We were supposed to be the pressure valve, the reset to this eventuality.

Heck our entire system was built KNOWING exactly this!! That power concetrates itself. It did exactly as expected. Its we the people and us alone that had the power to stem the flow of that tide and we literally barely tried. the percentage who even understood what was built or why it is so rare and valuable among the other human governments is low and dwindling, even as the fire burns brighter in the minds of some of us.

Blaming the power structure for it though? pffft its like blaming a 4 year old for grabbing a cookie or sticking his finger in the icing of a cake. Its gonna happen if your not watching and making sure the child doesnt.
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Shazbot57 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:31 pm

Treetop wrote:
neilgin1 wrote: but they've trashed this beautiful Republic,

Have to disagree. Power ALWAYS concentrates itself. Thats what it does. Its a given, probably built right into the physics of the universe.

Weve all heard "a republic if you can keep it" . he went on to talk about how we needed revolution every 20 years or so to keep things clean and honest. Basically we need to keep our elected reps on their toes. We never did this, and its absolutely the MOST important check and balance built into our system. It doesnt matter if those in power had the best of intentions or the worst, power will concentrate and seek its own survival. We were supposed to be the pressure valve, the reset to this eventuality.

Heck our entire system was built KNOWING exactly this!! That power concetrates itself. It did exactly as expected. Its we the people and us alone that had the power to stem the flow of that tide and we literally barely tried. the percentage who even understood what was built or why it is so rare and valuable among the other human governments is low and dwindling, even as the fire burns brighter in the minds of some of us.

Blaming the power structure for it though? pffft its like blaming a 4 year old for grabbing a cookie or sticking his finger in the icing of a cake. Its gonna happen if your not watching and making sure the child doesnt.

I must disagree in part with Treetop in that Ben Franklin did not say "we need a revolution every 20 years or so". He said “We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

Second, Power didn't concentrate itself because we were negligent or because we somehow "weren't keeping government on it's toes". We've had a steady procession of corrupt politicians steal authority gradually from the beginning but more recently starting with the 17th Amendment which took the Senate away from the State Legislature's oversight and "progressing" thru to Oblama's attack on the 1st, 2nd, & 4th amendments and the consolidation of State Powers unto the Federal Government. Many knew the lies and fraud being perpetrated, but first the lack of media, and now the presence of Media conspired to usurp the peoples power and response. Does anyone doubt the 72% of the American public who rejected the ACA, IRSgate, DOJgate, APgate, Benghazigate, or any of the other gate's?

Also, while I don't pretend to speak for neilgin1, IMHO I don't think neilgin1 was blaming just the power structure so much as the mindset of all of the "Davos crowd" drones...
Last edited by Shazbot57 on Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Treetop » Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:41 pm

Shazbot57 wrote:
I must disagree in part with Treetop in that Ben Franklin did not say "we need a revolution every 20 years or so". He said “We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

Ahh yeah it was jefferson actually.

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty . . . And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

Second, Power didn't concentrate itself because we were negligent or because we somehow "weren't keeping government on it's toes". We've had a steady procession of corrupt politicians steal authority gradually from the beginning but more recently starting with the 17th Amendment which took the Senate away from the State Legislature's oversight and "progressing" thru to Oblama's attack on the 1st, 2nd, & 4th amendments and the consolidation of State Powers unto the Federal Government."

You said you disagree but went on to describe a negligent populace who let it happen for generations exactly as I said. Most voters today never even voted for anyone who supported such mindsets that would take us off this course.
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Shazbot57 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:08 pm

Treetop wrote:
Shazbot57 wrote:
I must disagree in part with Treetop in that Ben Franklin did not say "we need a revolution every 20 years or so". He said “We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

Ahh yeah it was jefferson actually.

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty . . . And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

Second, Power didn't concentrate itself because we were negligent or because we somehow "weren't keeping government on it's toes". We've had a steady procession of corrupt politicians steal authority gradually from the beginning but more recently starting with the 17th Amendment which took the Senate away from the State Legislature's oversight and "progressing" thru to Oblama's attack on the 1st, 2nd, & 4th amendments and the consolidation of State Powers unto the Federal Government."

You said you disagree but went on to describe a negligent populace who let it happen for generations exactly as I said. Most voters today never even voted for anyone who supported such mindsets that would take us off this course.

Politicians lie to get elected. Wilson said he wouldn't take us to war to get elected & re-elected, Obama said, well, lots of B.S., all to get elected & re-elected, & 54-46% is not a lot of people negligent when 51% are on govt assistance. It's not negligence, it's called bribery. Then the 54% find out too late it's all a lie but the damage is done. Generations die off, new generations without the perspective come up and it starts all over again. The damage of each administration is hard to undo and takes time or eventually the solution you mentioned. I never said I didn't agree with anything you were saying. I said "I must disagree in part..."

We have similar viewpoints on the state of things. We just don't express them in the same manner. Anyway, we've gotten far afield from the thread.
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P.S. I'm still for roasting those guys on a spit! :D
Last edited by Shazbot57 on Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Treetop » Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:16 pm

Of course the power structure lies. This is a given, 100% inevitable. Power is self serving and seeks like anything else to grow and preserve itself. There was only ONE possible control valve for this aspect built into our system and that is an aware engaged public, which we simply never maintained. (or had at the start honestly, the "founders" themselves a rare breed) Instead we voted for our own downfall in this regard, well many of us. It was this way since day 1. We sure as heck cant just hope and pray that the power structure keeps itself honest, naive at best. It was our job. If we are honest with ourselves we must also acknowledge a large percentage NEVER understood nor appreciated our republic or liberties anyway, democracy is the word of the day.
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Treetop » Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:23 pm

Sorry if I took the thread off track. I get in trouble for that on basically ever message board or forum Ive ever been on.
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby Shazbot57 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:34 pm

Treetop wrote:Sorry if I took the thread off track. I get in trouble for that on basically ever message board or forum Ive ever been on.

No problem, I resemble that remark! Me too. I started by supporting something someone else said, and well... I get all revved up and I'm off to the races! It's easy to do when you hate what's going on as much as we do! Hang in there & keep the faith!
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Re: There is guy dumping a stack he bought.

Postby theo » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:16 pm

Treetop wrote:Of course the power structure lies. This is a given, 100% inevitable. Power is self serving and seeks like anything else to grow and preserve itself. There was only ONE possible control valve for this aspect built into our system and that is an aware engaged public, which we simply never maintained. (or had at the start honestly, the "founders" themselves a rare breed) Instead we voted for our own downfall in this regard, well many of us. It was this way since day 1. We sure as heck cant just hope and pray that the power structure keeps itself honest, naive at best. It was our job. If we are honest with ourselves we must also acknowledge a large percentage NEVER understood nor appreciated our republic or liberties anyway, democracy is the word of the day.

I agree with Treetop's line of thinking. People generally get the government they deserve. The Government seeks to expand and unfortunately we are too distracted by bread and circuses to raise much more than the occasional grumble.

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