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Silver at $15.83/toz
Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:17 pm
by Shazbot57
Time to back up the truck again?
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:31 pm
by justoneguy
But to UNLOAD this time ??
I really believe global depression is coming/ upon us.
when all commodities are down.
when people don't have money for necessities,
PM's aren't going to have the value that We/I had been planning on.
I guess capitulation has finally set in.
I can't dump any of my stack as it was all lost in a boating accident.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:35 pm
by Morsecode
I know, and that's the danger of pleasure sooner do you get your stack buckled in, the whole tuna boat goes belly up on you. Usually in uncharted, very deep waters.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:08 pm
by Diggin4copper
justoneguy wrote:But to UNLOAD this time ??
I really believe global depression is coming/ upon us.
when all commodities are down.
when people don't have money for necessities,
PM's aren't going to have the value that We/I had been planning on.
I guess capitulation has finally set in.
I can't dump any of my stack as it was all lost in a boating accident.
So.. If you still had your stack, and you sold it, where would you park the money?
Now this assumes you have a small nest egg built up in PMs.. Say you came away with 5 to 10 grand..
Bank it? Stocks? Under a mattress? Fine art? I choose to keep stacking until there is a clear choice...
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:37 pm
by Morsecode
Diggin4copper wrote:So...Say you came away with 5 to 10 grand..
.22 & .223 ammo
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:41 pm
by Shazbot57
Morsecode wrote:Diggin4copper wrote:So...Say you came away with 5 to 10 grand..
.22 & .223 ammo
Don't forget .45 !
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:52 pm
by Shazbot57
justoneguy wrote:But to UNLOAD this time ??
I really believe global depression is coming/ upon us.
when all commodities are down.
when people don't have money for necessities,
PM's aren't going to have the value that We/I had been planning on.
I guess capitulation has finally set in.
I can't dump any of my stack as it was all lost in a boating accident.
I'm not trying to be a smart aleck, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around loosing your stack in a boating accident. At the risk of dredging up painful memories (or being the gullible newb), please explain how you loose your stack in a boating accident. I'm envisioning a pontoon boat incident involving one ounce silver bars used for playing dominoes?
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:13 am
by Rosco
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:02 am
by Catfish4u
Shazbot57 wrote:Morsecode wrote:Diggin4copper wrote:So...Say you came away with 5 to 10 grand..
.22 & .223 ammo
Don't forget .45 !
I have quite a bit of .22, 9mm, 12 ga, whiskey, TP, disposable razors and a few copper pennies and pm's until the boating accident.....................
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:05 am
by fansubs_ca
Shazbot57 wrote:[
I'm not trying to be a smart aleck, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around loosing your stack in a boating accident.
It's the reason I'm a fan of subs...
(Or maybe my avatar is just a pun...
Now what lake was that again?
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 6:50 am
by 68Camaro
For me it was a ferry across the St. Johns - weather got a bit rough and I was leaning too far over the railing...
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:39 am
by johnbrickner
A little here, a little there. Recession (your neighbor is out of work,) depression (you are out of work,) inflation, deflation, doesn't matter. It's insurance I'm keeping around for the longest time (time, whoa ho ho o o, for the longest time). Most of gold's decline from yesterday was due to strengthening of the dollar, not all but most. I also heard the economy is getting stronger and unemployment is getting weaker. Right then I saw a pig fly.
Most of the little people I know who still have jobs, working in the trenches, are still living lives of quiet desperation. Gas is cheaper, but rent, food, clothing, utilities, insurance, and other necessities of now times life are not. Do don't need numbers and news from the media to tell you how things are. All you have to do is be aware and interact with your fellow mankind.
Every day I see people put their masks on and go about their everyday routine. "Hey, how ya doing?" "I'm living the dream, and you?" "Never better". Or some other pre-recorded message set to automatic. Look at their eyes and faces when they don't know you are looking. Or if you are good enough, look right thru the mask. It's there, and it's just under the surface. People are still scared, things are not better or right. The average person is not feeling comfortable. Even the doing better than average people are not feeling comfortable.
I work in the trenches everyday with these people in a school district that is finally off the front page of the newspaper everyday. For the most part. The people I work with and I, are the ones raising the children in the community that are not home schooled. These kids' lives are a reflection of the environment they live in. It ain't pretty and especially when (to me) they would rather disconnect from the real world and plug in to the electronic one to escape. Which happens the moment the last bell rings unless they have (are required) to do something else.
Think the dollar buys a lot right now? Wait 'till the day China decouples the Yuan from it and decides its only doing business in other than the U$D. There's your Black Swan, red flag, Is that a signal flare?, Who fired that warning shot?, . . . Hummm, things feel different now.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer folks but that's the view from the trenches (high school training room).
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:44 am
by neilgin1
at 15.83, we should be jumping for joy!!
"well, what if we have 2008 redux, and Ag goes to $9?"
then i'll jump even higher!!!
I know guys flip Ag, buying and selling, which is great, and I know some guys consider Ag an "investment", to appreciate in dollar slash FRN terms....not me, I regard Ag as both savings AND currency insurance, its my "savings", i'm in it for the long haul, and the longer these gray men, mess with, suppress and manipulate the PM markets, the better for us...imo, because one immutable law is, the longer a market is suppressed and manipulated, the higher and with great force, it will go.
You got to realize the Jamie dimons of the world are like cornered gamblers, they wear the mask of the arrogant and all powerful, but peal that mask off, they're terrified. In davos this year, there was talk of "i got my Gulfstream, I got my secret island bug out place".
swell, but when they're in NY, and the wheels come off the wagon?....good luck trying to navigate gridlock, and if they have a chopper atop these financial district whorehouses, and can actually take off?.....i'm sure the natives on your secret island will welcome you with open arms, Jamie......yeh right, more like a 55 gallon drum filled with boiling water, while you frantically give up your safe room's security code....and you'll still get lobstered.
i'm in it for the long haul, and $15 sounds good, 14, 13, 12 whatever,and if I shuffle off my mortal coil, I go to my rest, happy, knowing that my dear son and his mother have hard money at their disposal.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 7:53 am
by neilgin1
that was funny you and I were writing very similar posts at the same time.
but I gotta say, I had a boat accident was turrible! I think it was a boat, or maybe i'm just net boasting to make myself feel better in between bouts of twinkie binge eating, and a Big Mac or two, warshed down by Kool-Aid....while I couch surf for spare change.
its just a big sh#t sammich, and we're all gonna hafta take a bite
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 10:17 am
by silverstacker
You also have to consider that many of the full time jobs have been lost and split into two part time jobs with no insurance. Therefore, jobless numbers decrease but who can live on that. They all make their charts and once agin pull the veil over the mass population and the market of course. Look at the "pipeline" obama would consider that full time employment while the construction industry doesn't work have of the year. The pipeline won't last forever so is that considered a full time position. iMO that's a position that has an experation date tied to yet.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:42 pm
by 68Camaro
neilgin1 wrote:at 15.83, we should be jumping for joy!!
"well, what if we have 2008 redux, and Ag goes to $9?"
then i'll jump even higher!!!
I know guys flip Ag, buying and selling, which is great, and I know some guys consider Ag an "investment", to appreciate in dollar slash FRN terms....not me, I regard Ag as both savings AND currency insurance, its my "savings", i'm in it for the long haul, and the longer these gray men, mess with, suppress and manipulate the PM markets, the better for us...imo, because one immutable law is, the longer a market is suppressed and manipulated, the higher and with great force, it will go.
Ordered a tube of 2015 Armenian Arks yesterday and a tube of 2015 ASEs today. Can't beat it. The USD is up from 80 to nearly 98 (22.5% increase versus the shopping basket), but gold and silver haven't crashed further but are essentially FLAT over this period in USD terms, which means they are climbing big-time for all the rest of the world. Pity the Brits or Japanese or Europeans who have to buy gold or silver in their currencies.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:21 pm
by theo
68Camaro wrote:
Ordered a tube of 2015 Armenian Arks yesterday and a tube of 2015 ASEs today. Can't beat it. The USD is up from 80 to nearly 98 (22.5% increase versus the shopping basket), but gold and silver haven't crashed further but are essentially FLAT over this period in USD terms, which means they are climbing big-time for all the rest of the world. Pity the Brits or Japanese or Europeans who have to buy gold or silver in their currencies.
I'm surprised to hear that Armenia is minting sovereign coins. I suppose it's a sign of strengthening investment demand. Great looking coins though. ... -noahs-ark
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:06 pm
by 68Camaro
They aren't minting themselves but through Geiger mint in Germany.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:57 pm
by everything
Yeah, think of all the people who can't even afford to buy any PM, not even in the radar. If it ever goes back to $9 that would be a gift, it would have to sit around at $9 for awhile before premiums would come down and maybe you could get it for $10. I know some people might flip but it's silver it will come back right? Still, someone emphasis, this is what you stack FRN for, I think it's just lots of patience so might as well start looking the numi angle if you don't want the risk of .999.
I think if the world ever figures out that carbon based is bad, the next economic revolution.., lol, the green revolution would maybe make something different for silver.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:42 pm
by Shazbot57
.22 & .223 ammo
Don't forget .45 ![/quote]
I have quite a bit of .22, 9mm, 12 ga, whiskey, TP, disposable razors and a few copper pennies and pm's until the boating accident.....................[/quote]
Got it!
Whiskey (Irish, Scotch, Canadian, American, even Russian - It's all good)! But don't forget coffee. Gotta have my morning cup o' Joe. Keep things regular after the organic hits the propeller...
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:01 pm
by Catfish4u
Oops........ forgot about the coffee! That is another thing I would have trouble living without. I also have about 20 jars of coffee.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:07 pm
by Shazbot57
Catfish4u wrote:Oops........ forgot about the coffee! That is another thing I would have trouble living without. I also have about 20 jars of coffee.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:00 pm
by Engineer
68Camaro wrote:For me it was a ferry across the St. Johns - weather got a bit rough and I was leaning too far over the railing...
Mine melted through the floor of an ice shack.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:30 am
by IdahoCopper
Catfish4u wrote:Oops........ forgot about the coffee! That is another thing I would have trouble living without. I also have about 20 jars of coffee.
Green coffee beans cost less and keep pretty much forever. When roasted, they make the best, freshest coffee possible. Storing 20 jars of coffee in your preps for many years will result in low-grade poor coffee. Sure, desperate people will buy it, but they would really prefer the good stuff.
Re: Silver at $15.83/toz
Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:15 pm
by Shazbot57
IdahoCopper wrote:Catfish4u wrote:Oops........ forgot about the coffee! That is another thing I would have trouble living without. I also have about 20 jars of coffee.
Green coffee beans cost less and keep pretty much forever. When roasted, they make the best, freshest coffee possible. Storing 20 jars of coffee in your preps for many years will result in low-grade poor coffee. Sure, desperate people will buy it, but they would really prefer the good stuff.
Where do you find green coffee beans and do they require special storage, etc.?