0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

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0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:25 am

the last aborted bear raid started, what?...a couple weeks ago, the May was 15.60, and the open interest hit a high of 114,000 cars....it failed, I believe we traded up in the high $16's.........woke up insanely early, just checked the board, the May is trading on its lows, 16.64, down .24 and the open interest is at 110,502.

its nothing to get crazy about, but it will be interesting to see if THEY try it again, after all the board (paper silver) is at 110,000 cars, and these guys DO want to make money, maybe see if they can hit the 14.00-14.50 area, and then cover their shorts, but they might be playing with fire. They've gotten greedy over this last year, using massive firepower to slam paper silver, kind of like an ATM.

the reason I say "playing with fire" , have you guys been watching the dollar trade?...last week was a doozy, on Wed, we had that bizarre flash crash, took the dollar from 99. something......down to 94.70 in a matter of minutes, then in the next hour, right back up.....and on Friday, quad witching hour, the dollar started down hard, down 1.60-1.80...all day long. in 30 years, I've never seen the dollar really move like that last week, volatile and whippy....I've never really been a currency guy, always meats, grains and crude, so i'm not an expert. (and the only PM futures trade I ever made was in April 82, when the Falklands war started, gold, and I got my head handed to me, on ONE stinking car)

But I know when a futures market is acting whippy and volatile,and that was the dollar last week, its in the 98-99.00 area.

for the life of me, a pretty simple guy who likes to trade corn and wheat spreads, I don't know what the game is here, and I keep reading these 5 star GOOD hedge fund traders, and in the alt media, THEY are spooked and freaked out, with talks of collapse, impending war, etc.....the guys who make me nervous, are these sub 30 year old bank prop desk traders...its not THEIR money, they're trading for the bonus. At least with the "superstar" hedge fund traders, they HAVE to be on their game, for their funds yearly performance......and they don't know what to do.

which is why stacking prudently seems like the only SOUND play available...tell you what though, the last 3 quarters of 2015 are going to be very "interesting"...probably more like "terrifying".....i'm laughing, because in the final analysis, we ALL are really powerless, as TPTB flail around in their lunancy.

as I said before, i'm sticking with .9999 Ag, no 90%'ers, coz Nate freaked me out so bad with that picture of that collection of 90's he posted that were all counterfeit.

I just cant believe Obama and that band of fools at the Treasury, Fed, and Congress ramped up the national debt to 18 trillion dollars, Jack Lew and Janet Yellen have to be about the dumbest pair of white people I seen in my life.

But I guess there's a reason, that the popular mythology is that a silver stake or bullet kills werewolves...or is it vampires?

Thomas Jefferson...Andrew Jackson, they got to spinning in their graves, while Alexander Hamilton is having martini's with satan.

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Re: 0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

Postby Rosco » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:13 am

That rattles my Cage, then add in the Jade 15 drill an away we go :twisted:
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Re: 0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

Postby fansubs_ca » Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:51 am

neilgin1 wrote:Thomas Jefferson...Andrew Jackson, they got to spinning in their graves

Sounds like a source of energy to harness:

http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db ... 2429#comic ;)
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Re: 0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:24 am

Rosco wrote:That rattles my Cage, then add in the Jade 15 drill an away we go :twisted:

obviously the (maybe) newest bear raid on silver didn't work, because we traded slightly higher, but more importantly, the open interest went down by roughly 2,000 cars to 108,000 (approx.).......to me, this indicates, barring a "Lehman-type" collapse of equities, I believe we are headed BACK UP to the $20 area on the board.

now, if you really want your cage rattled, coz mine is, when I saw this latest bit of news. "Language" between nation-states in not only speech, but actions....obviously. Here's the latest thing the US had to "say" to Russia (and probably China....and whoever else is challenging US 'supremacy'.....I saw this first on ZH, then hit the link to RT (Russia Today).....and its not good, in fact it's down right effing dangerous, nuclear sabre rattling to be precise.

ZH article link http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-2 ... cture-bank

RT link: http://rt.com/usa/243353-usaf-nuclear-icbm-test/

(let me just say this , if I was President {oh jeez} I would be in Moscow before week's end, to have private ONE ON ONE talks with Putin, no bs talks, but a frank dialogue on how we RESET relations between the two largest nuclear superpowers, fully prepared to stop all interference in Ukrainian affairs, including stopping support to Sovboda and Right Sector in Ukraine, cancelling all NATO exercises over the summer, withdrawl of all US troops from the Baltic states...that's the carrot, the stick is this, if within 6 months, we see a corresponding racheting down from Russia, we remove all ABM sites from Poland and Romania, BUT if the ABM deal is leaked, the deal is off....just like the Cuban missile crisis was handled, now some of you MIGHT say that's "weakness", I believe such a move is strength and wisdom, because if SOMETHING isn't done quick, we are headed in a very bad direction, globally....and in a year, i'd probably have my head blown off by a "lone nut" using a antique bolt action rifle, then my bust would be put on some clad American coin....that's how it all works, doesn't it?)

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Re: 0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:34 am

fansubs_ca wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:Thomas Jefferson...Andrew Jackson, they got to spinning in their graves

Sounds like a source of energy to harness:

http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db ... 2429#comic ;)

that's good, here's a clip I love from the miniseries "John Addams"...its rather sad, how history is really a dreary repetitious circle, isn't it? I hope you like this, fan........n

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Re: 0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:57 am

Like it or not we still live in a nuclear world and these test launches have been going on for 60 years. They are technically necessary to prove there has been no negative effect from aging. They can also be used in the media in any number of ways - and you see examples of one side of that in zh and rt.
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Re: 0345 Monday, 23 Mar, the start of another bear raid?

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:17 am

68Camaro wrote:Like it or not we still live in a nuclear world and these test launches have been going on for 60 years. They are technically necessary to prove there has been no negative effect from aging. They can also be used in the media in any number of ways - and you see examples of one side of that in zh and rt.

I have NO argument with you on that, like it or not, we still live in a nuclear world, and to be a nuclear nation requires "readex's" of ALL components of the Triad.....but why TODAY?....know what i mean?

R. i'm going to post a clip from "Thirteen Days", its DoD chief McNamara in the plot room with some admiral, who orders a DD to fire star shells over a soviet vessel trying to run the quarantine, and what McNamara says near the end of the clip, is what i'm trying to say.......its "language"...its Obama (I think) talking to Putin, and what its saying is, "we got nukes too".....the scene that you don't see next in this clip is Curtis Lemay "testing" an ICBM, without consulting the Executive Branch....the President, and thank God during Oct 62, President Kennedy was the ONLY dove in the room, otherwise you and I wouldn't be having this discussion.

Tensions run SO HIGH right now, regarding our ill-advised Ukraine adventure, that stunts like this mornings test MIGHT be just the tipping point that has Putin actively considering a pre-emptive "leadership decapitation strike".....don't rule it out, it would be intensely destabilizing, intensely risky, but Putin might be willing to take that risk, IF he feels that we are going to do the same thing. Why do you think he "disappeared" for ten days, then suddenly pops up and orders a massive snap drill?

We DID start this Ukrainian nonsense by cutting loose the two neo-nazi groups , Svoboda and "Right Sector" to light Maidan square up on 20 Feb 2014......two groups, we've spent $5 bln over the past 10 years....and seeing we broke EVERY promise that Poppy Bush made to Gorbey in 1989-90, no Nato eastward expansion, no anti-ballistic sites....the Russians believe , ACTUALLY believe there is a very good possibility, we are lining them up for a pre-emptive first strike......i'm NOT talking outta my azz either......why did Obama last year, or was 2013, suddenly fire(purge) the number 1 and number 2 general officers who headed up the nuke missile air wings?....along with, in the last two years, Obama also fired 400 HIGH ranking general and flag officers throughout the military....i'm talking admirals and generals, who are definitely not granola crunching doves.....but ask why?.....did they fail some sort of "litmus test"?....and what EXACTLY is the litmus test?....this is much worse than "Able Archer" in 83, something very spooky is in the wind, and due respect, stunts like this morning at Vandenburg don't help....and in conclusion, most Americans are TOTALLY unaware of the perilous situation the world is in....we are frigging TWO steps away from WW3....and that pisses me off, because its ill-advised, outright stupid, and plain unnecessary.......all written to you respectfully.....TWO steps away 68, your pal, n.

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