at 16.50, just keep saying, "its a gift"
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:05 am
31 April 2015----pre-dawn in America.
I know its frustrating that silver languishes range bound on the rigged board......but this is a GIFT....allows us to stack ASES and Maples, at very decent prices.
Now I realize full and well, IF we have an equities sell off like 08, board silver could go to $9, I get that.
but during this period, where the Ag market seems moribund and lackluster, to me, that's always the time to buy as much as your purse will allow. "They" can only continue this terrible charade ONLY so long, and when I say terrible, i'm thinking of my 19 year old son, Good Lord, what kind of national future will that dear lad inherit?
You know what else has worried me for the longest time....remember how I been going on, that when silver pops, THEY will slap say a 50% windfall tax on the sale of Ag?.....well, guess what? its happened before, courtesy of ?........FDR, you guessed it, on p.46 of that book "The Silver Manifesto" David was kind enough to remind us of this: "The Silver Purchase Act of 1934"....which allowed not only the Treasury to "tax" domestic silver transactions at I start digging around, read this:
"As a result of the Silver Purchase Act of 1934, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6814, nationalizing the nation’s hoard of privately owned non-monetary silver, and prohibiting private ownership of quantities exceeding 500 troy ounces. [2] Any amounts greater than this limit were to be surrendered to the U.S. government in exchange for U.S. silver certificates, minus a seigniorage and manufacturing deduction of 61.32% [3].
With the value of silver certificates fixed to the redemption price of $1.2929 per troy ounce of silver, Americans only received fifty cents per troy ounce for the non-monetary silver they surrendered!"
from ... ed-states/
that's why I think, the stack is going to have to work in the black (or gray) market.
I KNOW Ag is going way doubt on that, BUT if we think we're going to waltz into the wealth of our foresight, I don't think these 'pharaohs" are going to TRY and allow that.
please tell me if i'm wrong, what am I missing here?
can you imagine if our dear leader put out an Exec order....ordering Americans to sell all their Ag holdings for $7.50 FIAT?
wait, he already did...he just buried in the codicils of the Enn Dee Double You Aye "act" some of the exec orders in that "act".....oh boy, its THAT BAD.
anyway..........why worry?
I know its frustrating that silver languishes range bound on the rigged board......but this is a GIFT....allows us to stack ASES and Maples, at very decent prices.
Now I realize full and well, IF we have an equities sell off like 08, board silver could go to $9, I get that.
but during this period, where the Ag market seems moribund and lackluster, to me, that's always the time to buy as much as your purse will allow. "They" can only continue this terrible charade ONLY so long, and when I say terrible, i'm thinking of my 19 year old son, Good Lord, what kind of national future will that dear lad inherit?
You know what else has worried me for the longest time....remember how I been going on, that when silver pops, THEY will slap say a 50% windfall tax on the sale of Ag?.....well, guess what? its happened before, courtesy of ?........FDR, you guessed it, on p.46 of that book "The Silver Manifesto" David was kind enough to remind us of this: "The Silver Purchase Act of 1934"....which allowed not only the Treasury to "tax" domestic silver transactions at I start digging around, read this:
"As a result of the Silver Purchase Act of 1934, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6814, nationalizing the nation’s hoard of privately owned non-monetary silver, and prohibiting private ownership of quantities exceeding 500 troy ounces. [2] Any amounts greater than this limit were to be surrendered to the U.S. government in exchange for U.S. silver certificates, minus a seigniorage and manufacturing deduction of 61.32% [3].
With the value of silver certificates fixed to the redemption price of $1.2929 per troy ounce of silver, Americans only received fifty cents per troy ounce for the non-monetary silver they surrendered!"
from ... ed-states/
that's why I think, the stack is going to have to work in the black (or gray) market.
I KNOW Ag is going way doubt on that, BUT if we think we're going to waltz into the wealth of our foresight, I don't think these 'pharaohs" are going to TRY and allow that.
please tell me if i'm wrong, what am I missing here?
can you imagine if our dear leader put out an Exec order....ordering Americans to sell all their Ag holdings for $7.50 FIAT?
wait, he already did...he just buried in the codicils of the Enn Dee Double You Aye "act" some of the exec orders in that "act".....oh boy, its THAT BAD.
anyway..........why worry?