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Are there more Preppers than Stackers?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:31 am
by beauanderos
After skimming another of Nickelless's threads, I got to wondering... are there even fewer properly prepared preppers than there are those who are building
a stash of metals (for wealth preservation or barter during a SHTF scenario... as opposed to "get rich quick" schemes)? Certainly, there is likely a greater mainstream
awareness of the prepping mentality, due to shows like Doomsday Preppers... but the format of that type of entertainment, and the media, seem to dress preppers with
the same tin foil hat conspiracy nut wardrobe as they do gold and silver bugs. So which is it? Are there more... less... or likely do they do both? of preppers or stackers?

Re: Are there more Preppers than Stackers?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 6:35 pm
by neilgin1
beauanderos wrote:After skimming another of Nickelless's threads, I got to wondering... are there even fewer properly prepared preppers than there are those who are building
a stash of metals (for wealth preservation or barter during a SHTF scenario... as opposed to "get rich quick" schemes)? Certainly, there is likely a greater mainstream
awareness of the prepping mentality, due to shows like Doomsday Preppers... but the format of that type of entertainment, and the media, seem to dress preppers with
the same tin foil hat conspiracy nut wardrobe as they do gold and silver bugs. So which is it? Are there more... less... or likely do they do both? of preppers or stackers?

OB, whats the difference between a prepper and a stacker?.....not being contentious, just curious.

in "prepper" lexicon, are the three B's, "beans, bullets and band-aids", but that's a three legged stool.....should be a chair with four legs, and that fourth leg (obviously) are on site accumulation of PM's and BM's in tradable units.

ohhhh, and my dear OB, don't watch that filth, "Doomsday Preppers". and you ARE correct, its a media meme, to frame anyone, who is awake and aware of the times we live in, as a 'nut', a "less than"......not "normal"....similar to those who trade in PM's, and regard them as REAL money.

it boils down to a conviction I have, at this point in history, the American Century....cresting.....IF, at all possible, get out of the cities and suburbs, and go rural....if circumstance allows you. I say this for stackers who hold PM's on site, many urban areas, suburbs as well, have draconian "gun control" laws. If you hold on site, besides being of the mind of zip lock mouths, how can one secure their stack without the means to defend home and hearth?

I say this, because a disturbing trend is happening in the "prepper camp", there's a very small subset of just wicked and dark hearted men...."pirate preppers", and their thought is this: "why spend all that money on the three B's, when all I (and quite possibly a small gang) have to do is get a combat rifle with ample ammo, and just kill those who have prepped and TAKE their stuff?"

chilling?...yeh, at first blush, but its not only a hellish mindset, but "pirate preppers" best have swivel necks, because they are not the only ones, with ample armaments, and the "crew" to back it up.

finally, why do I keep hammering the point "get rural" so insistently? Geopolitically, there are several quite disturbing situations at work, in the forefront, the Ukraine, and Syria. Our mass media has been LESS than forthcoming in the WHY of these situations that have the potentiality of getting big bad and nasty, or as I told my son, "IF you ever see US combat troops mixing it up conventionally with Russian combat troops, don't even think, just bail for the ranch, do not pass go, do not collect $200, just split and move fast, because what will start conventional, will not end that way".

(add: "Obama Sidelines Kerry On Ukraine Policy" ... ine-policy )

and I say the same thing to all of you good men....and do I say that to sow FEAR? absolutely NOT!!!....wisdom, not fear, being awake, not lulled to sleep, quick and sure actions, not indecision. i'm going to post a favorite monologue (that I have posted before) from "Apocalypse Now"...a letter the character Col Kurtz wrote to his me it speaks volumes, hope you are well dear OB, YB

Re: Are there more Preppers than Stackers?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:23 pm
by beauanderos
We cannot do it alone YB... if worst ever comes to worst I will bring my hoard to join your camp. How much gas does a semi use up on a cross country journey? :shock:

Re: Are there more Preppers than Stackers?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:02 pm
by Rosco
Not everyone here is a stacker so I'm interested in the results after 50 people check in :shock:

Re: Are there more Preppers than Stackers?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:27 pm
by neilgin1
beauanderos wrote:We cannot do it alone YB... if worst ever comes to worst I will bring my hoard to join your camp. How much gas does a semi use up on a cross country journey? :shock:

wouldn't a semi use diesel, or was that a tongue in cheek statement? (smiling)

you'd be welcome here, without the diesel.....but I hear what you're saying, if it was a tongue in cheek.

about a hour and a half, I was fooling around with my tractor, it was dusk, I was kicking some ganky brush to whack tommorw....anyway, I was tarred, and I pulled back behind the house, shut it off, fired up a butt, to just admire the back woods, just sit, smell that clean air, and think.........and behind my guest cabin, I see something, a head, and it was three deer I "know", sitting not 15 yards away....they stood up, not panicked.....we were just watching one another, it was a nice moment.....then they ambled off for the nightly feed.

see that's what some of these preppers forget in the fog of fear.....just relish those small moments with a joyful heart, I feel blessed.

Re: Are there more Preppers than Stackers?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:41 pm
by johnbrickner
beauanderos wrote:We cannot do it alone YB... <snip>

Bingo. You left out at least one on the "prepper mindset" where you learn all you can from your self and others, but as you say above Ray, "We cannot do it alone" so we join with a resilient and self-sustained community and not go it alone. A decentralized community that has: A spectrum of different local and regional established businesses bringing in revenue streams; decentralized energy production from several different sources; water; many farms and individuals growing a spectrum of local crops and food sources with local distribution systems established; communications systems; systems for building homes from local materials; etc. I'll defer a more detailed description of said community. But, you all get the gist.

Re: Are there more Preppers than Stackers?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:45 pm
by franklin
I don't know if this belongs in this thread or not but, I have a friend who is a landscape architect in the Houston area. Visiting with him a couple of weeks ago, he told me his main clientele the last couple of years have been small business owners who have bought 20-50 acres outside of the city proper and want advice on how/where to build the safest house, underground rooms, rifle ranges and vegetative screening. I immediately said "preppers!" He said he wouldn't classify them as such but did mention that most are cashing out of stocks to bankroll their projects. I would suspect most are stashing away some PMs.