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Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:44 am
by aristobolus
How many of you believe Silver will go back down to sub $5.00 in the next two years? On the one hand something tells me to sell much of what I have; on the other hand I am intent on passing down my humble hoard to my sons. In their lifetime bartering will probably be a reality...

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:01 am
by neilgin1
aristobolus wrote:How many of you believe Silver will go back down to sub $5.00 in the next two years? On the one hand something tells me to sell much of what I have; on the other hand I am intent on passing down my humble hoard to my sons. In their lifetime bartering will probably be a reality...

two points, and this just the way I see stack "belongs" to my son, "they" might hold this whole ruse together a LOT longer than anybody thinks, but when you came OFF, the backside of this what is called "rocky plateau" phase of peak oil, meaning production charted, is clearly headed DOWN, then silver will resume its rightful 8,000 year old place as "money", and I want the lad to have it, and add to it. I've handwritten him a pretty extensive "manual" for when after i'm gone, on the do's and donts of silver trade.

second point, IF, "they" cant hold the fiat based, fractional banking thing together, I will not trade silver on the white market, because I believe they will slap a "windfall profit" tax, maybe up to 50% on silver me wrong, but history tells me kings don't like serfs getting wealthy....bugger the king, down with his whole rotten court, i'm trading on the black market....believe me, I've done it before with other "commodities, and i'll do it again.

left alone? silver would be trading anywhere from $75 to 135 this very day....and the dollar, south of its support at .72.

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:53 am
by NDFarmer
I agree with you Neil. All the silver I buy is for my kids and grandkids. Unless things get so bad that I have to tap into the stack before I leave this world. Don't recall ever selling an ounce of silver that I have purchased. So for me if silver dropped below $5.00 that would be great. Then I can average that together with the silver I purchased at $30.00 and pull the cost of that $30.00 silver down to $17.00

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:08 am
by silverflake
The beauty of silver (and gold...shoot, and copper for that matter) is that it will never be worth zero. They are tangibles. They are called commodities because they have a use and a demand. The fact that the price fluctuates in dollar terms should mean nothing to folks on this board. Enron stock - worth NOTHNING. WorldCom stock worth NOTHING. Silver - valued at roughly $16/ounce today. Maybe $5 tomorrow, maybe $75 the next. But it has value. I find a giddy feeling some time when I trade my paper FRNs in for silver and gold (and copper pennies) cuz guess what guys? Those paper pieces with dead presidents on the front and masonic symbols on the back have NO INTRINSIC VALUE! Shoot they ain't even soft enough to blow your nose in.

OK, ranting done.

Stack that metal.

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:14 pm
by reddirtcoins
I've been saying $12 but $5... err.. everything has inflated so much I don't see it but who knows...

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:14 pm
by pennypicker
reddirtcoins wrote:I've been saying $12 but $5... err.. everything has inflated so much I don't see it but who knows...

I'm thinking $12 as well. I've been tempted a few times the past few days to lock in with silver being $15.50. But my gut tells me better deals lie ahead so "patience" is the key asset for the time being :thumbup:

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:26 pm
by Diggin4copper
The beauty of silver (and gold...shoot, and copper for that matter) is that it will never be worth zero

The big "what if" is.. What if they become illegal? Happened before....

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:46 pm
by Rosco
Illegal might cause negative responses
then again maybe not


Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:35 pm
by Cu Penny Hoarder
What an incredible gift that would be.

However, I think $10-13 is a more realistic bottom. I'll be backing up the truck at that point. I hope it gets there slowly, so that the premiums don't rocket upwards too quickly.

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:35 pm
by aristobolus
I have taken old Byzantine coins, and showed my boys the emperor's image. I say that Empires rise and fall, but precious metals remain. What is strange about what we will be facing is that soon gold, silver and copper will no longer be used in any coinage, anywhere. With the coming advent of all electronic money, where will that leave our stacks? Will they be tolerated as antiques of a quaint bygone era, or will they be demonized as evil trinkets of the former "capitalistic tyranny" that will be blamed for the collapse?

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:14 am
by Recyclersteve
silverflake wrote:The beauty of silver (and gold...shoot, and copper for that matter) is that it will never be worth zero. They are tangibles. They are called commodities because they have a use and a demand. The fact that the price fluctuates in dollar terms should mean nothing to folks on this board. Enron stock - worth NOTHNING. WorldCom stock worth NOTHING. Silver - valued at roughly $16/ounce today. Maybe $5 tomorrow, maybe $75 the next. But it has value. I find a giddy feeling some time when I trade my paper FRNs in for silver and gold (and copper pennies) cuz guess what guys? Those paper pieces with dead presidents on the front and masonic symbols on the back have NO INTRINSIC VALUE! Shoot they ain't even soft enough to blow your nose in.

OK, ranting done.

Stack that metal.

Technically silver (and even gold) could go to zero. If your PM's were stolen or you developed Alzheimer's and forget you had metals, that would in effect be the same as the metals going to zero, at least in your household. But I do agree that silver has utility and for that reason shouldn't go to zero.

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:55 am
by IdahoCopper
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:What an incredible gift that would be.

However, I think $10-13 is a more realistic bottom. I'll be backing up the truck at that point. I hope it gets there slowly, so that the premiums don't rocket upwards too quickly.

Then why not sell the entire stack today, and rebuy at $10?

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:41 am
by neilgin1
NDFarmer wrote:I agree with you Neil. All the silver I buy is for my kids and grandkids. Unless things get so bad that I have to tap into the stack before I leave this world. Don't recall ever selling an ounce of silver that I have purchased. So for me if silver dropped below $5.00 that would be great. Then I can average that together with the silver I purchased at $30.00 and pull the cost of that $30.00 silver down to $17.00

ND, wanted to respond...."hear, hear!".....i'm not farming like you, but I guess I got a farmers head, which is to think in long term blocks....AND passing along the land and effects to an heir or heirs, and not getting weepy about our passing, because we know, our offspring are taken care of. I got friends around here, who's home places the family has been on since the 1840's, 175 years ago.

I might have asked you, do you grow spring wheat? if so, just curious, how's it going?....what kind of protein you get?, forward contract or use the local elevators? I bet the basis isn't that swell. just down the road, I seen my first field of oats......just thinking that half the Amish in the world live around here, that would a good go to crop to lay in, doesn't seem like the inputs are out of line.

I've spread trade my fair share of spring wheat on the Minn exchange, used to be a great market to spread, just cash house's and spreaders, today the last open out cry trading pits, cattle and hogs CLOSE, I remember when a membership in Minn was 12-20 thousand dollars.

$4.50 a toz?...I dunno, don't think so....10-13?...I wouldn't hold my breath, but if the stock marketsssss implode...yeh could be then, still wouldn't sell a toz of silver...heck, i'm laying in shagbark hickory seeds, for trees i'll never see, so my Junior has some nice farwood in 40 years when he's my have a great day, Happy Independence Day, n

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:56 pm
by Cu Penny Hoarder
IdahoCopper wrote:
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:What an incredible gift that would be.

However, I think $10-13 is a more realistic bottom. I'll be backing up the truck at that point. I hope it gets there slowly, so that the premiums don't rocket upwards too quickly.

Then why not sell the entire stack today, and rebuy at $10?

Because anything can happen. $15 is my cost basis. I bought my first $500FV junk bag in 1985... I still have it.

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:38 pm
by John Reich
When silver was $4.50 an ounce last time, no one wanted to buy it--including me! :lol:

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:44 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
John Reich wrote:When silver was $4.50 an ounce last time, no one wanted to buy it--including me! :lol:

I bought a few silver dollars and 90% junk bags at $5.00 - 5.50 level. During the mid-80's I bought many junk bags at spot... they were being used as door stops at the LCS I used to frequent at that time.

Re: Going back down to $4.50 an ounce for silver?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:34 am
by Recyclersteve
About 20 years ago when silver was no more than $5.43/oz. I bought what for me and my young wife was a fairly large amount of silver (just over $300 face) at 3.82 x face. I still have it and never even thought about selling when silver was in the high $40's. If I sold, wouldn't that have been like cashing in my insurance policy? If you do that, then what insurance do you have? (I know, some people are so well off they don't need insurance)

Now if that silver was ever 20% or more of my net worth, then I may have flinched when silver topped out and starting coming down with reckless abandon in the Spring of 2011 meltdown (no pun intended).