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"4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:26 am
by neilgin1
instead of blithering with comment, allow me to just post the URL to the article, and you can ponder this concerted effort to denigrate 6,000 years plus of a store of value: ... -you-think

I will give a parable of sorts, 15 miles south of me, my brother has a natural spring, where clean pure water pours from the side of a mountain spring, into a sand bottomed 20 by 20 pond, its crystal clear, in fact, besides the trout of varying sizes one sees, you can also see, all over this pond, water bubbling up thru the sand, like mini water volcanos. (in fact, the few days where the temp gets into triple digits, I head over there, where we take, what we call "screamers"

NOW, here's your choice, you have two: would you rather have a cup, or clean bottle to place where the water emits from the mountain?...........or would you prefer to buy a 24 bottle case of "purified" water, from God knows where?

such is the same with these 4 "old" is this spring?, the small stone built springhouse is sturdy, but looks over a hundred years old, but which water is better? many calories of energy went into manufacturing each plastic, petroleum based bottle, how many calories went into "purifying" water of dubious content? many calories went into the labor and trucking to a store, where a consumer swipes a plastic card that transfers cyber digits, or maybe the store is handed paper fiat.

I realize most folks don't have access to such, but my brother paid cold hard cash quite a few decades ago for this land, its HIS private property, and we've discussed this, what if a messenger boy in a suit showed up waving a upper six digit check to purchase this pond and spring for one of these multinationals who know the most precious commodity on earth is clean drinking water?

"no sale".

seven digits?...."no sale, have a good day" (underlying message, we best not see you around no more)

and if they want to try "eminent domain", because after all, it is the "peoples water", isn't it?....just as your stack of Au and/or Ag is the "people's money".......isn't it? because isn't my brother being "selfish"?....just as the same way, "hoarders" of PM's are "selfish"?....well, they better bring more than a court writ.

But did we all know, that in the event of a "national emergency", the President can "legally" SEIZE all resources?

its true, look it up, I don't want to write down the piece of unconstitutional legislation, but I implore again and again, if you can, get out of those cities and suburbs, if you can.....I know, jobs, kids, schools, but try and find a way to make it work.

remember, they've been trying to brainwash us since we were young, using every tool at their disposal, even music:

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:39 am
by neilgin1
think it cant happen here?
"Meanwhile in Venezuela"
[youtube] [/youtube]

think again....get out, breathe clean air, be able to urinate outside, have a conversation with someone you never met before, without fear, watch deer and fawns eat grasses 20 feet out your window, smell that sweet smell of newly mow hay, enjoy the annual county fair, etc....LIVE!

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:50 am
by pennypicker
neilgin1 wrote:think again....get out, breathe clean air, be able to urinate outside, have a conversation with someone you never met before, without fear, watch deer and fawns eat grasses 20 feet out your window, smell that sweet smell of newly mow hay, enjoy the annual county fair, etc....LIVE!

Precisely the reasons why I love the beautiful rural cities of Oregon. Lived there on two occasions and looking forward to retiring there--soon :thumbup:

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:16 am
by silverflake
I saw a headline in that zerohedge article titled "Gold is Dead". I think it was 1980 when Time magazine came out with a headline that said "Stocks are Dead" and then the markets proceeded to gain thousands of percent over the next 20 years. While I am so very frustrated by the machinations of the "Powers That Be" I am so tempted to back up the truck on this clear sign of a bottom (or close to it at least). The dumb money is clearly out and the smart money (I believe) are STACKING (that's us gang). At least, that's what I am telling myself.

Be ready. Be liquid. Be nimble. Thanks for keeping us stimulated as usual Neil.

Stack until it hurts.

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:46 pm
by beauanderos
silverflake wrote:I saw a headline in that zerohedge article titled "Gold is Dead". I think it was 1980 when Time magazine came out with a headline that said "Stocks are Dead" and then the markets proceeded to gain thousands of percent over the next 20 years. While I am so very frustrated by the machinations of the "Powers That Be" I am so tempted to back up the truck on this clear sign of a bottom (or close to it at least). The dumb money is clearly out and the smart money (I believe) are STACKING (that's us gang). At least, that's what I am telling myself.

Be ready. Be liquid. Be nimble. Thanks for keeping us stimulated as usual Neil.

Stack until it hurts.

Keep Working, Keep Stacking (the important part being to do whatever is necessary to hold onto your job in this environment. Make yourself indispensable!)

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:40 pm
by InfleXion
Gold and silver have performed less badly than a slew of other commodities. That gold is being targeted specifically means there is an agenda. The more negative publicity, the more vindicated I feel in my decision to stack. Herd mentality is not my comfort zone.

Stopped by a coin shop on my lunch break today and cherry picked a few junk bin ASEs and Libertads for $2.50 and $3 over spot. Not bad looking at all.

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:18 pm
by 68Camaro
We don't know when and at what value we will hit the local major bottom. Only that it WILL happen. And on that day that we hit that bottom the naysayers will still be pounding us for being so incredibly stupid.

But eventually it will start back up, and eventually it will do so with a vengeance. Only in hindsight will others then comment on how incredibly cheap gold was at the time, and how incredibly stupid people were for NOT buying gold when they could. Since we can't know for sure, cost averaging, with a special emphasis on times when the price is below production cost, seems like a reasonable approach.

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:48 pm
by NHsorter
I've been doing a lot of cost averaging lately. Lucky for me I had a lot less disposable income when prices were higher so things are not so bad right now. BUT.... If silver goes to say $8, I'm gonna have to really scrounge up some funds to keep the DCA closer to spot. But really, with the way things look right now, even with $8 spot, I don't see physical prices going a whole lot lower. I could be a crazy fool, but I just don't see how I can go wrong with PM purchases right now. I'm in my 30s so as long as I don't chicken out and dump this all at some stupid low price, I should be around to reap the rewards at some point.

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:42 pm
by johnbrickner
silverflake wrote:
Be ready. Be liquid. Be nimble. Thanks for keeping us stimulated as usual Neil.

Stack until it hurts.

Ditto on the thanx to Neil!

How about Stack 'till it feels good?

Re: "4 Mainstream Media Articles Mocking Gold "

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:26 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
This is a good sign. I hope they continue mocking it.

I've bought more gold during the past several weeks than I have in the last 6 years.

These lower prices are a tremendous gift! :) Bring on sub $1000 gold... pretty please!