OB, last night I went to the Ampex website for the first time, and I didn't get a warm and fuzzy feeling, not an emotional thing, it was just kind of vague, what they actually HAVE and what they don't...and the ONLY thing I want these days are RCM Ag Maples in rolls of 25, and they say they're "waiting" for new stock by Sep 22....and i'm thinking "yeh right, let me send you the digits, or routing and acct number to my account".....sure, that'll happen when I hear God the Holy Ghost telling me that hell has froze over.....plus, now every page that I load, I got this HUGE banner ad for Ampex. (yes, I know about cookies and all that).....and just one more thing......when I read a certain company...whatever it is, boasts about being the "largest"?...it trips off an opposite reaction in me.
there's three things that have happened in this year that have made me extra cautious....Nates photo of the chicom 90% fugazi's, Tulving, and 68's recent little nightmare over a single Au Maple. You see, I collate the little pieces of info to ascertain the bigger picture. That has served me well, all my life.
Besides, when I went to Provident, and saw..yes, only bags of Walkings....$500 FV....to get a canvas bag of fifty 10FV rolls of Walkings, for I think 7800 USD......now if wanted to fire off all my guns, I could do it, but why would I?....there is NO WAY anybody could tell me, that they meet the 7.15 toz per 10 face "requirement" I demand.......bs, bs bs.....more like 6.50 toz of Ag per 10 face....if I wanted to fire all my guns off , I would have done it two months ago, when MCM was offering Maple monster boxes at , I think 9,700 USD. but I didn't, and I don't regret it, because for whats coming......stacking by itself, aint gonna do it. as I said many many times, I operate under the "four legged chair" theory.......meaning you got to cover the three "B's" (beans bullets band-aids) PLUS the stack.
Now I've got over 4 to 500 transactions on Ebay over the years, and never once did I have a problem, primarily coz I "studied" each seller, everything, from the pictures, the descriptions, the fine print, AND all their previous feedbacks......and once I either won an auction, or hit the buy it now, I paid within TWO minutes, sellers LOVE that, means they don't have to sit and worry, and impels them to NOT make me, sit and worry.
Now OB, don't take the tenor of this post wrong, its NOT a rebuke to you, banish that thought, i'm quite fond of you....i'm just MAD, because FINALLY I figured out what these high and mighty price suppressors are up to, what their game is.....they drive down Ag prices past the cost of production, so that THEY can snap up as many of those wholesale 1000 toz bumper size, 65 lb loaves of Ag, that are still in comex warehouses....that's their game, and what pisses me off, is they're doing it with Fed based electronic zero percent digits...and that is criminal behavior. period.
whew! excuse the rant, but its based in the fact, I LOVE this country, and thru the combination of dubious, irresponsible leadership, along with the majority of our fellow citizens abrogating their duty to be "well informed" as the Constitution requires, we are headed in a very bad direction....and it needn't be.
be well, my dear OB, YB