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30 Aug 2015 8PM...another Black Monday?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:45 pm
by neilgin1
Dow futures down 200
Naz down almost 50.00
SnP down almost 25.00

Most of Asia is opened, except for mainland China, and all the indices are down 1%.

Au/Ag "futures" down slightly.

what more is there to say?

Re: 30 Aug 2015 8PM...another Black Monday?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:54 pm
by beauanderos

Re: 30 Aug 2015 8PM...another Black Monday?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:26 pm
by Copper Catcher

Re: 30 Aug 2015 8PM...another Black Monday?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:33 pm
by plus1hdcp
Shanghai now down 99 points (-3%)
Nikkei 225 now down 174 points (-0.9%)

Looks like the week for US stocks to open down. The market to continue the roller coaster ride for the last week of summer. Hang on (if you are in the market)

Re: 30 Aug 2015 8PM...another Black Monday?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:05 pm
by IdahoCopper
Thank you for this. It has brought me back to reality. Nothing good is going to happen anytime soon.

Re: 30 Aug 2015 8PM...another Black Monday?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:23 am
by neilgin1
IdahoCopper wrote:Thank you for this. It has brought me back to reality. Nothing good is going to happen anytime soon.

Monday 7AM...maybe not this Monday, though the chicom mkts closed down 2+% and the Jaypan mkts about a percentage point, somebody, could the PPT, Lash LaRue of frigging Charly Brown and Linus are in there buying the European equities, and American stock futures......still in the red, but not like last Monday.

I think it was 68 who wrote this, maybe Ray, but this whole mess, could take a lot longer to devolve, and i'm beginning to agree.

Now maybe we could be all wrong, some butt ugly Black Swan could appear, but maybe the period of 2018-22, all that duct tape and bailing wire will peel then.

I've made up my mind, though I will continue to stack, my MAIN impetus will be on paying down frn debt (ranch mortage note, etc) at a highly amped up frn debts. My note was a 10 year IN HOUSE note.(meaning the local coop credit union, its better that way to reason with folks, they cant hide behind phones)....means I could turn 6 years to pay off to 3 or 4....and STILL have a quite healthy stack.

but we'll see how this HIGHLY TOUTED "disaster Sept/Oct" time period works out....after all, EVERYBODY is looking for doom in September, and when EVERYBODY thinks one way?....I don't know, maybe we might be staring at Dow 25,000, impossible as that seems.

God protect you all, and give you the gift of wisdom, salted with love, n