I don't believe in fiat. Either it will, at some point, (internally) undergo rapid (overnight?) revaluation with a reset - dropping its value 40 to 50% - or,
we will experience hyperinflation (externally) dramatically depreciating its purchasing power, or those who rule will use fools who use banks to fund the
too-big-to-fail banks after the next global (derivatives induced... could happen at ANY time) meltdown via bail-ins.
A measure of all three could occur, and I believe
will suddenly occur, and perhaps that's what's in the wind for the Sept/Oct time frame
which subliminally has begun to ignite the anxiety levels amidst the sheeple. Certainly, the govt's know something evil this way comes, else why the need
for internment camps, massive govt purchasing of ammo, Jade Helm exercises, etc? They can use paper raids to lower the VIX, muting that canary in the
coal mine (and lulling into complacency the cadre of equities "investors", just as they strangle (deluding and disheartening the 1%) the same bird before
it can herald that the truth (the real worth of precious metals) is 180 degrees polar opposite the paper-suppressed pricing.
John Williams states the high of 1980, in inflation adjusted dollars, would be $601 dollars. Really? For years, it has been known by savvy students of monetary
lore, that the GDP has been falsely goosed, by suppressing real inflation with shenanigans such as hedonics, and replacing components of the consumer price
index, or mitigating their damaging influence by dramatically altering their effect on the end result of the falsely created, and reported, ostensible inflation
rate... misguiding the masses to temper their concern of rising inflation.
But you don't need a canary to sing, or perish, to establish what we all know. Inflation IS rising, as much as ten percent per year, driven inevitably (despite
temporarily dormant monetary velocity) by QE, and is certifiable at the grocery aisle, the health premiums, the cost of tuition... if not at least, again temporarily,
at the gas pump. Four years of psychological warfare has worked to their advantage in that it has shaken some weak hands into abandoning their plans,
and thwarting the will of others to execute their strategy (by inducing the "I'll wait for lower prices" dynamic).
Lower prices may come... but if actual physical silver resources, which do seem to be be diminishing by the day (despite soliloquies of reassurance that it is
a retail product bottleneck, and not genuine resource scarcity) continue to suggest depletion or, more likely, accelerate as those late to the hunt begin shooting...
then your lower prices will only be accompanied by rising premiums, a de facto (if not de jure) acknowledgement of the inevitable long awaited paper vs physical price
Secondary market pricing, let's use 90% junk for instance, is driven not by the impact of cratered spot prices induced in meteoric fashion by the machinations
of those who introduce massive amounts of short futures contracts to plunge prices. The buyers (those willing to pay the premiums) are setting the price, not the sellers.
True price discovery occurs when one peers behind the curtains, spies the wizard, and recognizes the ultimate futility (and thus the eventual rebound) of levers that can
be pulled to further his aims. The wizard (the Fed) is out of tricks. We can expect war, then the coming financial collapse can be handily blamed (misdirecting the wrath
of the masses) yet once again.
What part of this does anyone not understand? Fiat is worthless, and only continues in usage due to the misguided faith of the public in its worth. At any and all costs...
we ALL should be converting our bills to coins, premiums or not. Neil points out yet another ploy used to frighten into inaction those who would otherwise begin to convert
from faux to genuine money. Eventual taxes on windfall gains? You should be anticipating windfall LOSSES! (if you heedlessly remain true to their school). Another tactic
they employ is stoking the fear of confiscation (deja vu) in those who are students of history.
Is it any wonder that
they have been mostly successful in forestalling the buying instinct of real money advocates?
Sorry for rambling, but this kinda thread pisses me off. It symbolizes that
they are winning the war. Jeesh... I get up to take a leak, and now look at what
you've made me do!!! And people wonder why insomniacs can't sleep.

When those who would order various products (from Golden State Mint in this case) are told that they are only producing one ounce buffalo rounds - 100,000 per day - and still
unable to keep inventory in stock, it provides just one further harbinger of what is to come... if you train to become an adept bird watcher.

When Chris tells you he can no longer source junk silver inexpensively... the Fat Lady is done singing.