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Silver from Quarter Machines?
Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:43 pm
by Dr. Cadmium
Has anyone here had any luck finding silver with quarter machines? I'm talking about the type found in movie theaters and video arcades that take $1 and $5 bills and convert them into quarters.
I've been putting a bill into the one at my local theater every time I see a film. So far no luck.
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:37 am
by Rosco
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:32 am
by 68Camaro
As a test, I've put hundreds of bucks through a change machine at a local car wash $10 at a time over a period of some months; nada. Of course your local mileage may vary significantly, as I've found that there are some parts of the country with more circulating silver than here, which has been picked pretty clean by large-scale CRHing. In 4 years I've found a total of 3 silver dimes and a silver quarter in my change.
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:00 am
by highroller4321
Most of those quarters are just receyled from being spent into the video arcades. Generally speaking a video arcade will not accept a silver quarter. There is a chance but the likely hood is very very small.
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:13 am
by hobo finds
Can't think of too many things that only cost a quarter... I tried the car wash idea and no luck there.
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:33 pm
by Doctor Steuss
I have never found silver from change machines (from car washes, casinos, or arcades).
My dad got a pair of SLQs from a car wash though two years ago, so it's certainly possible.
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:17 pm
by knibloe
I got one back in the car wash
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:32 am
by misteroman
I have vending machines and laundry at my motel that bring in about 300 a month. I will usually get 2 or 3 a year. 1964 is usually the dates.
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:49 am
by silverflake
In 1991 when my wife and I got married we lived in a tiny apartment (the place was so small, even the mice had hunchbacks....buddum bum) and on friday nights we went to the laundromat to do our laundry. We got $10 in quarters every week and in the year that we did that, I found one...ONE 1964 quarter. And guess what? I still have it.
Stack and hold, brothers.
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:08 pm
by silverstacker
Never once but I think of all those quarters I used in the eighties at the arcade
Re: Silver from Quarter Machines?
Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:14 pm
by Dr. Cadmium
Oh well, I knew the odds were terrible but it's good to know that it does happen very rarely. I'll keep searching.
misteroman wrote:I have vending machines and laundry at my motel that bring in about 300 a month. I will usually get 2 or 3 a year. 1964 is usually the dates.
$300 in quarters or 300 count? I'm assuming the former.