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well...what next?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:18 pm
by neilgin1
the silence is deafening.

you know this all feels like?....the calm before the storm.

you know what I saw this morning? I was checking Ebay (yeh yeh, I know! lol) looking at the rolls of 90's, I put in "recently listed" first, and a seller, (he's got 21,000 transactions, 100% pos) is carpet bombing the market with a BUNCH of Washingtons, 48-54' roll of 42's....a lot of the rolls are San Fran, but check this.....all you get is ONE picture, and some are up obverse up, others reverse up, and they all are half covering the other......."so?"....well, he's got them listed as buy it now's ranging from 21 times to 76.5 times face.....okay, that's well, because in some of these rolls, if they high grade AND if some are "varities", like double die obverses, or reverses, or one is a double die reverse with the "large D (Denver) and you want to grade and slab them? could POSSIBLY be looking at a high value numi.....but come on! if I know about varietal's, he knows too, and if a LCS owner SAYS he doesn't "cherry pick", then i'm a stanky butt woodchuck. (the only guy on Ebay I believe who tells me he doesn't cherry pick is Dave Enders, because I done business with him, and he DOES NOT cherry pick)

so I wrote the guy (or "i would be okay paying 45 times face if you'd post pics that show the obverse and reverse of every coin in a raw roll.....not trying to tell you how to do business, but....etc etc etc".

we'll see if I get a coherent reply, but there was one more problem with SOME of these rolls. Have you ever seen where guys will try to clean a coin, and make it look like they HAVENT?.....and you see those tiny little lines......I saw a quite a few of them and its sad, kind of like mixing high quality Rye whiskey with Kool-Aid.....its not the END of the world, the coin has Ag and is stackable, but not next?

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:39 pm
by smalltimeopn
I agree, the calm before the storm.....

It will be interesting to see if the the eBay seller responds.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:37 am
by 68Camaro
The calm is a blessing, an opportunity, and a warning. My fear is that there will come a time when we will look back on today wistfully. Take care of your lack of self-sufficiency (in every possible way, not just PMs or other stores, but including relationships, learning, etc) while you can.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:04 pm
by neilgin1
68Camaro wrote:The calm is a blessing, an opportunity, and a warning. My fear is that there will come a time when we will look back on today wistfully. Take care of your lack of self-sufficiency (in every possible way, not just PMs or other stores, but including relationships, learning, etc) while you can.

well's what hit me:

"there will come a time when we will look back on today wistfully."

I feel that a lot....just got back from town...Wally world, and the other market, doing my thing, buying perishables, some slicing meat, apple juice......and i'm just people watching.....and man! nobody looked happy, and this is the Shire, not some check to jowl city or's some other wisdom you wrote:

"but including relationships,"......yep. and THE Relationship.......amen.

later add, here's a kind of neat diversion, its about Popcorn Sutton, a for real moon shining hillbilly called "This is the Last Dam Run of Likker I'll Ever Make"......full film, its GOOD, not boring:

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:56 pm
by silverflake
Went to Wally World a couple weeks back and did some people watching. My wife, walking right next to me and knowing my thought processes and how I see the world, leans over to me and says, "Wow, we're screwed."

I didn't so much notice the mood of the people as happy or sad but hopeless. Obese folks in pajama bottoms and slippers, rifling through the clearance DVDs. And shoot guys, Walmart has so much STUFF we don't need. So much PLASTIC. It's all just racked in stands as far as the eye can see. Chinese plastic at 'rollback' prices.

Yeah, take this calm before the storm like everyone says here and do what you can. The VIX is way down, everyone believing in stocks again. Silver still cheap (in my opinion).

Here in Virginia our Governor is tightening gun restrictions by EXECUTIVE ORDER so maybe it's time to buy a fire arm.


Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:53 pm
by AuStruck
The rest of Popcorn Sutton's story is on Wikipedia. Just checked. It's a sad story. I saw the film a while back.

I have lived fairly close to (or in) moonshine territory. Once ran across some fresh mash in an oak barrel in a shed in a remote wooded area. (Best to leave at that time.)

Many years prior, my Scots-Irish great grandfather made the stuff before prohibition, so I'm told.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:04 am
by InfleXion
I've set foot in a Walmart maybe a dozen times ever and each time was accompanied with cringing and a sense of urgency to get it over with. I hope this isn't terrible... but Walmartians! From the sound of things with their stock and the recent wage hikes they could be on the way out. I wouldn't shed a tear for them after what they did to Rubbermaid and others, withholding payment for services rendered by using litigation stall tactics, and putting those that they owed out of business.

Things definitely appear to have calmed down. The Dow rocketed from 16,000 back above 17,000 and then the volatility pretty much went away. If the Elliot Wave theory holds any water this recent rise was the B wave rebound after the A wave that started down from the recent top, and if the C wave plays out it'll be time to buckle up. Might be a good time to store up a few more noodles and water jugs. If nothing bad happens, I have this bad habit of eating the noodles anyway :lol:

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:08 am
by neilgin1
silverflake wrote:Went to Wally World a couple weeks back and did some people watching. My wife, walking right next to me and knowing my thought processes and how I see the world, leans over to me and says, "Wow, we're screwed."

I didn't so much notice the mood of the people as happy or sad but hopeless. Obese folks in pajama bottoms and slippers, rifling through the clearance DVDs. And shoot guys, Walmart has so much STUFF we don't need. So much PLASTIC. It's all just racked in stands as far as the eye can see. Chinese plastic at 'rollback' prices.

Yeah, take this calm before the storm like everyone says here and do what you can. The VIX is way down, everyone believing in stocks again. Silver still cheap (in my opinion).

Here in Virginia our Governor is tightening gun restrictions by EXECUTIVE ORDER so maybe it's time to buy a fire arm.


cazart! .....thank you, not that I "appear" right in front of the other guys, its that I don't think i'm just "seeing" things that aren't there, meaning i'm not the only one that's picking up these small signs as in when Mrs. Stack says, "wow, we're screwed".

so thank you for letting me know, i'm not just cooking up stuff in my own mind.

you wrote:
"And shoot guys, Walmart has so much STUFF we don't need. So much PLASTIC. It's all just racked in stands as far as the eye can see. Chinese plastic at 'rollback' prices."

yes they do, BUT the plastic stuff they SHOULD have, specifically the "Mainstay's" brand of plastic 1 gallon food storage screw cap containers, was empty!.....they had three 1 quart containers "mainstays" on the shelf and that was it. each one of them is 2.97, and they are wonderful...if you want to buy glass, you're looking at $17 each(so I went to one of the managers, who happens to be a good friend, and her "place" an order for a case of them).....and what I do is this, each time I make a visit, i'll buy a 20 lb bag of short grain Calrose WHITE rice.....( yes I know, whole grain rice is "better", the problem is with the outside of the rice on, and the middle has lil bit of oil, and brown rice DOESNT store me, i'm speaking from experience) so with every 20 lb bag of rice I buy for $17 in digital money (lol), I also buy a plastic food storage bucket with locking lid, and in the rice goes, wrapped in another thin gauge plastic bag, and on the lid, with magic marker, I write the contents, and date, I lock that lid.....and it either goes into the up here storage area, or down below.

now most folks would say....."he's a "prepper'"...I NEVER use that word! its a LOADED word!...a framing word, made to seem like i'm some paranoid fear soaked nut job, and if folks want to think that, that's on them, because I am in the "insurance business"

when we stack Ag, (and most folks would think we're nuts) i'm insuring my MONEY....didn't say currency....Ag is HARD money, commodity money, we're taking paper or digital currency, and turning it into HARD money, because we're not buying the, "full faith and credit"?, when I know full and well, there is a QUADRILLION dollars of GLOBAL debt overhang?....and yes Quadrillion is a number, its a thousand Trillion, and there is no way, we have the "calories" to support this insane debt overhang, something has got to we stack.

When I stack food, i'm insuring my life....and believe me, rice isn't the only thing I bucket up. Walmart is definitely in a bit of trouble, there's a ZH article I just read, that says they are squeezing suppliers on price, and it shows in the stock price. but like everything, even regular guys like us, can use Walmart dot come to our advantage. If you go to the site, click on "food household and pets"...there will be another subcategory, "Emergency". I cant give higher marks than to an a company like Augason Farms, you can buy buckets of wheat berrys, buckets of corn meal, or corn muffin mix, cans of milk powder, honey powder, tomato powder, etc.....the list is endless....down a LOT of business via wally dot, in regards to buying this firms products, and recommend them HIGHLY, as their shelf lives are in the 10-25 year range.....(but with buying wheat berries, you have to have a grain mill, and you cant get cheap, when such an implement is concerned, so I bought the finest, $400, bought 5 years ago, german made, stainless steel, high precision tooled , HAND grain mill....frns we'll spent)

but here's how fragile the supply chain is, if EVERYBODY woke up, instead of the 3-5% of our fellow citizens, that can see thru the mist. (its the same with Ag)......remember when a lot of folks were talking about the "world ending on 23 Sep"?...and "shemitah", and all that stuff? ( Jesus HIMSELF said, He doesn't know the exact hour, so if Messiah doesn't is it that mere men, mortal, can KNOW the exact date?!?) .....anyway, I was setting to do a another big buy, I think mid August, and MOST of Augasons product line was "out of stock", they're back, all stocked up, must be making money hand over fist, which is good, because its a quality company....but that should demonstrate to us, really how fragile the whole supply chain is, whether it be Ag...or food, OR lead, because when I stack lead, i'm "insuring" security....which also includes, in a natural organic way, making friends, REAL friends, and that's a Godshot process that takes loving care, and shared experiences, laughs together, pain together.

and finally, when I "stack Bibles", i'm insuring something else, something much deeper...obviously, bout 5 years ago, I bought a case of hard back ESV Bibles, 24...(I think I've given four away! to those who needed them) I had a vision, that one day, private Bible ownership would be "outlawed"......and oh, I PRAY for that day, because THAT will be the day, when the Body of Christ begins to form "muscle", and go BACK to the days of the "Early Church", underground, with followers of Jesus, risking everything when they pick up their crosses, and don't look back.

Now, the last thing you wrote:
"Here in Virginia our Governor is tightening gun restrictions by EXECUTIVE ORDER so maybe it's time to buy a fire arm."

kinda rocked me back, because I thought Virginia is a no bs state, UNTIL I looked up on wiki WHO your governor is, then it all made terrible sense.......I cant believe Virginians elected Clintons lap dog Terry McAuliffe governor! Now I saw he got in with only 48% of the vote, and the probably put up the $ to have some libertarian siphon off the margin of victory needed for the other guy to win...wouldn't surprise me......whew, but are you guys in trouble, I don't have to tell you....this guy was Bill's reelection chairman in 96, Hillary's campaign manager in 2008, DNC chairman from 2001-05....and reading the entry, he is just another money grubbing political elite lap dog...let me just quote a few things......(and there are so many, because he's just a money worshipping idolater)

"McAuliffe had a prolific fundraising career within the Democratic Party, and a personal and political relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton. McAuliffe and his staff raised $275 million, then an unprecedented sum, for Clinton's causes while president. After Bill Clinton's tenure ended, McAuliffe loaned them $1.35 million for an apartment in Manhattan, New York City. The deal raised ethical questions. In 2000, McAuliffe chaired a fundraiser with the Clintons; setting a fundraising record of $26.3 million.

McAuliffe told The New York Times in 1999, "I've met all of my business contacts through politics. It's all interrelated." When he meets a new business contact, he continued, "then I raise money from them." He acknowledged that success of his business dealings stemmed partly from his relationship with Bill Clinton, saying, "No question, that's a piece of it." He also credited his ties to former congressmen Dick Gephardt and Tony Coelho, his Rolodex of 5,000-plus names, and his ability to personally relate to people. He told New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich in 2012 that his Rolodex held 18,632 names."

here's the link, i'm sure you're all too aware of this mess.

Just terrible for you bro Stack, in my state?...if you even DREAM of wanting to win STATEWIDE office here, you better have an A grade from the NRA...which is good, and i'm fortunate to live right in the midst of cattle, corn and dairy land, with a whole LOT of pure sweet drinking water beneath us...and I have availed myself of my 2nd amendment rights quite well, thank you, but i'm excited, because i'm buying my birthday/Christmas present early, at a half off price, a Henry lever action rifle, said lever action the missing piece of my collection, and I shall name this weapon, "Duke". why?...well, I try to end off any post on an up note, and this scene is the reason why:

and I HAVE to include this clip for you Stack, (and anyone else reading) I watched this next clip live, in 1970, as a ten year old boy, who thought John Wayne was the ideal of what I wanted to be as a man in my life, coz I had no real male influence in my life, and when he won that night, I was whooping and hollering, the kid who would win the riflery and bow championships at the day camp I HAD to go to every dang summer, coz I wanted to shoot as good as "Rooster Cogburn", and by golly, I did. I always wanted to have just one coffee and smoke with John Wayne, I know that's sound strange, but there it is...and here he is, the Duke, finally getting recognized, God rest his soul, and God love you and yours Stack:

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:35 am
by neilgin1
AuStruck wrote:The rest of Popcorn Sutton's story is on Wikipedia. Just checked. It's a sad story. I saw the film a while back.

I have lived fairly close to (or in) moonshine territory. Once ran across some fresh mash in an oak barrel in a shed in a remote wooded area. (Best to leave at that time.)

Many years prior, my Scots-Irish great grandfather made the stuff before prohibition, so I'm told.

yeh, I read that wiki entry IS sad, I chose purposefully NOT to pin it up....I like Popcorn, he was making "likker" to eat, and that's one of my favorite scenes in the entire film, is when he makes some beans up on the fire barrel, he excitedly shows the pork rinds he uses, some special kind, and then says, "this'll taste so good, yor brain'll do a jig" ( I paraphrase) I like him, because its the small things in life he gets joy out of.....

I hear ya about hightailing it outta there, when you come across some mash, ironically that's the reason I never ever visited North don't want to be wandering the woods, hill and dale up there, especially in the Aug/Sep time period, coz cannabis cultivation is how those folks eat, and they're not afraid to leave a person where they find them up there.

FoxFire vol 1 contains precise nuts and bolts how to and how not to , make likker outdoors, its of interest to me, coz likker OBVIOUSLY is a pretty good alternative form of money.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:48 am
by neilgin1
InfleXion wrote:I've set foot in a Walmart maybe a dozen times ever and each time was accompanied with cringing and a sense of urgency to get it over with. I hope this isn't terrible... but Walmartians! From the sound of things with their stock and the recent wage hikes they could be on the way out. I wouldn't shed a tear for them after what they did to Rubbermaid and others, withholding payment for services rendered by using litigation stall tactics, and putting those that they owed out of business.

Things definitely appear to have calmed down. The Dow rocketed from 16,000 back above 17,000 and then the volatility pretty much went away. If the Elliot Wave theory holds any water this recent rise was the B wave rebound after the A wave that started down from the recent top, and if the C wave plays out it'll be time to buckle up. Might be a good time to store up a few more noodles and water jugs. If nothing bad happens, I have this bad habit of eating the noodles anyway :lol:

in the flyover states, (here) in the county seats, Walmarts and maybe ONE other grocery store are the only games in town....we keep the OTHER grocery store, by patronizing them on their strengths that Walmart cant match, and they been smart, their meat section blows wallys away, their liquor section the same, along with their, if you don't want wally as the ONLY, you patronize the other as well.

yeh, that stock market is both fundamentally and technically is very very shaky...more than shaky, its downright scarey......and I cant put too fine a point on stocking up. I love stacking, but if you aren't stocking as well, the foundation gets very shaky.....just my well, n

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:41 am
by 68Camaro
Off topic, but Wal-Mart isn't what it once was, and that's sad. There was a time - 35+ years ago, and for a few more years after that - when it was a great place to shop. It was K-mart that was the detested store back then with the trashy foreign made goods and questionable shoppers. People used to laugh about K-Mart like they do Wal-Mart now.

Wal-Mart in its day had Sam Walton still running it, it was still a clean, comfortable place to shop that emphasized US made goods from US producers made by US workers, at a fair price. Now Sam is long gone, and oh how the mighty fall. Here's a morning coffee salute to what once was. Sad to see it gone the way it has.

I'll still use WM from time to time, but with care. My wife realized that the store comes back to a shadow of its former self at the end of the month, when the government checks have run dry, and the welfare people are mostly home waiting for their next check. So when we do go we try to save up until the end of the month - few people in the store, no madhouse, few crazies, no lines at checkout.

Augason Farms - I shop with them direct. They were one of my first go-to places to shop, especially due to their gluten-free lines, but I've moved mostly over to Emergencies Essentials and shop their monthly bulk specials.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:31 pm
by Treetop
I have felt like it was the calm before the storm for many years. how many more years can we prop up the current paradigm? Ive become convinced lately th current power structure will attempt to divert blame when the reset comes in whatever form it manifests. I expect most people wont be thinking, "we need to keep gov power and fractional reserve banking in check" among other related issues. War? blame it on the socialist? or the businessman? I dunno but this seems very likely to me.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:56 pm
by 68Camaro
Treetop wrote:I have felt like it was the calm before the storm for many years. how many more years can we prop up the current paradigm? Ive become convinced lately th current power structure will attempt to divert blame when the reset comes in whatever form it manifests. I expect most people wont be thinking, "we need to keep gov power and fractional reserve banking in check" among other related issues. War? blame it on the socialist? or the businessman? I dunno but this seems very likely to me.

Can't disagree. Scapegoats are the prime ammunition of powerful liars and cheats; that's classic. The big lie, etc. Hitler mastered it. Others have as well. They have been working for decades under progressivism to cast doubt on and create discontent about all the traditional forms of stability: family, religion, sanctity of life, self-reliance, existing of absolute truth, staying debt-free, nature of money, etc. So someone(s) or something(s) will be found to be the cause of the world's problems, but not them. And their solution to the crisis will be still further controls "for our own good". They never met a crisis they couldn't twist, so do not doubt that pattern will suddenly stop - nosiree. It's coming. You got it Zak.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:56 am
by silverstacker
68Camaro wrote:Off topic, but Wal-Mart isn't what it once was, and that's sad. There was a time - 35+ years ago, and for a few more years after that - when it was a great place to shop. It was K-mart that was the detested store back then with the trashy foreign made goods and questionable shoppers. People used to laugh about K-Mart like they do Wal-Mart now.

Wal-Mart in its day had Sam Walton still running it, it was still a clean, comfortable place to shop that emphasized US made goods from US producers made by US workers, at a fair price. Now Sam is long gone, and oh how the mighty fall. Here's a morning coffee salute to what once was. Sad to see it gone the way it has.

I'll still use WM from time to time, but with care. My wife realized that the store comes back to a shadow of its former self at the end of the month, when the government checks have run dry, and the welfare people are mostly home waiting for their next check. So when we do go we try to save up until the end of the month - few people in the store, no madhouse, few crazies, no lines at checkout.

Augason Farms - I shop with them direct. They were one of my first go-to places to shop, especially due to their gluten-free lines, but I've moved mostly over to Emergencies Essentials and shop their monthly bulk specials.

Their unethical practices that I first became quite aware of was the infamous "Pickle story"

This really turned me off to Wal-Mart and how they conduct business and dictate what price they will pay. Then once they have become so large for the manufacurer and most of the manufacturers business is with Wal-Mart they realize this is a great opportunity. Then again dictate a new price they will pay. At this point the manufacturer has spent the money to beef up production lines and their business sometimes is 60/40 Walmart and therefore are stuck in a situation where they must agree to WalMarts terms or go bankrupt.

Many company's that I used to deal with like Mars Chocolate had to switch their Platform from Oracle , perfect commerce etc. to SAP because WAlmart demanded it so they could get better visibility to their inventory.

And don't even get me started on the "mom and pop" shops that they crush in the process of moving into an area. Just horrible.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:07 am
by neilgin1
Stack, that wally pickle story makes me so sick at heart, and so furious , that I cant even post, because I would be sitting here typing for 3 hours. But let me just say this; two things, what does it MEAN to be a patriot?....and YES, American corporations should think patriotically....I don't even WANT to hear the word, "globalism"!....second, these children of Sam Walton and their hirelings are NOTHING but idolaters! the worship their gold..........which is something I fight very HARD in my faith walk, not to let my "stack" be my "god", my idol, ......and I got a story about an ebay Ag seller, who TECHNICALLY is doing NOTHING wrong, BUT, he's slick...more later.....God bless you, and God help America, only if they ask, neil

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:12 am
by fansubs_ca
As for Wal-Mart in decline, in my city they just cut down from 3 locations
24 hours to only one. ... -1.2615069

Ironically it was them going 24 hours that got me shopping there more,
I usually work until 11pm so if I want to shop after work my choices are
Walmart and 7-11. (Or if I go to annother neighborhood there is a drug
store) I guess I'm down to 7-11 or a long trip for the drugstore. (The
remaining Wal-Mart is far even under ideal conditions.)

Also I have noticed over the last few years they have run out of particular
items sometimes for weeks at a time before they get them again. Most
people won't notice because they'll just buy a substitute brand but I notice
because I tend to just always buy the same thing if it's a consumable item
and also the other brand usually costs more.

They still were pushing the "made in the USA" thing with signs all over the store
when they rolled into North Dakota (latet 80s I think). I seem to recall they
toned that down around the time they rolled into Canada and Mexico. (Though
didn't nessecarily shift their product sourcing at that time.)

At the time in Canada there were still a lot of people that were adverse to US
influence (I can't speak for Mexico) so Wal-Mart was probably trying to avoid
rocking the boat as they expanded internationally by not being as "in your face"
about being American. I never could understand people like that myself as I
recognize that there are no two countries that have as much in common with
each other as Canada and the U.S.

I've gotta say Wal-Mart's Canadian roll out was way better handled than Target's
was. (Although that was over 20 years ago now.) Wal-Mart bought out a pre-existing
retailer called "Woolco" kept all the staff, assumed control of the distribution
wherehouses, changed the signs and repainted but mostly had a lot of the same
stuff for sale initially and they gradually brought it into standardization introducing
new products gradualy.

Target showed up spent a bunch of money "buying leases" from HBC which it had
used for it's Zeller's stores. In a few cases decided not to take the HBC lease and
instead build a new store. They took no staff or distribution chain over so they had
to re-build that all from scratch, totally gutted and renovated all the stores (more
expensive, also they were doing this with some stores where the flooring etc. that
they replaced wasn't all that old to begin with, also used something in constuction
that gave the stores a weird smell that never really went away during their lifetime
in Canada.) Then found their built from scratch distribution system wasn't quite up
to speed right away, had shortages of various mercahandise, then seemed to think
they didn't even have to try to compete with anyone, including themselves. There
were a lot of complaints that they were charging so much more than in the US.,
now I recognize that for various reasons it won't be the exact same but they really
weren't even trying to keep prices down. Finally when they figured out that Canada
wasn't going to be the "easy money" they thought it would be they gave up on it and
pulled out. Target didn't try to adapt and re-build their brand, they just gave up.
Ironically there is one store where they decided to build from scratch that was finished
only months before they shut down. Funny thing, it was just as I was finally starting
to shop there when they pulled the plug. (Other places changing their product line
lead me to shift my shopping around, it seems that manufacturere are constantly
fiddling with their product to avoid admitting that there is inflation, stores buying
out other stores and changing the store brand.)

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:06 pm
by neilgin1
I just got done reading zerohedge, and there are SO many out of whack situations ONGOING....I just know where to begin, whether it be geo-military-poltical, inside central banking, there's yet another article about wal mart sqeezing suppliers, another article about how Europe is killing itself by allowing muslim migration (a lot of these folks are just fleeing, but to think Euro and Muslim cultures can exist side by side?)

that's why I sound like a broken this? simply must get out of the city/burbs, which I FULLY REALIZE is easier said than done. My situation is unique, and don't think I thank the Lord in gratitude every day.

But as I read this global mess (mindful of the nuclear sword of Damocles that hangs over ALL our head) I ponder work arounds, and then realize i'm just one man....nothing....a vapor. OK

so I realize if we let our hearts and souls get pummeled EVERYDAY, we sink deeper and deeper into a morass of hopelessness, right?

THATS THE KILLER, if we let our souls get killed, its game over, we're just walking the work around has to BE....whats it going to be?......fear or faith? (this is not "religion" i'm talking about) Fear kills us, Faith brings Joy.......every smile, every laugh, every kiss, a like a precious gem, Joy is the simple things, its kin around a table, eating...and laughing. Its a good conversation with a spouse or a trusted wingman, it could looking at a field of clover in spring that YOU sown, or watching your young son you get what i'm getting at?

These "world controllers" or "TPTB" as we call them, in their sole pursuit of wealth have fallen into a soulless sort of idolatry, they are worshipping the proverbial golden calf....FOOLS!!! we here "stack", which is wisdom, unless of course, if any guy here thinks their "stack" is going to save them?.....oh son of man....folly. We're just trying to be wise, at least that's the way I read it.

Now, I don't know where you are faith wise, because faith is personal, it belongs to YOU, its between you and God.....and any politician that uses a Holy God to get votes?....not pretty. But I want to share something with you, audio, which I cut for my son when he was 8, I wanted to let him know who HE is, in Christ Jesus, its entitled "A Kingdom of Priests" its 12 minutes long and if you want, just listen to it with your heart, maybe close your eyes and let the Wind of the Spirit blow....(i'm going to listen to it now, too before I keep on stacking the endless firewood pile)

here it is ... ?lid=12043

God love you, I sure do, seize our joy, n.

Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:23 pm
by johnbrickner
Neil, thanks for all you do, say, think and share with us. Continuing this conversation off topic, I like the Duke also as Rooster. However, if I may . . . I like him better here:


Re: well...what next?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:12 pm
by neilgin1
johnbrickner wrote:Neil, thanks for all you do, say, think and share with us. Continuing this conversation off topic, I like the Duke also as Rooster. However, if I may . . . I like him better here:


that's a good one. never saw the film though, wasn't much for westerns, here i'll the clip fer have to get the "s" outta the "http" when you slip in the youtube thing

True Grit was different for me, as a 9 year old, it shaped me, Rooster an model of what a man should be, "Bullitt" came out at the same time and McQueen as "Bullitt" impacted me greatly too...not the actor, the character, same with Hackman in "The French Connection", as well as Redford in "Three Days of the Condor".......these were the type of man I wanted to be, when you don't have a flesh n blood male figure in your daily life?......I looked to our mythology, films.....and maybe you see a common thread in these two other clips

and the funny thing was 2 years later I was in the intel community.

Life, huh?

be well Brick