Treasure Hunters

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

Please Note: These articles are to inform your thinking, not lead it. Only you can decide the best place for your money, and any decision you make will put your money at risk. Information or data included here may have already been overtaken by events – and must be verified elsewhere – should you choose to act on it.

Treasure Hunters

Postby beauanderos » Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:28 am

Everyone badmouths the Treasure Hunters Roadshow for lowballing unsuspecting sellers into parting with their heirlooms too cheaply. I'm not here to defend or attack their business plan.
I just want to say that, if you bid on their subsequent auctions on ebay under their 24 different account names, you can sometimes come up with some good deals, price-wise and... once in a
great while, a real score.

I'll buy junk silver in whatever denomination, whichever type, as long as I can get it 1X below face. Did that last week and purchased forty Barber dimes for $84. Apparently, they get such a
high volume of material through their receiving rooms that they can't individually inspect each and every coin they subsequently list on ebay. I suspect they must pull high-grade coins with
nice luster and sell them to coin shops, as I don't see any listings of this sort from their sites. Someone dropped the ball on this one, because when I inspected the coins, along with what you
would expect - slicks, holed, worn, and a few in AG3 to AG8 condition... I found a darkly-toned 1892 in probably XF45 condition! Woohoo! This is easily a $30 dime. :mrgreen:
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