"GEM/BU" raw rolls of Walkings really are AU's, FURIOUS

from 2008 on, I've bought a LOT of raw rolls of 90%'ers, MOST "GEM BU's"........as well as ASE's and now exclusively Maples, the 14's and 15's, because of those filthy chicom counterfeiters.
what I was trying to do, was play both and intrinsic value Ag stack, with a couple toes (potentially) in the numi field.
I joined PCGS to cherry pick those coins that will grade high, slab 'em, and offer them at Auction....I got 4 digit stuff....anyway, there is a WELL KNOWN seller on Ebay...I will not name, but if you follow raw rolls of US 90%'s on Ebay you'll know who I speak of.
this guy has been consistently offering 40's era raw rolls of "GEM/BU Walking Liberty Halves, and I watch guys bid up and pay anywhere from 35 times to 75 times face for a $10 roll. I was ALWAYS suspect of this c##ksucker, because the only picture he would put up, was the roll arranged vertically, coin over coin, with no magnification. that's it.
tempted as I was, I only ONCE , snuck in, and picked up a roll of 1941-P "GEM/BU", for maybe 31 times face, which is at the LOW end of what guys were bidding....and the guys that bid for these rolls were not noobies, they had thousands, if not hundreds of transactions...now this has sold a LOT of "GEM/BU" 90's, Morgans, Walkings and Franklins, like I think he's got 70,000 plus transactions with a 99.8% pos rating.
the other day, I take out my lonely little 41-P 10FV roll to loupe and glass, looking for the MS-65's and over to send in, and believe it or not, I have a harsh graders eye. I reference on site, what PCGS as graded say as an MS67, glass a coin, wobble it, first the obverse, reeds, reverse...and if i'm not absolutely CERTAIN, its a 65 or higher, off to the side...no problem.
the first 41 Walking I look at, I look at the head of the "gal", and son of a buck, i'm looking at BEST, an AU (About Uncirculated) 58 or 55......and this one guy has sold so many rolls of Walkings, he has dumped the numi market in the 1940's coins!!! next coin, same thing, and the next and the next, etc.
I couldn't make it thru the roll, I was getting so hot under the collar...this guy (and if you're reading this you F###, I mean you) is LUCKY i'm so buried in the sticks, coz if he was anywhere near my area of operations?.....let me it lay there.
yeh, i'll look at the whole roll..LATER, but I doubt anything of numi worth is in it, so if you bought Walking's or anything from this guy, with the intent of cherry picking and slabbing....watch out, he is a LIAR, and a snake, and a discredit to the trade of PM's.
that is all....dismissed! (laughing) man, some people got no honor.....but why should they?....look at our national leadership, worthless walking stacks of meat anyway.....debates? either party?.....what a joke, they got us on the brink of global war, and nobody says a word.....no honor, no truth in high and sometimes lower places....oh well guys.....brace for impact, n
what I was trying to do, was play both and intrinsic value Ag stack, with a couple toes (potentially) in the numi field.
I joined PCGS to cherry pick those coins that will grade high, slab 'em, and offer them at Auction....I got 4 digit stuff....anyway, there is a WELL KNOWN seller on Ebay...I will not name, but if you follow raw rolls of US 90%'s on Ebay you'll know who I speak of.
this guy has been consistently offering 40's era raw rolls of "GEM/BU Walking Liberty Halves, and I watch guys bid up and pay anywhere from 35 times to 75 times face for a $10 roll. I was ALWAYS suspect of this c##ksucker, because the only picture he would put up, was the roll arranged vertically, coin over coin, with no magnification. that's it.
tempted as I was, I only ONCE , snuck in, and picked up a roll of 1941-P "GEM/BU", for maybe 31 times face, which is at the LOW end of what guys were bidding....and the guys that bid for these rolls were not noobies, they had thousands, if not hundreds of transactions...now this has sold a LOT of "GEM/BU" 90's, Morgans, Walkings and Franklins, like I think he's got 70,000 plus transactions with a 99.8% pos rating.
the other day, I take out my lonely little 41-P 10FV roll to loupe and glass, looking for the MS-65's and over to send in, and believe it or not, I have a harsh graders eye. I reference on site, what PCGS as graded say as an MS67, glass a coin, wobble it, first the obverse, reeds, reverse...and if i'm not absolutely CERTAIN, its a 65 or higher, off to the side...no problem.
the first 41 Walking I look at, I look at the head of the "gal", and son of a buck, i'm looking at BEST, an AU (About Uncirculated) 58 or 55......and this one guy has sold so many rolls of Walkings, he has dumped the numi market in the 1940's coins!!! next coin, same thing, and the next and the next, etc.
I couldn't make it thru the roll, I was getting so hot under the collar...this guy (and if you're reading this you F###, I mean you) is LUCKY i'm so buried in the sticks, coz if he was anywhere near my area of operations?.....let me it lay there.
yeh, i'll look at the whole roll..LATER, but I doubt anything of numi worth is in it, so if you bought Walking's or anything from this guy, with the intent of cherry picking and slabbing....watch out, he is a LIAR, and a snake, and a discredit to the trade of PM's.
that is all....dismissed! (laughing) man, some people got no honor.....but why should they?....look at our national leadership, worthless walking stacks of meat anyway.....debates? either party?.....what a joke, they got us on the brink of global war, and nobody says a word.....no honor, no truth in high and sometimes lower places....oh well guys.....brace for impact, n