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Silver Currency on the Menu

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:38 am
by Cptindy
The relationship between an ounce of silver and the fiat currency continue to joust, while the paper dollars requiem plays quietly in the background. Commerce as a whole is being returned towards value. Value that is, in the acquisition of tangible items. As Wall Street continues to pump the next incredible venture, the byproducts of waste continue to fall on the taxpayer. As a citizen one holds in question the actions taken by those elected to represent. As the people may not revolt directly in a style similar to the Egyptian Crisis, they will change their monetary habits, just as any other human instinct.

The typical consumer is quiet; he holds no objection to any gadget or device presented. If the item or service proves itself as useful it remains in circulation and gets an approving nod of acceptance. As one after another agree with its purpose therein lies the makings of a staple product.

An example may be made with a new restaurant. A suspicious patron may decide to wander into the newest franchise and grab a bite to eat. Should the food and atmosphere bring comfort a relationship begins to form. The consumer becomes accustomed to a specific and reliable relationship.

As such a few mistakes are made on behalf of the franchise along the way, while they do not interfere with the overall experience the customer graciously overlooks. In time these mistakes turn into patterns un be known to the franchise. As a consumer one simply chooses to dine somewhere else. Maybe another new hot spot or maybe that old reliable back in the old neighborhood.

Where the currency market is concerned the relationship is similar. The consumer is beginning to feel the mistakes being made with the fiat system of order. The currency situation just does not taste the same.

This specific design has been franchised all across the globe.

“We as consumers understand the fiat system is a concept, not an absolute.”

A franchise trading system, that as it once held our heart and provided use, no longer satisfies the necessity we require, a necessity to hold value.

Silver and Gold represent the familiar restaurant. The place where the food is tasty, the flavor well known and the owners knew you by name. These establishments are still there. Continuing to do what they do best, satisfy. There is no vibrant coloring or new mantra to proclaim their worthiness, just a simple concept of satisfaction.

Value will always be in what one understands to be true. Silver and Gold as a wealth preserver have been utilized for thousands of years by many cultures, like anything else in life it has recycled. As the dilution of fiat currency continues people will simply not choose to hold their savings in paper. Not while the old restaurant is still running.

Re: Silver Currency on the Menu

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:44 pm
by whatsnext
Now that the franchise has taken over, It simply ask the others to add sawdust to the meat to make things evenout.
Dont add sawdust and your manipulating the market to your flavor, uhh I mean favor.