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I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:34 pm
by neilgin1
imho, Andy Hoffman is one of the smart ones...have a listen, you wont be bored.

in fraternity, n

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:31 am
by 68Camaro
The new X-files excerpt was interesting. If there were "global elitists" and I was leading them, and there were some right-wingers trying to raise the alarm, I would do exactly this - promote something close to the actual plan (not in the details, but in the concept) in an edgy sci-fi series known for crazy ideas, which gets it advertised as crazy Hollywood fiction, so as the alarm continues to get louder they can point to this series and laugh at it. Nothing damps out an alarm in the general population like making fun of it.

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:57 am
by blackrabbit
68Camaro wrote:The new X-files excerpt was interesting. If there were "global elitists" and I was leading them, and there were some right-wingers trying to raise the alarm, I would do exactly this - promote something close to the actual plan (not in the details, but in the concept) in an edgy sci-fi series known for crazy ideas, which gets it advertised as crazy Hollywood fiction, so as the alarm continues to get louder they can point to this series and laugh at it. Nothing damps out an alarm in the general population like making fun of it.

Good analysis. +100

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:51 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
Someday the bad guys will lose and the good guys will win... someday.

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:20 am
by beauanderos
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Someday the bad guys will lose and the good guys will win... someday.

but by then... you'll be on someone's watch list. :roll:

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:35 pm
by plus1hdcp
beauanderos wrote:
Cu Penny Hoarder wrote:Someday the bad guys will lose and the good guys will win... someday.

but by then... you'll be on someone's watch list. :roll:

You think we all are not already on someone's watch list? :D

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:13 am
by neilgin1
68Camaro wrote:The new X-files excerpt was interesting. If there were "global elitists" and I was leading them, and there were some right-wingers trying to raise the alarm, I would do exactly this - promote something close to the actual plan (not in the details, but in the concept) in an edgy sci-fi series known for crazy ideas, which gets it advertised as crazy Hollywood fiction, so as the alarm continues to get louder they can point to this series and laugh at it. Nothing damps out an alarm in the general population like making fun of it.

68, sorry to be tardy in response, because I believe you discerned the whole deal pretty darn well.

NOTHING is shown on main stream media without passing thru MANY hands, this I know for a fact. The producers and writers of ANY fictionalized offerings "don't go off the reservation". You write a show.....then network exec's have a meeting called "network notes", before any cameras roll, with the shows production team. this meeting is NOT a "discussion", more like an edict, as in "you will" make "this change", or "that change". no dissent tolerated,

the first time I realized the "game" was when the film, "Enemy of the State" was released. When I would opine to friends that this film was NOT to show how open we are as a nation, I would be told, "no, it shows our FREEDOM, that a film like this is even released"

Bovine scat! this film is a warning, said warning being, if you are an ordinary citizen who stumbles upon some "deep state" tom chicanery, you will be chased and hounded by a quite lethal band of various police state operatives, and live thru a 2 hour nightmare scenario, barely staying alive, having to scurry down a building, dodging surveillance, bombs, bullets, helicopters and by the final reel, you MIGHT still be warning, "don't mess with us", which is meant to instill fear.....this film was made and directed by Tony Scott....

(who btw, committed suicide a few years back, by I believe jumping off the San Pedro bridge in the SoCal area, i'm not SAYING its related to this, but the man didn't die in bed or a hospital , he was Ridley Scott's brother and business partner, and Ridley directed "Black Hawk Down".....a fine film, but the actual incident was the "reason", the Clinton administration gave for NOT halting the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, of 1 million Tutsi's and moderate Hutu's, which could have been stopped in its tracks by a quick and decisive insertion of an RDF force of a US Marine MEU, and a regiment of the either the 82nd or 101st Airborne division. believe me, all they would have had to do was start capping a couple dozen grabassistic hutu regular army "checkpoints" and those machete wielding irregular's known as the "interhamwe"...those were the ones who were quite proficient at slaughtering civilians, but would have folded like a sack of sh#t, when US Marines, and Army paratroopers unleashed hellfire upon them, handed over the country to the RPF and Gen Paul Kagame, a Tutsi, who to this day, leads as President, the only real African national success story....and btw the quote "seminal" Pulitzer Prize book on the genocide was written by Samantha Power, who is Obama's ambassador to the UN, which speaks volumes, for your research, check out her wiki entry, and her "role" in the Libyan "CF" )

we have to face facts, in most power centers , governmental, business, banking and entertainment industries of our country, we are "led" by sociopaths, idiots, and people who's idea of service is "hooray for me, and FU"....just look at the sad spectacle of the 2016 electoral cycle to drive that point home, it's a bloody embarrassment.

and at the pain of seeming to blither on, just today I was told by my insurance guy, who is a good man, but he told me, I could get a 30% discount on insuring my pick up truck, and SUV, by consenting to have the insurance company attach a "device" to both vehicles, so they could ascertain "my driving habits, speed, and distances driven".....i'm certain you know how I responded to that kind offer.

so here's the trailer and a scene from the previously mentioned film , released 18 years ago......last point, get off the grid if you can, as much as you can, that's why I stack, God love and protect you all, n

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:13 am
by Treetop
68Camaro wrote:The new X-files excerpt was interesting. If there were "global elitists" and I was leading them, and there were some right-wingers trying to raise the alarm, I would do exactly this - promote something close to the actual plan (not in the details, but in the concept) in an edgy sci-fi series known for crazy ideas, which gets it advertised as crazy Hollywood fiction, so as the alarm continues to get louder they can point to this series and laugh at it. Nothing damps out an alarm in the general population like making fun of it.

Certainly possible, but if TPTB have as much control as some theorize I doubt it would happen anything like the show mentioned. If it did it could threaten their ability t maintain control. They are not gods, just able to pull the strings and line things up as they desire and guide public opinion. If the average joe smoe knows the reset to our current ponzi scheme came about through a failure of fiat and or related issues their ability to maintain control into the next phase is in jeopardy. so IF such folks truly to guide world events, I expect some other factor will reset the system. War, terrorists perhaps robbing big banks or some other internet based act that justifies further control and diverts blame, major disease outbreak thats takes enough lives that most think it caused the reset, etc etc... whatever it is if such elitists exist at that level of control anything BUT their machinations will be blamed in the minds of your avg citizen. If they just make the reset sound like conspiracy theory BUT it does end up playing out that way, youll have large segments of the population left and right attempting to forge their own paths, not following the one laid out for them. imo the reset is 100% inevitable and if it happens randomly or as a bank holiday and most know it was fractional reserve banking/fiat/ etc that caused it then this would imo confirm TPTB are NOT as in control as some theorize. otherwise there is no way they will let the blame fall at their feet if they can help it.

I kinda expect if tptb are that much in control that a path will be laid out for the compliant, as well as variables that force the non compliant to rebel and get crushed by the new paradigm. I do expect it to be rather draconian but not in the shape most seem to portray it. I expect things will line up in such a way that the more vocal and angry folks on the left and right will seem crazy to those who just go along so they get their food and keep their TV running. Then those "crazy" types can effectively be weeded out. If it plays out in such a way that average non big picture type knows the system is trying to enslave him they can loose control. In fact on most issues it might even appear to be less corrupt then ever during such a period. A job and full pantry for everyone, were really trying to keep it together!! I dont even think its likely they would target homesteader types such as myself, atleast not early on, maybe later. It is to obvious. If your avg dude looks around and sees innocent people targetted they might ask to many questions. Rather I picture aggravated leftys rioting in the streets and getting mowed down with gunfire. aggravated righties making a point to arm themselves and form militia etc. only to be taken down waco style. To that avg joe smoe those folks were a threat to the system keeping their food on the shelves and their TV running. In a context like that, they might not LIKE whats happening but it could be seen as justified since the fabric of society at that point might already be rather fragile. As a plant breeder this is particularly frightening on some levels. Done similar to what I described above, you would over time effectively be left with mostly the more compliant people. Do it globally and you potentially alter the entire course of our species evolution for the rest of the time we exist. A horrifying prospect. Humans have always been contrarians, it has its downfalls but it has always ensured one group or another thrives when others might fail. Im not positive they do have that level of control, but if so I expect this is the basic shape it will play out in.

So how to survive it? give yourself options. Gold and silver give you options. A piece of land set up to feed your family gives you options. A range of, or atleast one marketable skill (that still works if robots become a major factor) gives you options. A fully stocked pantry gives you options. Of course these could all make you targets as well in such a scenario, but as I said above simply targeting those able to take care of their own needs raises to many redflags for joe smoe. They are much more likely to just focus on those actually stirring up trouble and ignoring the 1-2% that make their own path peacefully. Atleast at first. Decades later after you weeded out the non peaceful, and have a firmer grasp on control then ever you could target those making their own path much easier and maintain control. If at the beginning of this process you are particularly wealthy and are wise/lucky enough to preserve it, I expect youll be in a place you can maintain it, BUT it will probably be hard to impossible to actually build real wealth. If the companies working on robots for crops pull it off, and they appear close, growing staple crops might become obsolete as well. Corporate farms atm pay low wages for people to run the tractors, but with robots it might drop to an avg of 3k a year. A fraction of what even migrant workers are paid. no farmer could compete with that, driving many of them into desperation or the cities for whatever paradigm the elite are trying to push people into.

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:13 pm
by Recyclersteve
Enemy of the State is a GREAT movie. I saw it recently for the first time ever and now I want to buy the DVD.

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:49 pm
by neilgin1
Recyclersteve wrote:Enemy of the State is a GREAT movie. I saw it recently for the first time ever and now I want to buy the DVD.

that made me laugh bru....I think they got free copies floating around on youtube.

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:30 pm
by beauanderos
neilgin1 wrote:
Recyclersteve wrote:Enemy of the State is a GREAT movie. I saw it recently for the first time ever and now I want to buy the DVD.

that made me laugh bru....I think they got free copies floating around on youtube.

just ordered it from the library to watch again. :thumbup: Along with Marathon Man. They didn't have Conspiracy Theory :thumbdown:

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:03 pm
by AGgressive Metal
I have been watching about 30 major US company stock prices in my discount broker account - its my own artificial index of 30 stocks that I feel indicate an array of key sectors in the economy. What I have noticed is that right now you have tobacco/non-cyclical safety stocks like J&J, Altria, Phillip Morris, Pepsi/Coke, Waste Management, General Mills, etc still up near 52 week highs. Meanwhile your oil, US Steel, Alcoa, Ford, mining sector, Caterpillar, manufacturing, discretionary retail, Apple, and financial/banks are all down closer to 52 week lows. What that screams to me is that Wall Street equity managers and smart money are bracing for a big recession. Concurrently we see the recent huge rally in gold - despite low commodity prices in general! The bad data is out there, they just want to act like everything is fine on MSNBC to keep the muppets/suckers hanging on to index funds and other retail investments long enough for them to move their cash around. If you are on this forum, you already know what you need to be doing!

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:51 am
by 68Camaro
Makes perfect sense to me. I'm seeing that same trend. I believe there is a purposeful effort to keep the ponzi going by hype and other means while those that know to find cover and have a place to do so, act.

Re: I may never own a paper asset ever again"...Andy Hoffman

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:01 pm
by InfleXion
The machine only works if there are enough workers to keep it running. While we have that, their job becomes more difficult if there is general civil unrest, which is what would happen if social services went away, which require the money printing machine and debt expansion. Government debt expansion puts a greater burden on a shrinking workforce, and I think we're seeing the effects of trying to do more with less. I agree with this video about the Fed needing to do an about face and start up QE again. The Baltic Dry Index keeps breaking new record lows even though oil is cheaper than it's been in years. If they aren't going to do another shot in the arm it's as good as throwing in the towel, but they'll probably wait as long as possible since there's probably not much left they can do after that.