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here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:24 am
by neilgin1
this is it, the big tsunami.

I pray you all have everything wired together.

what will happen during the big tsunami?

cant be specific, I just know that it will be very bad things.


Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:11 am
by Diggin4copper
Hours? Days? Weeks?

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:36 am
by NHsorter
What brings you to this conclusion? Why now? What is the trigger?

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:23 am
by neilgin1
NHsorter wrote:What brings you to this conclusion? Why now? What is the trigger?

for the first time in this downdraft in equities, the last 5 trading sessions, the 6 "too big to fail" banks are getting smashed on heavy vol...PLUS, the Euro "rock" Deutsche Bank, is making all time lows, while you have their CEO, sending our PR releases to the effect, "we're not insolvent".......okay, but that's something that shouldn't even have to HAVE a PR release.

as of maybe three sessions ago, only 15% of all SnP stocks were above their 200 day moving averages, the BDI is making all time lows , I think I saw a figure of 261!!!

time frame? dunno, but when you see the winners of the NH primaries, Trumpollini, or Crusty Berny the SOCIALIST.....lets just say .....2016...sometime....and don't forget the "out of nowhere" false flag...OR the WH announces on a FRIDAY, they've detected malware in the national banking system, so we cant use our ATM cards, so the smart guys can "de-bug" the system...Monday comes....they "fail" up is Barry Sotero announcing a "bank holiday"....when most of America is so childish to only have NINE meals on hand...

like I implore....BRACE, God protect you all, and please, FIGHT FEAR....remember our relatives who gazed at Ellis Island way long ago, they FOUGHT that fear, they made a life in a new land.......we are their children, would to God we all remember that. much love to you all, neil

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:23 am
by neilgin1
NHsorter wrote:What brings you to this conclusion? Why now? What is the trigger?

for the first time in this downdraft in equities, the last 5 trading sessions, the 6 "too big to fail" banks are getting smashed on heavy vol...PLUS, the Euro "rock" Deutsche Bank, is making all time lows, while you have their CEO, sending our PR releases to the effect, "we're not insolvent".......okay, but that's something that shouldn't even have to HAVE a PR release.

as of maybe three sessions ago, only 15% of all SnP stocks were above their 200 day moving averages, the BDI is making all time lows , I think I saw a figure of 261!!!

time frame? dunno, but when you see the winners of the NH primaries, Trumpollini, or Crusty Berny the SOCIALIST.....lets just say .....2016...sometime....and don't forget the "out of nowhere" false flag...OR the WH announces on a FRIDAY, they've detected malware in the national banking system, so we cant use our ATM cards, so the smart guys can "de-bug" the system...Monday comes....they "fail" up is Barry Sotero announcing a "bank holiday"....when most of America is so childish to only have NINE meals on hand...

like I implore....BRACE, God protect you all, and please, FIGHT FEAR....remember our relatives who gazed at Ellis Island way long ago, they FOUGHT that fear, they made a life in a new land.......we are their children, would to God we all remember that. much love to you all, neil


PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:57 am
by johnbrickner
reposted twice

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:57 am
by johnbrickner
Neil: Thank you for planting the seed. I apologize in advance for the excessive writing but a few good folks such as your self and others (you know who you are) seem to be able to pull the thoughts from me by setting the stage as follows:

When will this happen you may ask?

For decades, like the last 4. I would expect some significant road bumps though in the not so distant future as in the last continuing depression. Expect more of the same with some worse thrown in. How much worse? Worse than what we are used to.

My father (God bless him, at 90 he's still alive with Parkinson's) used to say "expect the best but make allowances for the worse". Wise words, right up and until the "stagflation recession" of '73-'75. I was 16 when it started and by the time I was 18 his self-built and run electronics manufacturing business was all but under. This thanks to the state of CA reneging on the largest contract his company had to date. All product finished and ready to ship. Impressionable times on a young man. Vietnam was all but finished.

I now say, "prepare for the worse, but take time to enjoy the best when it happens" and I have been since 2008. Many are considering the ultimate outcome as We Go to War. I'll contend we've been in a state of perpetual war international since I was 8 when active combat units were introduced to Vietnam and nationally since I was 14 when Nitler declared the War on Drugs. Both escalated and assured permanency with GDubya's War on Terror on 2001.

Welcome to 1984 to those who are aware enough to see it. I'm lucky as my life experience started with enough awareness to now understand it has coincided with the decline of the greatest Empire modern history has ever seen. And, to date, still the greatest and most abundant. Admirable considering the last 50 years.

The reason it hurts us all so much is we have been used to the best of everything the world has had to offer a people within a nation for our and subsequent generations. The only one's left that remember what it was like to experience want, need, austerity, curtailment and adversity on a national scale like now, were people like my father that grew up during the "great depression" and fought in WWII. Soon, none will be alive that did both as there are only a handful left. It's up to us to pass the memory of such and how to deal with it on to future generations.

You can agreed or disagree for what I have written above (in all honesty it's my life experience, and I'm old enough now to set it in stone) but, it's important to know where we have been and where we are at as we consider where we are going into a future of an Empire in decline. An interesting ongoing consideration when you look at the NH primary winners. I can't help but compare Trump's campaign to Senator Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip's in Sinclair Lewis' classic "It Can't Happen Here" (a now online book in my favorites). I listened to both victory speeches. Politicians do an interesting job of painting a vision of the future. I can't compare Bernie's with any campaign but he reminds me of Father Coughlin. Interesting is I'm not the first to consider the same for both. Others were thinking this back in Aug. and Sept of last year. No bad, only 6 month behind the curve on this thread.

What future do you want for the next 7 generations? No politician can give it to us. No, we've got to imagine and paint our own future. One that is consistent with a sober long-term view of where we are headed. And it ain't the land of milk and honey. Those times are behind us. But we as a people have to start forging it now. Don't get me wrong, such activity is truly in its' infant stages, if not embryo.

Many are considering a much more decentralized answer. I know, difficult to imagine when EVERYTHING is currently going the opposite direction. But, hey we're contrarians by the mere fact we are here on this forum. Each of us needs a personal vision of the future. One that has at least a kindled burning desire of obtaining. Then comes the hard part. We have to act on that desired vision. It's not enough to prepare and ride the storm out in our lifeboat. We have to actively work at carving the future for those who will abide after us.

In time, if the vision is good it will be adopted by other people imagining similar. When enough individuals act on their personal vision, the combined consciousness of those imagining the same will reach a critical mass then we will have a movement of people acting in similar direction. Some of this is out there already if you know where to look. A lot of it is existing in related "do good" side stream activity and it will take some time to get these stream flowing the same direction.

I consider we as a nation will have to eat a lot shat before the critical mass comes around. It may take a significant decline before awareness increases among the masses. But in the mean time, we can act as individuals living the life we can imagine the future being. Or at least start moving in that direction.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:20 pm
by beauanderos
BTW, don't worry about either candidate getting elected. Barry will still be around after he declares martial law following the false flag. I've heard him mention in speeches
twice that he is worried about a nuclear event in NYC. Preview of things to come? :shock: :?

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:31 pm
by silverflake
Folks, I appreciate your thoughts. Neil, good to hear from you. Johnbrickner, much wisdom in your story. All poignant. So as far as whats coming, I can feel it. Sounds like you all can too. Now, regarding the stock market......

I am not a technical trader but I do look for stock patterns for entry points, maybe some quick trades. Take a look at the S&P one year daily chart. Theres a HUGE head and shoulders pattern formed with the neckline support at about 1850 (right where we are now). First shoulder formed in august and looped up and around to the end of sep 2015. Head is giant and moves up to just above 2100 before crashing down in mid jan 2016. Now this second shoulder which began at that same point has moved up and has come down and is now hanging on support at 1850 by a thread. Perhaps its just a figment of my imagination.
.....Hold your breath guys.

Stack stack stack. Oh, and as Neil says, PRAY!

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:03 pm
by 68Camaro
Dow closed down 100 on a Fed Wed, and gold holding if not up. That's an ominous portent right there. Oil knocking on 26. I believe Fed and ecb have stoked the markets to keep where they are this week and have had troubles at that.

I think the Chinese markets being closed for lunar New year has saved their bacon this week. Watch out Monday morning after the Chinese market reopens.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:51 am
by rainsonme
Mr SilverFlake and Mr Camaro, we may be the last 3 people on this board that pay attention to the paper assets like stocks. Look at a larger S&P chart and see the 1500 top in Jan 2001 and June 2007 ---- that would make a great long term support line for the S&P to drop another 20% from here.

A bubble has burst, much like Tech in 2000, and Housing/Finance in 2008 --- this time it was oil. Bid up, highly leveraged. Trillions in paper-wealth destroyed, massive deleveraging going on, banks especially Euro banks at risk due to oil exposure --- another bubble, another crash.

One of these bubble-bursting-crashes will undo the whole system, because "they" have debased all the currencies so very badly. It may not be this one. It may be the next one, or the one after that.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:03 am
by deacon
I follow stocks as well. Very interesting fall. Banks are getting hammered. Sp500 about 1-2% away from a bear market. Futures are down half a percent right now. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't spread like wild fire yet.

A few people I have talked to are fearful of their stocks losing more value. If this keeps up there could be a lot of people pulling their money out, which would hurt the market even more and cause a downward spiral.

But, I'm sure the big bankers will find a way to keep the boat floating a bit longer. Soon every country will have negative interest rates.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:58 am
by neilgin1
I agree with all that has been written here.....Johnny B, nice post, poignant.....i'm writing this from a hospital, nothing dramatic happened, I have a stent put in , in 2009, and lately I been getting these weird pains, so I ske'ed a doc appointment and he looked me over and sent me up to the bigger hospital up the river to stay a couple nights.....I drove myself up, meaning I aint knocking on heavens gate.....but they're talking about maybe a new stent or even a bypass.

man, you guys wouldn't believe how regular girl hot these nurses and CNA's are....sometimes it stinks being in your 50's, when you were a playah in your 20's or 30's.

end of the world?....what? me worry?

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:59 am
by neilgin1
double post,

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:22 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
Something has definitely changed. I've been waiting/prepping for this for the last 8 years or so. I thought 2008/09 was going to be the big one, but Fed came to the rescue. Who knows what rabbit they might pull out of their hat this time; negative interest rate?... QE 4, 5, 6?.. some alternate market liquidity injections?.. debt forgiveness/jubilee? There are many schemes/scams still undreamed of.

All you can do is keep prepping; water, food, guns/ammo, supplies and PM's.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:58 am
by Thogey
It seems like there is always some kind of financial crash when (just before) we change presidents.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:11 am
by blackrabbit
Yep, it is a great way to diffuse the anger of all the people who get shafted.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:36 pm
by Treetop
Hope no one minds that I want to take this in a bit different direction. a common theme points to how apathetic, fat, lazy, privileged etc etc the nation has become. all true. Heck even much of our disease currently stems from excess. All that said though, we are from hardy stock. a generation or two of living fat didnt change that entirely. When push comes to shove, no doubt many will fall, but many others will rise as well. I talk to people all over the planet in my field, lots of neat stuff all over the place dont get me wrong, but most innovation I see starts here. This says alot to me. Collectively speaking we might be able to be guided towards a stupid path like any other culture but we are not the types to lay down and die. There is no place Id rather live through what I expect will be a global economic reset. I dont say that lightly. american exceptionalism might not be the shape many portray it as, but there is some level of truth to it imo. We will not go silently into the night.

Im not sure I am as hopeful it will work as John but I will be there doing my best to help de centralized answers rise as we go through whatever it is the future brings.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:11 pm
by 68Camaro
Good point Zac - I agree with you in general there.

Re: here we go

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:09 pm
by johnbrickner
Treetop wrote:. . . Collectively speaking we might be able to be guided towards a stupid path like any other culture but we are not the types to lay down and die. There is no place Id rather live through what I expect will be a global economic reset. I dont say that lightly. american exceptionalism might not be the shape many portray it as, but there is some level of truth to it imo. We will not go silently into the night.

Im not sure I am as hopeful it will work as John but I will be there doing my best to help de centralized answers rise as we go through whatever it is the future brings.

Well said Zak with the exceptionalism. No doubt many will fall by the wayside but many are at their core and descendent from survivors. The kind that you can have it when you pry it from their cold dead fingers but don't stick such words on their bumper.

Did I sound hopeful? I'm going to have to go back and read it again. LOL, just kidding. But it is difficult to keep an optimistic view of the future. The problem for me is not so much accepting the fact that we have had it so well and that it became the norm because we are Empire, but that we are now an Empire in decline with it's associated hardships. Yea, still better off than the rest of the world but feeling like we've got it tough.

I've got more than one coach that refers to such behavior with our youthful athletes as the woosification of the species. As in "I swear the kids today have been woosified". Well it's not just the kids, I promise. They and their behavior are just a reflection of the society in decline.

But, back to work. More later possibly.

I guess in the universal scheme of things this is not a bad thing as the weak physically, mentally, emotionally, genetically, in heartiness, creativity, and survivability won't make it. A tougher environment makes stronger people. Shared hardship among a people increases cohesion among them.