So...I have been lurking here for awhile.....and have learned alot...but would like some advice/input on a couple of things:
1) Regarding copper appears I would have to "tie up" about $750 to get $150 worth of copper which has a "value" of about $ addition to the time and trouble to also appears that I could buy and have delivered $150 face of copper for between $240 to $270......I would still "control" the $450 copper value....and still have a nice unrealized profit. Seems like a no-brainer.....what am I missing?
2) Seems like silver has dried up....from the numbers I see your chances of finding any type of silver in rolls is between 0% and 2%....I just went to a local coin shop and picked up a roll for silver quarters for $ investment in time and money to acquire that amount of silver from rolls....Im not even sure I want to do the math. Am I missing anything here?
3) US Nickles look to hold the most promise...I can buy and hold....or if I want to sort for the "needles in the haystack".....but how long before I could expect to get $150 for a $100 box?....Looks like no risk.....but how long for the reward?
So I guess my main question is this....How would you allot spending $ an eye toward the future? As well as fun for today!
Thanks in advance for your input/advice