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Incerlik Air Base, Turkey

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:59 pm
by JJM
I know there are many Believers here, I would encourage everyone to review the fig tree prophecy contained in Matthew 24.

And note that we are dangerously close to losing control of a NATO base in Turkey, Incerlik, where we have a *whole* bunch of nuclear arms stored. Along with several thousand U.S. troops... Incirlik in Turkish literally means place of the fig or fig orchard.

Meanwhile, in Istanbul, Muslim prayers rang out from inside the Hagia Sophia today for the first time in nearly a century. A place that was once the largest Christian Church in the world, and was captured / converted into a Mosque ~500 years ago, before being "retired" and turned into a museum in the early 20th century.

Erdogan is making a play to revive and lead the Ottoman empire. I suspect we now know who the Anti-Christ is.

Bullish for metals? :lol:

(The last line seems pretty insignifcant at this moment in time actually, the best news is there is still time to repent....!) :clap:

Re: Incerlik Air Base, Turkey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:02 pm
by smalltimeopn
Yes, this is a potentially dangerous situation that is getting almost zero coverage in the mainstream news.

Re: Incerlik Air Base, Turkey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:46 pm
by beauanderos

ok so what's really weird (cue twilight zone music) is that when I went to Bing to research links... I found a pic of a huge blood moon. :shock:

Re: Incerlik Air Base, Turkey

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:43 pm
by 68Camaro
Don't like what's going on in Turkey at all; but not too concerned about the status of the US nukes.

Re: Incerlik Air Base, Turkey

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:38 am
by Cu Penny Hoarder
It's pretty obvious now that the coup was staged.

Re: Incerlik Air Base, Turkey

PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 1:52 am
by spacecase0
no power and no water and no flights out kind of tells you what they are planning
if turkey ends up with the nukes, then you know who the USA leaders support,
if turkey tries to take the nukes and get leveled over it, then that tells us what is going on as well
I am just waiting to see what direction it goes

Re: Incerlik Air Base, Turkey

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:18 pm
by JJM
Fortunately the power was turned on a few days later. It sounds like missions in/out had resumed prior to that however.

Unfortunately, the possibility of an "Iran Hostage" style crisis (on steroids) continues to develop...

As for whether it was staged or not, I don't think it really matters. The front sides of coups are rarely as important as the back sides.

I've seen what these lunatics can do with a simple 155mm arty shell, I hate to think what they could do with a few dozen B61's.

I hope all of our A10 warthogs on site are mission ready!