Shocked at silver premiums at local coin show
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:24 pm
I went to a local coin show yesterday and was shocked by the premiums dealers were asking for
One booth had 5% above spot for junk
One booth was asking 26x face and $1.90 each for war nickels
One booth was asking $37.50 each for Silver eagles
I found only one booth that was asking melt and picked up some Barber halves
I did score some $4 silver quarters and an $8 1964 silver half at one booth; he actually told me I got him on those; he said he thought he had went through and updated all the prices
One booth had 5% above spot for junk
One booth was asking 26x face and $1.90 each for war nickels
One booth was asking $37.50 each for Silver eagles
I found only one booth that was asking melt and picked up some Barber halves
I did score some $4 silver quarters and an $8 1964 silver half at one booth; he actually told me I got him on those; he said he thought he had went through and updated all the prices