Ready to start

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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Ready to start

Postby justj2k78 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:02 pm

Hey all,

I've decided that I'm ready to start building a position in Silver. After initially thinking I might sort halves, as I do pennies, I've decided that I will be a buyer in the world of Silver, and not a sorter.

I've found myself on, looking at what they have, but I really don't know where I ought to be doing my shopping. I'm going to be getting in VERY slowly, as that's all my finances will allow at the moment. ;)

What do you recommend? Eagles? Bars? Rounds? Bellybutton rings?

Any thoughts?
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Re: Ready to start

Postby DeanStockwell » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:40 pm

90% us junk silver. but wait awhile to buy. we are probably in the midst of a correction. also look at paper silver and mining stocks, better bang for your buck.
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Re: Ready to start

Postby justj2k78 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:54 pm

Any reason I would want 90% as opposed to .999%? I'm looking for physical silver, not so much stocks... I have enough of my portfolio in my 403(b) that I want to have something accessible in the event of the unthinkable.
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Re: Ready to start

Postby Treetop » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:03 pm

Everyone has a different opinion on what to buy. Some like the government issued rounds like maple leaves or american silver eagles. Both great but generally have pretty big premiums over the spot price. Then you have "junk" silver which in the states is 90 percent silver. Very recognizable, and many know its silver content well. you also have foreign junk silver, which sometimes you can find well below spot, but then you generally sell it below spot as well. There is also 40 percent american coins, (ike dollars and kennedy halves) and a few years they made nickles at 35 percent silver. Many people love those because you can get them well below spot.

Personally I like anything over 80 percent silver. i prefer having some in 90 percent junk silver, and also a good amount in .999 well known rounds government issued or not.

Im guessing your not after paper silver or mining stocks or you wouldnt of ended up here....

As to where to buy, there are lots of reputable companies. More then i could list. there is also ebay, and from time to time people get great deals there, if you really look.

truthfully though Id likely buy mine right here on real cent with someone who has a history of being honest. You can beat spot nearly every day here if you wanted to. not everyone would trust that, but there are many respectable folks here, its something to consider......
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Re: Ready to start

Postby Treetop » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:05 pm

I hadnt seen your reply when I posted.... I would of thought it strange someone showing up here asking advice predominantly on paper silver, not that many here don't do that as well. Many do.....
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Re: Ready to start

Postby Country » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:24 pm

I'd say you should consider dollar cost averging into the physical SILVER right away. Since you have none at this time, waiting for the next correction to end is NOT for you. You need some SILVER, and you need to start getting it now. I agree - start with the essentials and the basic stuff. That would include - 90% junk SILVER and ASEs. After you have some, then you can look for alternative forms of physical SILVER. When you start out, you want to obtain the stuff that can be easily bought and sold.

Look right here on RealCent for some good deals in 90%. Get it under spot SILVER when you are ready to buy. APMEX is gonna charge you retail and has a high shipping charge too. So, look around for the good deals.
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Re: Ready to start

Postby 999Ni » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:30 pm

As others have said, just buy 90% as much and as often as you can. Don't worry about what spot price is at that moment. It goes up, down, sideways all the time. Focus on building a small position first.
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Re: Ready to start

Postby justj2k78 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:32 pm

I think I like the idea of ASEs...but is .999% preferable to 90%, for our purposes, or is it just a matter of "silver is silver"? I'm going to have to almost literally DCA into it, as I don't have tons to spare at the moment. But I want to establish a decent position in silver, over time.
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Re: Ready to start

Postby Mossy » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:34 pm

Something to research, if you might head for Europe or the UK. It seems that the UK and EU taxes some coins and not the others. Maybe. Sometimes. Need to select which gold or silver coins to collect, in case a relocation is needed.

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Perhaps some of the EU and UK posters can comment?
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Re: Ready to start

Postby 999Ni » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:35 pm

90% you can get at spot price. .999 you will pay a premium. silver is silver.
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Re: Ready to start

Postby Pennybug » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:35 pm

Country wrote:I'd say you should consider dollar cost averging into the physical SILVER right away. Since you have none at this time, waiting for the next correction to end is NOT for you. You need some SILVER, and you need to start getting it now. I agree - start with the essentials and the basic stuff. That would include - 90% junk SILVER and ASEs. After you have some, then you can look for alternative forms of physical SILVER. When you start out, you want to obtain the stuff that can be easily bought and sold.

Look right here on RealCent for some good deals in 90%. Get it under spot SILVER when you are ready to buy. APMEX is gonna charge you retail and has a high shipping charge too. So, look around for the good deals.

This is how I operate (mostly). I decided to get involved in physical this past November. I started buying junk on e-bay and got some good deals. The good deals are starting to dry up there. I've picked up some GREAT deals on ASE's and junk on Craigslist within the past 2 months (15%+ under spot deals). The thing to do is to keep searching daily and when you see a good deal... GO FOR IT! ALL IN! I've been EXTREMELY pleased with my purchases and will continue to watch out for good deals (I missed one a few months back on C-List... $700 melt value of war nickels for $300... dang it!)... and don't think that these are scams either! I've gotten some deals like that already from there!). But as for the stuff to buy... yep... ASE and Junk... 100% for me right now! Also... as for the halves searching... I've searched around $1000 without ANY silver yet! I haven't quit (although I've taken a break) but it isn't that profitable for me. I've justified my time to be better used searching for Cu.

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Re: Ready to start

Postby beauanderos » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:19 pm

It makes a difference where you wil buy based on your budget. Not to be intrusive, but how much are you thinking about using as a dollar-cost-averaging amount? I wouldn't wait from month to month, I would buy weekly why silver is still available. If you can't afford $50 a week, then shipping will eat you alive. Go to your local coin shop for lesser amounts. Start now.
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Re: Ready to start

Postby justj2k78 » Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:59 pm

I can swing $50 a week - and as Beauanderos tells me to do, I'm "starting now". I'm looking!
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Re: Ready to start

Postby argent_pur » Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:17 pm

There is a place for mining stocks in your portfolio to leverage the price of silver, BUT you should have a core position in physical silver itself first (it sounds like you already know this). After all, miners come and go, but the silver they mine never will go to zero.

As far as where to buy, if you have a local coin shop, that's great! Many people like me, however, have to drive at least an hour to get to the nearest coin shop. One option for investors with a small budget is can buy as little as one ounce and store it in an online portfolio free of charge until you are ready to take delivery, so as not to get raped by shipping charges. They have a pretty good selection of .999 coins and bars as well as US 90%. Just another option for you. No, I don't work there :)
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Re: Ready to start

Postby Pennysaved » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:04 am

Your post said you decided to become a buyer vs a sorter for silver.

Just curious, what made you come to that decision?
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Re: Ready to start

Postby justj2k78 » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:29 pm

Pennysaved, the reason for being a buyer as opposed to a sorter boils down to time. I work fulltime, I'm married and have 3 year old and nearly 2 year old daughters. I play semi-pro football (not as cool it sounds). I hoard copper (not a lot by Realcent standards, maybe $60FV sorted a week, at this point) which takes a fair amount of my "down time". From what I read, silver makes pretty rare appearances these days in the wild, and the amount of money tied up to find the silver just isn't feasible for me at this point... don't get me wrong, I think it sounds like a good time, but I just don't have it in me. lol
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