by 68Camaro » Sun Sep 24, 2017 7:33 am
I agree RC is less active and less competitive at this point, but these things come and go in waves. At times the waves synchronize and they end up at lower lows.
RC was formed around a higher price of copper, which has since dropped and remains depressed. Because of the lowered price that market is nearly dead. Other base metals like nickel also dropped, and that adjacent activity has also declined. Many of us also had, or formed, interest in silver and gold - for different reasons - and that activity sustained the board for several years, but seems to have also waned for many, for the moment. Maybe that decreased interest, as noted above, indicates that a true low is here or approaching; time will tell.
I personally believe it's a great time to buy PMs and has been for several years and I continue to buy, though in a more selective way than in the past. I do see fewer significant accumulators here at RC than we had in the past. Some of those I know - and I can name many names - moved to BS. I personally don't like the BS environment as much so have stayed here, at least socially. I do have a BS account and if I needed to move metal and didn't get action here, I wouldn't feel any limitation about posting for sale on BS.
While many of the things I've done related to RC are not going to result in a financial windfall (or even break even in any foreseeable near-term, for copper or nickel), the learning opportunities - and lessons learned - have been priceless. Those have allowed me to attain, thanks to the collective wisdom shared by those on this board, what I would consider the equivalent of a PhD in base and precious metals, at a level that I would view as nearly impossible to obtain anywhere else.
So no regrets on any of it, and I will continue to participate as I have time.
(For some reason the KSA has never been my favorite thing, but that's just me. If activity is down there I'll leave those active to try to sort that out. I could see it being more interesting, but not sure what needs to change.)
To the original question, reasons for overall decreased interest, I would say that I haven't, but I understand that many have, and the top reasons are probably in these:
- long-term (multi-year) relative depression in metal prices
- metal bulls perpetually stirring expectations of a pending bull market that seemingly "never" comes
- cyclic changes in metal prices at relatively low levels, leading to expectation fatigue
- perception (I believe reality) of manipulation of metal prices
and I'll add this one
- long-term metal buyers refining their acquisition strategy and limiting their buying focus
I started this with a wave analogy. The corollary is that what goes down, comes up. The only question is the timing.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. George Orwell.
We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. Ayn Rand.