My daughter was visiting this weekend and brought along my 8 year old grandson. He has autism and has challenges interacting with other people. When I asked him what he wanted to do, he replied that he wanted to sort pennies. We found an open bank (Veterans Day) and were able to by a single box. I asked if they had any halves, and we were able to get 28 rolls.
We opened the box of pennies and they were all 2017-D zincs. He talked me into opening a roll and sending it through the Ryedale. He had fun watching them rotate through and spit out into the bucket. I asked if he want to help with the halves. Six rolls later I realized that we were having quite the conversation about 90% and 40% silver vs clad. He kept asking me how the coins could be plaid. We only found 2 NIFC but that was enough for him to go running to show his mom that we found two ‘not intended for surk-you-lation coins.’
I sort because it’s fun and I can interact with my grand kids!!
Why do you sort?